مكافأة الخيارات الثنائية - كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته للحصول على المكافأة الخاصة بك.
تقريبا جميع وسطاء الخيارات الثنائية تقدم مكافآت والترقيات الخاصة من أجل جذب المزيد والمزيد من العملاء. مكافأة عموما شيء جيد، ومع ذلك، لقد تعثرت عبر عدد كبير جدا من المبتدئين الذين لديهم انطباع خاطئ حول المكافآت التي قدمها السماسرة وبالتالي فقدان المال أو كان مجرد انطباع خاطئ حول الخيارات الثنائية بشكل عام، والسماسرة على وجه التحديد. يمكن للمرء أن يعتقد أن زيادة المكافأة كلما كان ذلك أفضل فرص واحد لتحقيق أرباح عالية. حسنا، هذا ليس صحيحا تماما حتى في هذه المادة الضخمة سوف تغطي جميع الأسئلة قد يكون لديك حول المكافآت والقيود ولكن أيضا المزايا التي تأتي معهم. الحصول على قبعات التفكير الخاصة بك على، والحصول على القهوة 'السبب كنت ستعمل يكون هنا لحظة؛)
ما هي مكافأة الخيارات الثنائية؟
المكافآت والترقيات الأخرى هي دفعة كبيرة للحصول على انك بدأته. على سبيل المثال، يمكن للمرء أن يستثمر 500 دولار من أجل الحصول على 500 دولار آخر من الوسيط، للحصول على رصيد حساب إجمالي قدره 1000 دولار (وهذا علاوة 100٪). أود أن أقول أن متوسط المكافأة هو حوالي 50٪ إلى 100٪. يقوم معظم الوسطاء بإيداع أموال المكافأة في حسابك مباشرة بعد إكمال مبلغ الإيداع الأولي. هذا هو دفعة كبيرة لحسابك، ولكن لا تحصل على حمل بعيدا لأنها ليست بسيطة كما يبدو.
في حال كانت هذه المقالة بيناريوبتيونستهاتسوك الأولى التي قرأت من أي وقت مضى، وربما كنت لم أر المقال مناقشة شروط وسيط وآثارها على التجار المحتملين والموجودين. بعد قراءة حول الخيارات الثنائية الخيارات مكافأة هنا العودة وقراءة تلك المادة الهامة منذ وسطاء الخيارات الثنائية أيضا تطبيق بعض القيود على المكافآت المقدمة. ويتمثل أحد القيود الهامة في سحب الأرباح.
مكافأة الخيارات الثنائية & # 8211؛ كيف يعمل فعلا؟
لنفترض أنني قررت فتح حساب باستخدام شيز بروكر. استثماري الأولي هو $ 250، وهناك مكافأة من 40٪، وذلك في الرياضيات بسيطة لدي 250 $ + 100 $ مكافأة جائزة ($ 250 * 40٪ = 100 $)، الذي يضيف إلى ما مجموعه 350 $ أن لدي الآن في حسابي. الآن ما يجب أن نفهمه جميعا هو أنه من أجل سحب وديعة والمكافأة أنا بحاجة إلى التجارة في المتوسط ما بين 20-30 مرة من حجم المكافأة، اعتمادا على وسيط معين أنا التداول مع. لهذا المثال، دعونا نفترض وسيط بلدي يتطلب من التجارة 20 أضعاف حجم المكافأة:
وبما أن المكافأة كانت 100 دولار، لا بد لي من مضاعفة ذلك بنسبة 20 حتى: $ 100 * 20 = 2000 $ (بما في ذلك الخسائر). في الأساس، هناك حاجة إلى حجم التداول الكلي من 2000 $ من أجل سحب كامل مبلغ الأرباح بالإضافة إلى جوائز المكافأة. في حال قررت سحب أموالي دون تلبية هذه المطالب، سيتم خصم مبلغ نسبي من الحساب أو في بعض الحالات الأخرى لن يسمح الوسيط بالانسحاب من دون الوفاء بهذه القيود. هذه القيود لا تعني أي شيء عن الغش الخيارات الثنائية. فهي في الواقع المبادئ التوجيهية الأساسية لجميع عوامل المكافأة التي يقدمها جميع وسطاء الخيارات الثنائية. من المهم جدا أن يقرأ المتداولون بعناية جميع الشروط والأحكام المتعلقة بقيود المكافآت الخاصة بالسماسرة وأن يتأكدوا من فهمهم لكل ما يتعلق بهذه القيود.
كيفية الحصول على مكافأة؟
إذا كنت هافن & # 8217؛ ر قدمت مكافأة من قبل الوسيط الخاص بك، وهو حالة متطرفة جدا، ببساطة أسأل مدير حسابك للحصول على مكافأة. لا تنسى أن تسأل عن قواعد الرهان وتأكد من اختيار وسيط موثوق به.
نصيحتي بشأن اختيار مكافأة.
نصيحتي لجميع التجار ليست لاحتضان الأسلحة المعانقة من مقدمي مكافأة كبيرة (أكثر من 35٪ هو مكافأة أكثر من اللازم في رأيي) والتمسك وسطاء الذين يقدمون مكافآت منخفضة ولكن حتى الآن لا تزال تقدم مبلغا كبيرا وفقا للإيداع الأولي. لتلخيص، مكافأة هو دائما دفعة كبيرة في البداية، ولكن لا يزال يجب أن يكون متناسبا مع الإيداع الأولي. النظر أكثر أهمية - لا تخافوا عليك أبدا تلبية الحد الأدنى من المطالب. المكافأة هناك لمساعدتك على البدء، ولكنها لا تغطي الخسائر الخاصة بك. استخدام المال الجائزة للتجارة بذكاء، قريبا جدا سوف تجد أن التداول مع حجم 1500 $ أو نحو ذلك هو في الواقع شهر واحد من التداول، وربما اثنين. استخدام المكافأة مع الرعاية يمكن أن تعزز حقا الأرباح الخاصة بك، ولكن بصراحة، وأود أن أسأل عن الحد الأدنى المكافأة من مدير حساب الوسيط الخاص بك (يمكنك أن أشكر لي في وقت لاحق!).
الآن بعد أن نعرف قليلا عن الميكانيكا وراء الخيارات الثنائية المكافآت، وحان الوقت للتعمق في أنواع المتاحة. نعم، وسطاء يغري لك مع العديد من المكافآت لذلك عليك أن تعرف ما تقدمه. وهذا يعني أننا ننتقل إلى الجزء التالي من هذه المادة ... وقال انها ستكون ستعمل لفترة طويلة.
أنواع المكافآت الخيارات الثنائية - كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته.
هناك أبدا نقص في وسطاء الخيارات الثنائية. في الواقع، وشبكة الإنترنت مليء المواقع والشركات التي نحثكم على إيداع معهم و "بدء الربح الآن" من التداول عبر الإنترنت الخيارات الثنائية. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى وسيط، وسوف تجد واحدة في أقل من دقيقة واحدة مع بحث جوجل بسيطة. ومع ذلك، فإن المشكلة الرئيسية هي عدم العثور على وسيط ولكن العثور على واحدة جيدة وموثوق بها. حسنا، هذا أصعب لتحقيق لأن معظمهم من الصور المرآة لبعضها البعض: نفس الميزات، نفس المواد التعليمية ... نفس كل شيء. وبما أن معظمها متشابه، فإنها تحاول تعويض هذا عن طريق أن تصبح أكثر جاذبية للعملاء مع استخدام مكافآت مختلفة. هناك مجموعة متنوعة من المكافآت هناك، مع كل من الفوائد والعيوب، ويحاول هذا المقال لشرح بعض الأنواع الأكثر شعبية من المكافآت الخيارات الثنائية. لذلك دعونا نرى كيف السماسرة إغراء لنا أو محاولة لمساعدتنا.
مكافأة ترحيبية أو مكافأة الإيداع الأولى.
هذا هو النوع الأكثر شيوعا من الخيارات الثنائية المكافأة وانها تقدمها تقريبا جميع وسطاء الخيارات الثنائية. من السهل أن نفهم: بمجرد أن يتم إيداع أول من قبل العميل، وسيط يضيف رأس مال إضافي لحساب التداول. هذا رأس المال الإضافي يمكن أن تصل إلى 100٪ من الإيداع الأول ولكن 30٪ - 50٪ هو أكثر شيوعا. ولكن ... هناك سلاسل المرفقة! العيب الرئيسي هو أنها عادة ما تحد من خيارات الانسحاب الخاص بك: من أجل سحب المكافأة، سيكون لديك للتداول حجم معين الذي هو عادة 30 أضعاف المكافأة. أن نكون صادقين، وهذا عادل جدا من جانبهم لأنه إذا لم يكن لهذا الحد، والناس سوف تودع فقط 1000 $، والحصول على إضافي 500 $ كمكافأة وسحب كل ذلك في اليوم التالي. بريستو ... مليونير لحظة! لذلك هذا الشرط على ما يرام ولكن معظم السماسرة تقيد قدرتك على سحب المال الخاص بك حتى تتاجر حجم المطلوبة. الآن هذا يبدو مريب! من الطبيعي أن يحاول الوسطاء حماية أموالهم، ولكن لماذا تبقي لي من سحب بلدي؟ دعونا نفترض أن العميل تلقى مكافأة ولكن يقرر تداول الخيارات الثنائية ليس له. الآن حتى لو كان على استعداد لاعطاء مكافأة مرة أخرى، لا يسمح له للحصول على أمواله ... هذا هو العيب الرئيسي من أي مكافأة ويجب عليك قراءة بعناية الشروط والأحكام الثنائية قبل قبول أي مكافآت.
مكافأة الإيداع التالية أو مكافأة الاستمرار.
ليس هناك اسم دقيق لهذا النوع من المكافأة ولكن في الأساس، كل الفضل التالية هي الفضل بعض المال الاضافي. لذلك إذا قرر التجار تقديم وديعة أخرى، فإنها سوف تتلقى أيضا نسبة من هذا الإيداع أو مبلغ ثابت، وهذا يتوقف على سياسة وسيط. هذه المكافأة هي أكثر ندرة من "مكافأة الترحيب" وشيء آخر أن نلاحظ هو أن التجار سوف تحصل على مبلغ أقل بكثير من واحد تلقى عندما قدمت أول إيداع.
لا إيداع مكافأة.
وسوف نتحدث عن هذا واحد بالتفصيل في وقت لاحق حتى هنا مجرد "مقطورة دعابة": لتلقي هذه المكافأة، التاجر فقط لفتح حساب وليس مطلوبا لإيداع - تماما كما يشير الاسم. انها نوع جديد نوعا ما من المكافأة ويأتي مع الكثير من السلاسل المرفقة (حجم التداول المطلوب للسحب هو عادة أعلى) وغالبا ما يتم تقديمها من خلال مواقع طرف ثالث. إضافة موقع ويب طرف ثالث إلى المعادلة يثير المزيد من الأسئلة المتعلقة موثوقية هذا الموقع الجديد والظروف أو شروط خفية. ومع ذلك، هناك عدد قليل من السماسرة الذين يقدمون مكافأة لا الإيداع أنفسهم ولكن هذا هو الاستثناء، وليس القاعدة (بينوا). وعادة ما تكون مكافأة الإيداع أقل بكثير من مكافأة الإيداع الأولى والتي يقدمها عدد أقل من الوسطاء.
في انتظار مكافأة.
هذا يشبه مكافأة الإيداع الأولى ولكن مع تطور: كنت لا تحصل عليه حتى يتم التوصل إلى حجم التداول معين (24Bulls - مكافأة شريط التقدم). بعض السماسرة تظهر شريط التقدم مكافأة حتى تعرف كم حجم لا يزال مطلوبا؛ وبمجرد الانتهاء من شريط، مكافأة غير مقفلة ويصبح متاحا للتداول.
عروض مكافأة محدودة الوقت.
من وقت لآخر، وسطاء لديهم الترقيات الخاصة. هذه ليست ثابتة، تختلف من وسيط إلى وسيط وتشمل ولكن لا تقتصر على الهدايا أو إمكانية للفوز بجوائز خاصة أو حتى نسبة مكافأة أعلى للادخار الأول الخاص بك. في كثير من الأحيان، سيحاول ممثلو الوسطاء أن يسارعوا إلى الإيداع قائلا إن العرض صالح "اليوم فقط" وتحتاج إلى فتح حسابك على الفور حتى لا تفوت الفرصة ولكن من تجربتي، وهذا النوع من العرض عادة ما يستمر أكثر من ذلك.
المكافآت الخاصة.
بعض السماسرة تقدم من المكافآت العادية التي غالبا ما تكون العروض محدودة الوقت أو حالات نادرة. على سبيل المثال، كانت خيارات المنطقة تحتوي على عرض وقت محدود يسمى "مضاعفة أرباحك". خلال فترة العرض، إذا قام المشارك ب 10 صفقات بمبالغ متساوية، فإن الوسيط سيضاعف الأرباح المحققة من الصفقات الناجحة. وسيط واحد يقدم أول خطر التجارة الحرة: التاجر يمكن الحصول على ماله مرة أخرى على التجارة الأولى إذا انتهت صلاحيتها من المال. تنطبق شروط خاصة على هذا النوع من المكافآت ونادرا ما ينظر إليها، كما ذكرت من قبل، ولكن إبقاء عينيك مفتوحة لأن المكافأة الخاصة القادمة قد تكون قاب قوسين أو أدنى.
مكافأة التعليمية.
هذه المكافأة لا يوجد لديه اتصال مباشر إلى المال. سوف تتلقى كتابا إلكترونيا مجانيا أو الوصول إلى ندوة على الويب عند إيداعك الأول. قلت أنه لا يوجد لديه اتصال مباشر بالمال لأنه من الواضح أنك لا تتلقى أي أموال ولكن إذا كانت المواد التعليمية الواردة جيدة، وسوف تجعلك المال في المستقبل.
إحالة مكافأة صديق.
يتم استلام مكافأة "إحالة صديق" عندما يقوم عميل حالي بإقناع شخص آخر بفتح حساب لدى الوسيط نفسه وتمويله. وهناك شرط شائع هو أن كلا التجار فتح واحد على الأقل التجارة على منصة ولكن كما تعلمون، جميع العلاوات تأتي مع الكثير من السلاسل الأخرى المرفقة لذلك أوصي عليك قراءة سياسات إحالة صديق تماما. أيضا، النظر في شيء آخر: إذا كان وسيط كنت تشير صديقك ليست 100٪ جديرة بالثقة وموثوق بها، سوف رمي صديقك في حفرة الأسود، مع العلم أنه أو أنها سوف تحصل على خدع أو خدع في استثمار المزيد من المال مع سيئة وسيط؟ هممم، لن أفعل ذلك ...
منافسات التداول.
مسابقات التداول ليست مكافآت بالضبط لأن لديك للتجارة بشكل جيد من أجل الحصول على الجائزة، ولكن سوف قائمة لهم كمكافأة لأن في كثير من الأحيان التاجر لا المخاطرة بأمواله الخاصة. بدلا من ذلك، يتم استخدام الأموال الافتراضية وفي نهاية المسابقة تاجر أعلى مرتبة (أو أول 3) يحصل عادة على جائزة المال (أو الهدايا، اعتمادا على وسيط الذي ينظم المسابقة). بعض المسابقات تتطلب من المتداول استخدام حسابه الحقيقي، وفي نهاية فترة المسابقة، يحصل الفائز على الجائزة على رأس أرباحه من التداول.
مكافآت كبار الشخصيات.
تجار العادية مثلنا لا يمكن أن تتلقى مثل هذه المكافأة لأنها تتطلب إيداع الأول ضخمة: فوق 100K. ولكن الرجل الغني محظوظ الذين ودائع مثل هذا المبلغ سوف تتلقى مساعدة في الحصول على تذاكر لحضور بيعها، ومساعد شخصي على الانترنت للرد على دعواته، طلب الهدايا على الانترنت، وغيرها من الامتيازات. لقد رأيت فقط هذا النوع من المكافأة مرة واحدة وأنا لا تجد حقا أنه من المفيد بسبب الودائع هائلة اللازمة.
مكافأة مجانية، لا الإيداع المطلوبة؟
اسمحوا لي أن وضع هذا الحق مباشرة من البداية: ليس هناك شيء مثل هدية مجانية في هذه الصناعة. إذا كنت قد عرضت مكافأة غير إيداع، يجب أن تدرك أنه من أجل سحب المكافأة والأرباح الخاصة بك قد تحتاج إلى إيداع المزيد من الرصيد في حسابك والامتثال لقواعد الرهان. كما تحدثنا أعلاه، فإن معظم وسطاء الخيارات الثنائية يقدمون نوعا من المكافأة مع أول إيداع. هذا من المفترض أن تحلية الصفقة، لكنه عادة ما يأتي مع سلسلة لزجة المرفقة. الآن بعض السماسرة تقدم مكافأة مجانية. معرفة ما هذا فخ العسل يعني بالنسبة لك والتداول الخاص بك.
الحصول على مكافأة مجانية الخيارات الثنائية، لا الإيداع المطلوبة!
بعض السماسرة يستخدمون هذا الطعم الجديد لإغراء المتداولين في الطية. كما رأينا في الجزء الأول من هذه المقالة، والمكافآت العادية (تلك التي تحصل عند إيداع الأموال) تأتي مع قيود تجارية سخيفة والحد الأدنى من أحجام التداول، يمكنك أن تتخيل ما قد يستغرق للحصول على مكافأة "الحرة" في الواقع واضحة في حسابك؟ قد يطلقون عليه أيضا حساب تجريبي. بحلول الوقت الذي تتداول بما فيه الكفاية لكسب المال يمكن أن يكون متقاعدا من التداول المال الحقيقي الخاص بك. وعادة ما تأتي مكافأة الإيداع العادية، التي تتم على أساس مطحنة، مع الحد الأدنى لحجم التداول الذي يعادل 20 أو 30 مرة من إجمالي الرصيد الأصلي والمكافأة. لقد رأيت بعض منخفضة تصل إلى 15 وغيرها تصل إلى 50 اعتمادا على حجم المكافأة وحجم الحساب. كنت متفرجا تماما عندما بدأت التحقق من هذه المكافآت "الحرة" المفترض.
ماذا تحصل مع مكافأة مجانية.
على سبيل المثال، سوف أستخدم وسيطا يسمى بينوا (أيضا، مثال جيد على وسيط ظلل. هناك العديد من الآخرين، ولكن هذا هو وسيط كنت قد استعرضت قبل واحد الذي لا يزال يقبل التجار الولايات المتحدة، حتى لو كان على أساس محدود. أنها تقدم مكافأة مجانية 50 $ فقط لفتح حساب. هذا شيء عظيم، ولكن ماذا $ 50 حقا تحصل؟ أولا، عند قراءة شروط الاستخدام، سترى بيانا يقول أنه يجب عليك إجراء "إيداع واحد على الأقل قبل إجراء الانسحاب". وهذا يعني أنه حتى لو تبين أن المال مجانا لتكون حرة لا يزال لديك لجعل وديعة قبل أن تتمكن من الحصول عليه. الآن، من أجل إجراء الانسحاب يجب عليك أيضا التجارة ما لا يقل عن 20 أضعاف الودائع الأصلية بالإضافة إلى أي مكافآت. قد تشمل جميع عمليات السحب أيضا رسوم بقيمة 35 دولار أمريكي. لا يوجد أي ذكر لسحب حر واحد أو سحب مجاني مع حسابات عالية المستوى، فقط 35 دولارا لكل انسحاب.
هو مكافأة مجانية يستحق ذلك؟
ليس صحيحا. على الأقل ليس في رأيي. فكر في الأمر. انها مجرد 50 $. حتى إذا قمت بإجراء الحد الأدنى للإيداع، والتي، مع هذا الوسيط يختلف وفقا لطريقة، (ولكن هو حوالي 50 $ إلى 100 $)، سيكون لديك لجعل الكثير من الصفقات للحصول عليه. حساب 100 $ (الحد الأدنى + 50 $ مجانا) أن تتداول $ 2000 قبل أن تتمكن من الحصول على المال فعلا. وعندما تريد الانسحاب، وفقا لسياسات الانسحاب من بينوا، وسوف يستغرق ما يصل الى 45 يوما للحصول عليه. لذلك هو يستحق كل هذا العناء؟ فعلا؟ أعني، ربما إذا كنت تستخدم الحساب كحساب ممارسة، ولكن في هذه الحالة ربما كنت سوف تكون جعل أصغر الصفقات ممكن. الصفقات الصغيرة تعني المزيد من الصفقات، إذا عدت 30٪ في الشهر على الحساب الكلي يمكن أن يستغرق أكثر من عام لتصل إلى 20 أضعاف حجم التداول المطلوب للحصول على المكافأة!
يمكننا خدعة الوسطاء أيضا.
حسنا ربما. إذا كنت جيدة حقا ويمكن أن تجعل العديد من الصفقات الكبيرة في صف واحد دون أن تفقد يمكنك الحصول على المال مجانا. إذا كنت تتداول 100 دولار في 100٪ في كل مرة، وعودة متوسط الموقع من 70٪ في كل مرة، وسوف تصل إلى الحد الأدنى لحجم في ستة صفقات فقط. ستة صفقات لا يبدو مثل الكثير، ولكن متى كانت آخر مرة كان لديك ستة الصفقات قريبة في المال على التوالي؟ متى كانت آخر مرة فعلت ذلك بانتظام؟ فمن الممكن، ولكن في هذا السيناريو، فإنه يأخذ فقط التجارة واحدة لتفقد الحساب بأكمله ومن ثم من يحصل على 50 $ مجانا؟ (تلميح: ليس أنت).
نأمل بعد الكثير من يابينغ من جهتي، الآن كنت على دراية جميلة مع المكافآت الخيارات الثنائية وكيفية عملها. ولكن ما هو بيت القصيد، والاستنتاج؟ هل تحتاج حقا أن مكافأة التداول أم لا؟ وهنا الجزء الأخير من هذه الوحش المادة حيث سيتم الرد على هذا السؤال في نهاية المطاف:
بعض الأسباب لماذا أنت حقا لا تريد أن مكافأة التداول.
المكافآت هي قضية متنازع عليها بشدة. بعض السماسرة لديهم، وبعض الوسطاء لا. بعض السماسرة استخدامها مثل سلاح والبعض الآخر ببساطة تقدم لهم شيئا قليلا اضافية. مهما كانت هناك بعض الأسباب التي قد لا تريد حقا أن تأخذ واحدة. وأنا أعلم أنه من الجاذبية بفظاعة ليتم تقديمها $ 100 إضافية، أو 50٪ أو 100٪ من الودائع الخاصة بك ولكن عليك أن تكون على بينة من عدد قليل من الأشياء أولا. كما قلنا هنا على بوتس مرارا وتكرارا، مجانا حقا ليست حرة، وخصوصا عندما يتعلق الأمر بالخيارات الثنائية. عليك أن تفهم أن هناك سببا في تقديم السماسرة مكافآت وليس لأنها أحبك، حسنا، ليس بالضبط؛ انهم مثلك لإيداع المال الخاص بك ومن ثم ترك الأمر هناك. سيكون أفضل السماسرة مكافأة، ولكن سيكون لديك لقبول ذلك أو طلب ذلك. أسوأ سوف تضيفه تلقائيا مع وسطاء متوسط يسقط في مكان ما بين.
أول شيء تحتاج إلى أن تكون على بينة من أن جميع العلاوات تأتي مع حجم التداول الحد الأدنى الذي يجب أن تصل قبل المال مكافأة هو حقا لك.
وهذا هو افتراض أن المكافأة مؤهلة أبدا للانسحاب لأنهم جميعا ليسوا كذلك. حجم التداول هو مبلغ من التداول المتولدة عن حسابك يساوي مبلغ محدد مسبقا. هذا عادة ما يكون في حدود 15 إلى 50 مرة من الإيداع الأصلي أو رصيد الحساب + المكافأة. هذا الرقم هو مبلغ من المال يجب أن خطر، وليس كم لديك للفوز. إذا قمت بإيداع 100 $، والحصول على مكافأة مباراة نقدية 100٪ و 30 مرات إيداع + مكافأة الحد الأدنى سيكون لديك لجعل $ 6،000 في الصفقات. إذا كنت لاستخدام إدارة الأموال السليمة في التداول الخاص بك وليس مقامرة مبالغ كبيرة قد تضطر إلى جعل ما يصل الى 800 الصفقات أو أكثر فقط لتلبية الحد الأدنى. أنا لا أعرف عنك ولكن أنا لا التجارة مع الكثير من التردد. أنا قد جعل 6 أو 7 الصفقات في الأسبوع، وهذا يتوقف على الظروف مما يعني أنه يمكن أن يستغرق لي أكثر من عامين للوصول إلى الحد الأدنى لحجم التداول! هذا هو السبب الوحيد لماذا المكافآت قد تقودك لجعل الصفقات محفوفة بالمخاطر ولماذا السماسرة تريد منك أن تأخذ واحدة.
الآن، بالإضافة إلى الحد الأدنى للتجارة هناك أيضا تقييد الانسحاب.
وربما كان هذا هو السبب الأول لماذا السماسرة تريد منك أن تأخذ مكافأة. يجعلك تترك أموالك في الحساب بحيث يكون لديك لتلبية الحد الأدنى. وأنا أفهم أنه يجب أن يكون هناك بعض القيود، وأنها لن تعطي مجرد المال بعيدا، وإنما هو شيء أن بعض السماسرة استخدام لمصلحتهم. هذه هي الطريقة التي يعمل بها؛ لا يمكنك إجراء الانسحاب حتى تلبي الحد الأدنى للتجارة. وهذا يشمل أموالك، وأموال المكافأة، وجميع الأرباح الناتجة عن حسابك. في الواقع، فإن معظم السماسرة إلغاء المكافأة تلقائيا إذا كنت حتى محاولة لسحب الأموال مسبقا. إن الوسطاء الخاضعين لنظام سيسيك أفضل بكثير عن سياسات المكافآت والسحب. على الأقل تسمح لك بسحب جزء من مديرك والمكاسب على أساس يومي كما كنت تلبية مستويات معينة من الحد الأدنى من المتطلبات.
حيث يحصل الوضع لزجة حقا، وليس بطريقة جيدة، هو عندما تأخذ أكثر من مكافأة واحدة. وهذا قد يعني أنك لن تكون قادرة على أي وقت مضى لجعل الانسحاب. وهذا يعني أنه سيكون لديك لمسح واحد، ولكن اثنين، ومتطلبات المكافأة وأنها لا تجتمع في وقت واحد. سيكون لديك أولا لمسح واحد، ومن ثم الآخر. ودعونا لا ندخل عند اتخاذ مكافأة على المال مكافأة. الوسطاء، حتى واحد جيد، ويمكن استخدام هذه الحقيقة كتكتيك للحفاظ على النقدية الخاصة بك. تقديم المكافآت في كثير من الأحيان ولأسباب كثيرة قد تفقد الوعي الكامل عن عدد كنت قد اتخذت فعلا. وكل هذا لا حتى النظر في كمية الرسائل البريد المزعج والمكالمات الهاتفية التي سوف تتلقى من ممثل حسابك. أنت تعرف المثل القديم "لا تغذي ضالة"؟ انها حول لسبب ما. وبمجرد أن تأخذ مكافأة، وخاصة إذا كنت تأخذ مكافأة إضافية، وسوف يكون المتهور من قبل وسيط الخاص بك كل فرصة يمكن أن تجد.
فمن السهل أن نرى لماذا المكافآت يمكن مص.
أنا متأكد من الآن يمكنك فهم لماذا لا أحب أن يوصي مكافآت كبيرة. هناك حجج لتأثير أنها يمكن أن تعزز عوائد الخاص بك، وتحسين إدارة أموالك وجيدة للمودعين منخفضة وهذا صحيح. ولكن عليك أن تعرف ما كنت تحصل في قبل أن تأخذ واحدة أو سوف تكون مفاجأة بشدة عندما كنت في محاولة لجعل الانسحاب. مكافأة 50٪ كحد أقصى هو لدينا بيت القصيد. للحصول على المكافأة الخاصة بك ببساطة تسجيل في واحدة من وسطاء الموصى بها لدينا.
يا للعجب! الآن هذا كان طويلا، ولكن بالنظر إلى أن الكثير من المشاكل يحدث لأن الناس لا يفهمون كيف يعمل مكافأة الخيارات الثنائية، وأعتقد أنه كان من الضروري أن تجلب لك مقال رئيسي يتحدث عن جميع الجوانب الرئيسية، مخاطر ومزايا هذه الميزة الهامة. الآن أنت تعرف!
تذكر هناك & # 8217؛ ق لا شيء مثل هدية مجانية!
هذا مقالة رائعة. شخصيا لقد استخدمت المكافأة وأنت تعرف ما حدث. وسيط يمنحك مكافأة كبيرة جذابة. الآن لديك لوضع الكثير من الصفقات لأنه لا يمكنك سحب وفي نهاية المطاف تخسر كل رصيد الحساب لك.
اعتدت على محاولة لا إيداع مكافأة. و كومباني هو كتوبتيون. أنا خلقت أكوت جديدة و y تعطيني 30 $ لا إيداع مكافأة. وأنتقل إلى 150000 في ليلة واحدة. ولكن عندما أسأل ما إذا كان يمكنني سحب قال لي تاهت المال في حسابي هو حساب تجريبي. إذا، هل يمكن لأحد مساعدتي ؟؟ هو مكافأة لا إيداع، مكافأة أو مجرد المال التجريبي؟ يرجى أي واحد مساعدتي .
مادة لطيفة جدا، وأنا واحد أن تقع في هذا الفخ. في العام الماضي أودعت $ 15،000 في شركة اسمها بنري ثم محاولة الانسحاب وأنها تريد مني أن التجارة أكثر وأكثر. لذلك انتهى بي الأمر بفقدان الكثير من الأموال في النهاية. أخذني أشهر، وأنا خرجت مع خسارة في النهاية.
كما يقول المقال، هناك 95٪ وسطاء مع هذه الشروط مكافأة الانسحاب. كنت أبحث عن شركة من دون هذه الشروط، استغرق مني بعض الوقت ولكن وجدت منصة الخيارات الثنائية صادقة مع خدمة جيدة والأهم من ذلك & # 8211؛ ليس لديهم حدود انسحاب!
هذا عظيم! خصوصا إذا كنت تبدأ مع $ 20،000 أو $ 10،000 الاستثمار أنها سوف تعطيك إشارات سمز الحية وأيضا مكافأة ترحيب (15٪ -30٪) مجانا! انها تساعد حقا، حتى الآن أنا & # 8217؛ لقد كان معهم شهرين، وأنا بالفعل سحب 10٪ في الأرباح دون أي مشكلة. ويسمى الموقع كفكوبتيون. أود أن أوصي كل واحد منكم أن تحاول ذلك بنفسك وأنه من المهم جدا بالنسبة لي أن أخبركم من وساطة كبيرة لمساعدتك على فهم السوق. آمل أن تجد هذه المعلومات مفيدة.
كنت جديدا على الخيار الثنائي. أنا تعثرت في إنتيراكتيفوبتيونس وفتح حساب مع 250 $. بطريقة ما المدير المالي كوكسد لي للترقية إلى حساب الذهب (أودعت آخر 5000 $) بعد الوعد ل هلبم، دليل لي، وتوفير إشارات كل يوم الخ لقد أعطيت مكافأة من 1600 $ مما يجعل رأسمالي بدأت من 6850 $. بعد أن أدركت بعض الوقت أن الإشارات كانت أقل من 50٪ ناجحة بدأت التجارة كمية صغيرة، وفي نهاية المطاف إشارات توقف القادمة، ولا بد لي من الاعتماد استراتيجيات نظرت في أنبوب لك.
وقد بلغ رصيدي الحالي 5840 دولارا. الآن سؤالي هو هل يمكنني أن أعطي مكافأة وسحب رصيد إيداع بلدي. حتى الآن حجم التجارة بلدي حوالي 7000 $.
سيد المهندس، أنا لا سوف تكون قادرة على العودة مكافأة وسحب أموالك، والاستمرار في التجارة ط التجارة الصغيرة ولكن آمنة وقطع الخسارة، وتلبية حجم دقيقة وتشغيل للحياة.
كنت محظوظا لك مبلغ رأس المال لا يزال سليما، كان الألغام & # 8220؛ كون & # 8221؛ قبالة تماما!
مرحبا كل شيء، أنا & # 8217؛ م جديدة للغاية لهذه الخيارات التجارية الثنائية، وفتحت حسابا لاختبار السوق فقط، ولكن قبل أن كان حتى كان قد بذلت محاولة 3 الذهاب على بلدي بطاقة بيت للحصول على المال من الصين لا أقل و أعيش في المملكة المتحدة، لحسن الحظ كان البنك على الكرة وتوقفت كما كان جيدا من الطابع لبطاقتي خاصة كما كان في الصين !! وكانت الشركة أوبيناري، وكان على الهاتف معهم معهم على مدى 40 دقيقة البطارية كان يعمل منخفضة حتى أعطيت تفاصيل بطاقتي، أبدا مرة أخرى & # 8230؛. وأيضا بعد قراءة جميع الاستعراضات المختلفة هنا عن بدب أنا دون & # 8217؛ ر يكون الكرات لمحاولة مرة أخرى، ويبدو أن الاستعراضات الجيدة أن تكون جيدة إذا يا تعرف ما أعنيه، أي توصيات حول التداول بهذه الطريقة مع الشركة التي تفعل فقط ما تقول على القصدير .. أديس؟
شكرا مارتن لهذه المادة مفيدة جدا! سقطت في مثل هذا فخ على الرغم من سألتهم ما هو الصيد للحصول على مكافأة كانوا يعطي. وقالوا لا كاتش ولكن فقط لتعلم في وقت لاحق أنه كان في الواقع الصيد الكبير!
أنا & # 8217؛ لقد تم القبض عليها أيضا. وسيط I & # 8217؛ م مع يتوقع منك أن تسليم 50X مهما كان مبلغ المكافأة هو؛ أن & # 8217؛ ق ما يقرب من 250k $ بالنسبة لي. ولا بد لي من القيام بذلك قبل أن أتمكن من الانسحاب على الإطلاق. لم يكن لدى المتداول الأصلي أي فكرة وكان يتداول على إشارات كانت دقيقة بنسبة 50٪ في أحسن الأحوال. وهذا يعني أنها فقدت & غ؛ 50٪. إذا كنت تتورط مع تداول الخيارات الثنائية، دون & # 8217؛ T قبول مكافأة. إذا وضعوا مكافأة على حسابك، فاحرصهم على إزالتها. أنت ببساطة لا & # 8217؛ ر تريد المكافآت. هم هناك لمساعدة الوسيط، الذي يجعل حوالي 1٪ على كل صفقة (صعودا أو هبوطا) & # 8211؛ حتى لا تفقد & # 8217؛ أنت تفعل.
تذهب في عينيك مفتوحة على مصراعيها. تبدأ صغيرة. حاول أن تفهم كيف يتحرك السوق مع الأصول التي اخترتها. إذا كان لديك ل، وجعل الصفقات الصغيرة لتبدأ. دون & # 8217؛ T قبول أي مساعدة مالية من الوسطاء. استخدام المال الخاص بك وتكون حذرا جدا. السوق متقلبة للغاية، وعلى هذا النحو، فإن أي تجارة من المرجح أن تكون مقامرة. لا تكون واثقا جدا. إقرأ كثيرا. الحصول على المشورة الجيدة واتخاذ القرارات الخاصة بك.
أرجو أن تسمحوا لنا 24-72 ساعة لمراجعة تعليقك.
نحن نحتفظ بالحق في تقرير أي تعليق سيتم نشره.
للاستفسار عن الوسطاء - يرجى استخدام المنتديات لدينا.
للشكاوى التفصيلية - يرجى استخدام نظام الشكاوى لدينا على الصفحة الرئيسية.
الية الدفع.
1. سياسة الدفع.
الشركة مسؤولة ماليا عن رصيد حساب العميل في أي لحظة. وتبدأ المسؤولية المالية للشركة بالسجل الأول عن إيداع العميل وتستمر في السحب الكامل للأموال. يحق للعميل أن يطلب من الشركة أي مبلغ من الأموال المتاحة في حسابه في وقت التحقيق. والطرق الرسمية الوحيدة للإيداع / السحب هي الطرق التي تظهر على الموقع الرسمي للشركة. يتحمل العميل جميع المخاطر المتعلقة باستخدام طرق الدفع ما لم يتم توفير طرق الدفع هذه من قبل شركاء الشركة أو من مسؤولية الشركة. الشركة ليست مسؤولة عن أي تأخير أو إلغاء المعاملات المالية التي قد تكون ناجمة عن نظام الدفع المحدد. في حال كان العميل لديه أي مطالبات تتعلق بأي من أنظمة الدفع، فمن مسؤوليتهم في الاتصال بخدمة الدعم من نظام الدفع وإخطار الشركة من مطالباتهم. لن تكون الشركة مسؤولة عن أنشطة أي طرف ثالث مزود الخدمة التي يمكن للعميل استخدامها من أجل إجراء أي إيداع / الانسحاب. تبدأ المسؤولية المالية للشركة عن أموال العميل عندما تصل الأموال إلى الحساب المصرفي للشركة أو أي حساب آخر يتعلق بالشركة وهذه الحقيقة تظهر على صفحة طرق الدفع في الموقع. في حالة ظهور أي احتيال خلال المعاملة المالية أو بعدها، تحتفظ الشركة بالحق في إلغاء المعاملة وتجميد حساب العميل.
وتنتهي مسؤولية الشركة عن أموال العميل عندما تترك الأموال حساب الشركة المصرفي أو أي حساب آخر يتعلق بالشركة، وهذه الحقيقة تظهر على صفحة طرق الدفع في الموقع. في حالة وجود أي أخطاء فنية قد تظهر عند معالجة المعاملة المالية، تحتفظ الشركة بالحق في إلغاء تلك المعاملة وجميع الأنشطة المالية الأخرى للعميل على الموقع الإلكتروني للشركة.
2. تسجيل العميل.
ويستند إجراء تسجيل العميل على خطوتين رئيسيتين: تسجيل العميل للعميل. التحقق من هوية العميل.
لإكمال الخطوة الأولى، يجب على العميل: تزويد الشركة بهويتهم الحقيقية وتفاصيل الاتصال بهم. قبول اتفاقية الشركة وتقديم طلب. لاستكمال الخطوة الثانية، يجب على العميل: تقديم نسخة كاملة من بطاقة الهوية الخاصة بهم مع صورة وتفاصيل شخصية.
تحتفظ الشركة بالحق في الطلب من العميل وثائق أخرى، مثل دفع الفواتير، وتأكيد البنك، ومسح البطاقات المصرفية أو أي وثيقة أخرى قد تكون ضرورية أثناء عملية التحقق. يجب أن تكتمل عملية تحديد الهوية في 10 أيام عمل منذ طلب الشركة لتحديد العميل. في بعض الحالات، قد تقوم الشركة بزيادة عملية تحديد الهوية حتى 30 يوم عمل.
3. إجراءات الإيداع.
لتقديم وديعة، يجب على العميل إجراء تحقيق من ملفه الشخصي. لاستكمال التحقيق، يجب على العميل اختيار أي من طرق الدفع من القائمة، وملء جميع التفاصيل المطلوبة والانتقال إلى صفحة الدفع.
يعتمد وقت معالجة التحقيق على طريقة الدفع المحددة وقد يختلف من طريقة إلى أخرى. لا يمكن للشركة تنظيم وقت المعالجة. في حالة استخدام وسائل الدفع الإلكترونية، ووقت المعاملة يمكن أن تختلف من ثوان إلى أيام. في حالة استخدام الأسلاك المصرفية مباشرة، يمكن أن يكون وقت الصفقة تصل إلى 45 أيام عمل.
الشركة ليست وكيل ضريبي وبالتالي لا تقدم معلومات مالية عن العميل إلى أي طرف ثالث. ولا يجوز الكشف عن هذه المعلومات ما لم تطلب السلطات الحكومية ذلك رسميا.
5. بنقرة واحدة المدفوعات.
أنت توافق على دفع ثمن جميع السلع و / أو الخدمات أو غيرها من الخدمات الإضافية التي طلبتها على الموقع، فضلا عن أي نفقات إضافية (إن وجدت)، بما في ذلك، ولكن ليس على سبيل الحصر، جميع الضرائب الممكنة، والرسوم، وما إلى ذلك كنت تحمل المسؤولية الكاملة عن المدفوعات في الوقت المناسب على الموقع. يقوم مزود خدمة الدفع بتسهيل الدفعات للمبالغ المشار إليها في الموقع فقط، وهو غير مسؤول عن دفع أي رسوم / مصاريف إضافية من قبل مستخدم الموقع الإلكتروني. بعد النقر على زر "الدفع"، تعتبر المعاملة معالجة لا رجعة فيها وتنفيذها. بعد النقر على الزر "الدفع"، فإنك توافق على أنك لن تكون مؤهلا لإلغاء الدفعة أو طلب إلغاؤها. من خلال وضع الطلب على الموقع الإلكتروني، فإنك تؤكد وتذكر أنك لا تنتهك قوانين أي بلد. أيضا، من خلال قبول هذه اللوائح (و / أو الشروط والأحكام)، فإنك، بصفتك حامل البطاقة، تؤكد أن لك الحق في استخدام الخدمات المقدمة على الموقع. عند استخدام خدمات الموقع الإلكتروني، فإنك تقوم بإصدار إعلان ملزم قانونا بأنك قد بلغت أو تجاوزت السن القانونية التي تعتبرها هذه الولاية من اختصاصك لاستخدام الخدمات المقدمة على الموقع الإلكتروني. من خلال البدء في استخدام خدمات الموقع الإلكتروني، بما في ذلك الخدمات ذات الطبيعة المحددة، تتحمل المسؤولية القانونية عن انتهاك تشريعات أي بلد يتم فيه استخدام هذه الخدمات وتأكيد أن مقدم خدمة الدفع غير مسؤول عن أي انتهاك غير قانوني أو غير مصرح به. بالموافقة على استخدام خدمات موقع الويب، فإنك تفهم وتقبل أن معالجة أي من دفعاتك يتم تنفيذها من قبل مزود خدمة الدفع وليس هناك حق قانوني لإلغاء البضائع التي تم شراؤها بالفعل و / أو الخدمات أو أي فرص أخرى لإلغاء الدفع . إذا كنت ترغب في رفض استخدام الخدمات لمشترياتك القادمة من السلع و / أو الخدمات أو غيرها من المرافق على الموقع، يمكنك القيام بذلك باستخدام حسابك الشخصي / الملف الشخصي على الموقع. مقدم خدمة الدفع غير مسؤول عن أي فشل في معالجة البيانات المتعلقة ببطاقة الدفع الخاصة بك، أو رفض البنك المصدر تقديم تفويض للدفع بواسطة بطاقة الدفع الخاصة بك. مقدم خدمة الدفع غير مسؤول عن جودة أو كمية أو سعر أو شروط أو شروط أي بضائع و / أو خدمات أو غيرها من التسهيلات المقدمة لك أو شراؤها من قبلك من الموقع باستخدام بطاقة الدفع الخاصة بك. عند الدفع مقابل أي من سلع و / أو خدمات الموقع الإلكتروني، فإنك ملزمة في المقام الأول بشروط وأحكام الموقع الإلكتروني. يرجى ملاحظة أن أنت وحدك، بصفتك حامل البطاقة، هي المسؤولة عن دفع جميع السلع و / أو الخدمات التي طلبتها على الموقع وأي مصاريف / رسوم إضافية يمكن تطبيقها على هذه الدفعة. يعمل مقدم خدمة الدفع فقط كمنفذ للدفع بالمبلغ المذكور على الموقع، وهو غير مسؤول عن التسعير، إجمالي الأسعار و / أو إجمالي المبالغ. في حالة وجود حالة عندما لا توافق على الشروط والأحكام و / أو أسباب أخرى، نطلب منك عدم المضي قدما في الدفع، وإذا لزم الأمر، الاتصال مباشرة فريق الإدارة / الدعم للموقع.
البنود و الظروف.
تم الدخول في هذه الاتفاقية بموجب هذه البنود & أمب؛ الشروط (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم "الاتفاق") تنظم العلاقة بين إيكوبتيون المحدودة، مع ريج. رقم 094224، والمسجلة في: البوابة العالمية 8، شارع دي لا بيرل، بروفيدنس، ماهي، سيشيل (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم "الشركة")، والمستخدم (كيان طبيعي أو قانوني) (ويشار إليها فيما يلي باسم " العميل ") من إكوبتيون (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم" الموقع ").
الحساب - يعني حساب مميز فريد مسجل باسم العميل والذي يحتوي على كافة معاملات العميل / عملياته على منصة التداول (كما هو موضح أدناه) للشركة.
اسأل - يعني السعر الأعلى في الاقتباس. السعر الذي يمكن للعميل شراءه.
عرض السعر - يعني السعر الأقل في عرض الأسعار. السعر الذي يمكن للعميل بيعه في.
عقد الخيار الرقمي - يعني نوع من الأدوات المشتقة حيث يحصل العميل على عائد إذا كان يتنبأ بشكل صحيح بتحركات سعر الأصل الأساسي وقت انتهاء صلاحية الخيار. يمكن التنبؤ بما إذا كانت قيمة الأصل الأساسي سوف تكون أعلى أو أقل من سعر الإضراب في وقت انتهاء الصلاحية.
التنفيذ - يعني تنفيذ أوامر العميل من قبل الشركة التي تعمل كوسيط و / أو تاجر متطابق، لصانع السوق وفقا لشروط هذه الاتفاقية.
وثائق كيك - تعني الوثائق التي سيقدمها العميل، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، نسخة من جواز السفر أو بطاقة الهوية وفواتير الخدمات الخاصة بالعميل.
صانع السوق - يعني أي كيان مرخص تعمل الشركة بصفته وسيطا و / أو ميسرا، لأغراض استلام وإرسال الطلبات المقدمة من قبل العميل، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر السيولة إكوبتيون المحدودة، وهي شركة مسجلة برقم 2314028 ومسجلة مكتب في مجمع 25 ميسون، ستوني الأرض، بو صندوق 193، الوادي، أنغيلا، الذي أبرمت معه الشركة اتفاقية لتوفير السيولة وخدمات صنع السوق التي تعمل بموجبها الشركة كوسيط قائم على العمولة نيابة عن شركة إيكوبتيون ليكيديتي المحدودة
العمليات - الإجراءات التي يتم تنفيذها في حساب العميل، بناء على طلب مقدم من العميل، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، إيداع الأموال، وإرجاع الأموال، وفتح وإغلاق المعاملات / الصفقات التجارية و / أو التي تتعلق بالأدوات المالية.
الأسعار: تعني الأسعار المعروضة للعميل لكل معاملة وأي معاملة، وتستند هذه الأسعار إلى أسعار السوق التي يقدمها صانع السوق، ويمكن تغييرها دون إشعار مسبق. حيثما كان ذلك مناسبا، فإن الأسعار التي يتم تقديمها من خلال منصة التداول تشمل سبرياد (كما هو موضح أدناه). الأسعار المحددة هي أسعار صانع السوق والشركة، كوسيط و / أو تاجر متطابق، على استعداد لتقديمه للعميل.
الخدمات - تعني الخدمات الموضحة في القسم 3 من هذه الاتفاقية.
الفرق - يعني الفرق بين سعر الشراء سعر الطلب وسعر البيع (سعر الفائدة) في نفس اللحظة. ولتجنب الشك، فإن الانتشار المحدد مسبقا هو لأغراض هذه العمولة المتضمنة في هذه الاتفاقية.
منصة التداول - يعني نظام إلكتروني على شبكة الإنترنت يتكون من جميع البرامج والتكنولوجيا التي تقدم علامات الاقتباس في الوقت الحقيقي، والسماح لوضع / تعديل / حذف أوامر وحساب جميع الالتزامات المتبادلة من العميل والشركة.
2 - موضوع الاتفاق.
يجب أن يكون موضوع الاتفاقية هو تقديم الخدمات للعميل من قبل الشركة بموجب الاتفاقية ومن خلال منصة التداول. توافق الشركة على تزويد العميل بالخدمات الخاضعة للعميل:
ألف - أن يكون سن الرشد وفقا للولاية القضائية التي يقيم فيها أو يقيم فيها، من اختصاص قانوني وعقل سليم.
ب - عدم الإقامة في أي بلد يكون توزيع أو تقديم المنتجات أو الخدمات المالية التي تقدمها الشركة مخالفا للقوانين أو اللوائح المحلية. وتقع على عاتق العميل مسؤولية التأكد من شروط أي قوانين أو لوائح محلية تخضع لها.
ج - عدم كونه مواطنا أو مقيما في الولايات القضائية التالية: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكندا وأستراليا وبلجيكا وإسرائيل وفلسطين واليابان والسودان وسوريا وإيران وكوريا الشمالية و / أو أي دولة من دول الاتحاد الأوروبي. سوف تقدم الشركة الخدمات للعميل وفقا لتقدير الشركة المطلق وفقا لأحكام هذه الاتفاقية. وفيما يتعلق بالزبائن من الاتحاد الروسي، تجدر الإشارة إلى ما يلي: تجنبا لأي شك، لم يبرم هذا الاتفاق في الاتحاد الروسي. يختتم هذا الاتفاق في جمهورية سيشيل وتنظم أحكام هذا الاتفاق بموجب المادة 10 من هذا الاتفاق. ويحظر على العميل، ولا يجوز، تحت أي ظرف من الظروف، تنفيذ أي معاملات / عمليات على منصة التداول أو الموقع الإلكتروني أو من خلال حسابه، مما يؤدي إلى تجاوز الرصيد الكلي و / أو مبلغ المال أودعت / حافظت مع حسابه / لها. وتعتبر هذه المبالغ المودعة قد تم تقديمها كضمان، إما في شكل رهن أو غير ذلك، إلى الشركة من قبل العميل الذي يتم بموجبه التزام العميل بدفع أي أموال للشركة. ويؤكد الطرفان أن الاتفاق لم يدخل في إطار تشريعات الاتحاد الروسي ووفقا له، ولكن ذلك لا يخل بحق الطرفين في التعاقد وفقا للفقرة 2 من المادة 421 من القانون المدني للاتحاد الروسي. الخدمات المقدمة للعميل من قبل الشركة لا تعتبر (1) خدمات الفوركس تاجر، بالمعنى المقصود في البند 4.1 من القانون الاتحادي للاتحاد الروسي "حول سوق الأمن" رقم 39-ف بتاريخ 22.04.1996 "و / أو" 2 "القمار و / أو الرهان بالمعنى الوارد في القانون الاتحادي للاتحاد الروسي رقم 244-ف" حول تنظيم الدولة للأنشطة المتعلقة بتنظيم وتنفيذ المقامرة وتنفيذ التغييرات في بعض الأعمال القانونية الاتحاد الروسي "المؤرخ 29 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2006.
3. خدمات الشركة.
الخدمات - الخدمات التي تقدمها الشركة للعميل من خلال منصة التداول للشركة، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر خدمات العملاء والتحليلات والأخبار والتسويق. تقوم الشركة بتسهيل تنفيذ الأنشطة التجارية / الأوامر و / أو معاملات العميل ولكن العميل يقر ويقر بموجبه بأن الشركة لن تقدم في أي وقت خدمات الثقة و / أو الاستشارات التجارية أو الخدمات الاستشارية للعميل. تقوم الشركة بمعالجة جميع المعاملات / عمليات العميل وفقا لشروط وأحكام هذه الاتفاقية وعلى أساس التنفيذ فقط. لا تقوم الشركة بإدارة حساب العميل أو إبلاغ العميل بأي شكل من الأشكال. تقوم الشركة بمعالجة الأوامر / المعاملات التي يطلبها العميل بموجب هذه الاتفاقية بصرف النظر عما إذا كانت هذه الأوامر / المعاملات قد تؤدي إلى عدم فائدة العميل. لا تتحمل الشركة أي التزام، ما لم يتفق على خلاف ذلك في هذه الاتفاقية و / أو غيرها من الوثائق / المعلومات على الموقع الإلكتروني، لمراقبة أو تقديم المشورة للعميل بشأن حالة أي معاملة / أمر، لإجراء مكالمات الهامش للعميل، أو لإغلاق من أي من المواقف المفتوحة للعميل. ما لم يتم الاتفاق على خلاف ذلك على وجه التحديد، فإن الشركة غير ملزمة بمعالجة أو محاولة معالجة أمر العميل / المعاملة باستخدام عروض أسعار أكثر ملاءمة من تلك المعروضة من خلال منصة التداول. ولتجنب أي شك، يلاحظ أن الشركة تعمل فقط كوسيط / وكيل على أساس التكليف، وبالتالي فإن جميع المعاملات التي يتم وضعها على منصة التداول للشركة سوف يتم إرسالها للتنفيذ إلى صانع السوق وفقا لأحكام الاتفاقية يتم وضعها فيما بينها وأي مخاطر السوق المرتبطة بالتنفيذ تقع على صانع السوق. لن تتحمل الشركة المسؤولية المالية عن أي عمليات يقوم بها العميل من خلال الحساب و / أو على منصة التداول. يكون كل عميل هو المستخدم الوحيد المصرح به لخدمات الشركة والحساب المقابل. يمنح العميل حقا حصريا وغير قابل للتنازل عن استخدام الحساب والوصول إليه ويكون من مسؤولياته التأكد من عدم وجود أي طرف ثالث، بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، لأي من الأقرباء و / أو الأعضاء من أسرته المباشرة، من الوصول إلى و / أو التجارة من خلال الحساب المخصص له. يكون العميل مسئولا عن جميع الأوامر المقدمة من خلال معلوماته الأمنية، وتعتبر أي أوامر تتلقاها الشركة بهذه الطريقة قد أعطيت من قبل العميل. وطالما أن أي طلب يتم تقديمه من خلال حساب العميل، فإن الشركة تفترض بشكل معقول أن هذه الطلبات يتم تقديمها من قبل العميل، ولن تكون الشركة ملزمة بأي تحقيق في المسألة. لن تكون الشركة مسؤولة و / أو لا تحتفظ بأي علاقات قانونية مع أي طرف ثالث بخلاف العميل. إذا كان العميل يتصرف نيابة عن أي طرف ثالث و / أو نيابة عن أي طرف ثالث، فإن الشركة لا تقبل هذا الشخص كعميل ولا تكون مسؤولة أمام هذا الشخص بغض النظر عما إذا كان هذا الشخص قد تم تحديده أم لا. يحق للعميل إلغاء طلبه المقدم مع الشركة في غضون 3 ثوان بعد التقديم (المشار إليه فيما يلي باسم "الإلغاء"). بعد ثلاث ثوان من لحظة تقديم الطلب مع الشركة من قبل العميل عن طريق منصة التداول، يجوز للشركة (ولكن ليس ملزما بذلك) عرض شراء الخيار من العميل ويكون للعميل الحق في قبول هذا العرض (يشار إليه فيما بعد ب "خيار الشراء"). يحق للعميل استخدام خيار الإلغاء أو الشراء وفقا للشروط المحددة على منصة التداول / الموقع الإلكتروني، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر أي رسوم تفرضها الشركة. وتلتزم الشركة بتقديم كافة المعلومات اللازمة عن شروط الإلغاء والتخفيض بما في ذلك أي تكاليف مطبقة وما إلى ذلك. ويقر العميل ويقبل ويوافق على أن توفير هذه المعلومات على منصة التداول كاف. يقر العميل ويقبل ويوافق على أن استخدام خيار الإلغاء أو الشراء ينطوي على مخاطر كبيرة للعميل، خاصة في حالة أن التكاليف المرتبطة بالإلغاء و / أو الشراء، تعتمد على حالة السوق. يقر العميل ويقبل ويوافق على أنه يتحمل جميع المخاطر المرتبطة باستخدام خيار الإلغاء و / أو الشراء. ويفهم العميل ويوافق عليه أنه يجوز للشركة من وقت لآخر، وفقا لتقديرها الخاص، استخدام طرف ثالث في الاحتفاظ بأموال العميل و / أو لغرض تلقي خدمات تنفيذ الدفع. وسوف يتم االحتفاظ بهذه األموال في حسابات منفصلة من األموال الذاتية لهذا الطرف الثالث ولن تؤثر على حقوق العميل في تلك األموال.
4. استقبال ونقل / التجارة الإلكترونية.
ويقبل العميل ويدرك أن جميع الطلبات الواردة يتم إرسالها للتنفيذ إلى صانع السوق وأنه بالنسبة لأي أوامر يتم تقديمها إلى الشركة، تكون الشركة بمثابة وكيل وليس كطرف رئيسي للتنفيذ. ولا يشكل قبول الأمر من قبل الشركة القبول والقبول إلا بتشكيل من أجل تنفيذ الأمر من قبل صانع السوق. وتتحمل الشركة، عند قبول الأمر، المسؤولية فقط عن تسليمها الواجب للتنفيذ إلى صانع السوق، مع القدرة على تنفيذ هذا الأمر. وتلتزم الشركة بإرسال أوامر العميل للتنفيذ من قبل صانع السوق بالتتابع وبسرعة. يقر العميل ويقبل أ) مخاطر الأخطاء أو التفسيرات الخاطئة في الأوامر المرسلة من خلال منصة التداول بسبب الفشل التقني أو الميكانيكي لهذه الوسائل الإلكترونية، ب) خطر أي تأخير أو مشاكل أخرى، فضلا عن ج) المخاطر التي فإن الأوامر قد يتم وضعها من قبل أشخاص غير مصرح لهم باستخدام و / أو الوصول إلى الحساب، ويوافق العميل على تعويض الشركة بالكامل عن أي خسارة تتكبدها نتيجة التصرف وفقا لهذه الأوامر. ويقبل العميل أنه خلال استقبال وإرسال أمره، لا تتحمل الشركة أية مسئولية عن محتواها و / أو هوية الشخص الذي يضع الطلب، إلا إذا كان هناك إهمال جسيم أو تقصير متعمد أو غش من قبل الشركة. يقر العميل بأن الشركة لن تقوم بإرسال أية طلبات إلى صانع السوق إذا كانت تلك الطلبات قد قدمت عن طريق استخدام وسائل إلكترونية غير الوسائل الإلكترونية المحددة سلفا، أي من خلال منصة التداول. ولا تتحمل الشركة أية مسؤولية تجاه العميل بسبب عدم إرسال هذه الأوامر إلى صانع السوق. لا تتحمل الشركة أية مسؤولية ولا تتحمل أية مسؤولية عن أي إجراءات أو تقصير من صانع السوق أو من أطراف ثالثة ولا تتحمل أية مسؤولية عن أي ضرر و / أو خسارة و / أو نفقات مباشرة أو غير مباشرة تحدث للعميل و / أو صانع السوق و / أو أطراف ثالثة نتيجة و / أو فيما يتعلق بأي عمل أو إغفال سالف الذكر. وتنتقل الشركة إلى تسوية جميع المعاملات / العمليات عند تنفيذ هذه المعاملات / العمليات من قبل صانع السوق. سوف تحصل الشركة على رسوم / عمولات وكذلك مكافآت أخرى من صانع السوق، على أساس الاتفاق المبرم بينهما لتوفير السيولة وخدمات صنع السوق. سوف تحصل الشركة على رسوم / عمولات من صانع السوق الذي تعمل به كوسيط، يتم من خلاله تنفيذ المعاملات. يحق للعميل استخدام رموز أوتن للحد من عمولة الوساطة التي تتقاضاها الشركة لفتح عقود الفروقات على العملات الخفية. لهذا الغرض، يمكن للعملاء العثور على معدل الداخلي الحالي من الرموز الرموز أوتن لدفع عمولات على علامة التبويب أوتن من منصة التداول. الرسوم البيانية المعروضة على منصة التداول إرشادية. وبالتالي، فإن الشركة لا تضمن أن المعاملة التي تم إرسالها للتنفيذ من قبل صانع السوق سوف يتم بنفس الأسعار المحددة في منصة التداول في الوقت الذي تتم فيه معالجة معاملات / عمليات العميل. يقر العميل بأن للشركة الحق، في أي وقت ولأي سبب ودون مبرر، ووفقا لتقديرها الخاص، في رفض إرسال أي أمر إلى صانع السوق للتنفيذ، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر الظروف التالية:
ا. إذا كان تنفيذ الأمر يهدف أو قد يهدف إلى التلاعب في سعر السوق للأدوات المالية (التلاعب بالسوق)؛
ب. إذا كان تنفيذ الأمر يشكل أو قد يشكل الاستغلال المسيء للمعلومات السرية (التداول من الداخل).
ج. إذا كان تنفيذ الأمر يساهم أو قد يسهم في إضفاء الشرعية على عائدات الأنشطة غير المشروعة (غسل الأموال)؛
د. إذا كان لدى العميل أموال غير كافية لتغطية شراء الأدوات المالية أو إذا كان هناك عدد غير كاف من الأدوات المالية لتغطية بيعها؛
ه. إذا فشل العميل في الوفاء بأي من التزاماته تجاه الشركة بموجب هذه الاتفاقية؛
F. إذا كان العميل يسعى إلى أن يصبح أو أصبح الشخص المسؤول الأمريكي أو المواطن أو المقيم في كندا أو أستراليا أو بلجيكا أو إسرائيل أو فلسطين أو اليابان أو السودان أو سوريا أو إيران أو كوريا الشمالية أو أي دولة من دول الاتحاد الأوروبي.
إن أي رفض من قبل الشركة لن يؤثر على أي التزام قد يكون لدى العميل تجاه الشركة. يقر العميل بأنه في ظل ظروف سوقية معينة وخاصة عندما يصل صانع السوق أو تجاوز مستويات التعرض الداخلي، قد تضطر الشركة إلى إغلاق كل أو جزء من مراكز العميل في عقود العقود مقابل الفروقات مع عملات كريبتوكيرنسيز كموجودات أساسية. وتتعهد الشركة بتقديم إخطار كاف للعميل في حالة تصفية الشركة لعقد العقود مقابل الفروقات من قبل الشركة، ويجب أن تقدم إشعارا قبل خمسة أيام على الأقل من بدء العمل بالتصفية.
5 - حقوق والتزامات وضمانات الأطراف.
يحق للعميل:
أ. أرسل مع الشركة أي طلب يطلب تنفيذ معاملة / عملية على الموقع وفقا لشروط وأحكام هذه الاتفاقية.
ب. طلب سحب أي مبالغ تخضع ووفقا لسياسة السحب واسترداد الأموال، وعلى ألا يكون لدى الشركة أي مطالبات ضد العميل و / أو أن العميل ليس لديه أي ديون مستحقة للشركة؛
ج - في حال كان العميل لديه أي شكوى مزعومة ضد الشركة و / أو كان هناك أي نزاع بين العميل والشركة، ثم يمكن للعميل تقديم شكواه / لها، لتشمل جميع التفاصيل ذات الصلة والتفاصيل، للشركة في دعم @ إكوبتيون. يجب على الشركة أن تسلم باستلام أي شكوى من هذا القبيل، وأن تبدأ تحقيقا داخليا في المسألة، وأن تستجيب للعميل خلال فترة معقولة من الوقت، وفي موعد أقصاه 3 أشهر من تاريخ إقرار استلام الشكوى.
إنهاء اتفاقية من جانب واحد شريطة عدم وجود ديون مستحقة من العميل تجاه الشركة ويتم هذا الإنهاء وفقا للبند 11 من هذا القانون.
أ. يعترف بأن الحساب سيتم تفعيله عند إيداع الأموال / الدفع المسبق في الحساب.
ب. يضمن أنه يجب عليه / في جميع الأوقات أن يكون متوافقا مع جميع شروط وأحكام هذه الاتفاقية.
ج - يضمن أنه في جميع الأوقات سوف يتم استخدام اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور التي تصدرها الشركة فيما يتعلق باستخدام الخدمة (الخدمات) والحساب فقط من قبله، ولن يتم الكشف عنها أي شخص آخر؛
يكون مسؤولا عن جميع الطلبات المقدمة من خلال معلوماته الأمنية وأية أوامر تلقتها بهذه الطريقة من قبل الشركة تعتبر قد أعطيت من قبل العميل؛
ه. يعترف هنا بأن الدخول المتكرر إلى الحساب عبر عناوين إب مختلفة من بلدان مختلفة و / أو عن طريق استخدام الشبكة الظاهرية الخاصة (فين) يعتبر مؤشرا على أن تؤدي الشركة إلى الاعتقاد بأن القسمين 3.7 و 5.2 ب قد تم اختراقهما.
.و يؤكد أن أي إستراتيجيات تداول و / أو قرارات استثمارية و / أو أي أنشطة يقوم بها من خالل حسابه ومن منصة التداول يتم وضعها في االعتبار / النظر في / وعي جميع المخاطر التي تنطوي عليها وفقط على استنادا إلى معرفته وحسب تقديره.
ز - يجب أن يتخذ جميع الخطوات والإجراءات اللازمة من أجل عدم الإفصاح عن أي معلومات سرية للشركة والتي ستقوم الشركة بالإفصاح عنها و / أو إتاحتها للعميل من وقت لآخر.
ح. تقبل أي خطر، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، أي خطر من الخسائر المالية، ينشأ عن الوصول غير المصرح به إلى حسابه وتشغيله من قبل أطراف ثالثة و / أو غير مرخصة.
1. إخطار الشركة بأي تغييرات في بيانات الاتصال الخاصة به وأي تغييرات أخرى في البيانات الشخصية التي قدمها للشركة خلال سبعة (7) أيام تقويمية منذ دخول هذه التغييرات حيز التنفيذ.
يجب تسجيل حساب واحد فقط (واحد) مع الشركة. في حالة امتلاك العميل لحسابات متعددة، فإن أي معاملات / عمليات تتم عن طريق هذه الحسابات المتعددة والنتائج المالية المناظرة لهذه المعاملات / العمليات، يمكن إلغاؤها وفقا لتقدير الشركة المطلق. ویمکن حظر ھذه الحسابات المتعددة بناء علی تقدیر الشرکة المطلق، ولا یتم اعتبار / معاملة الأموال المودعة والمحفوظة فیھا کالتزام مالي تجاه الشرکة تجاه العمیل.
ك. تعوض الشركة عن أي مطالبات و / أو دعاوى قضائية ضد الشركة نتيجة الإفصاح عن البيانات الشخصية للعميل.
ل تقبل المسؤولية الكاملة عن أفعاله وفقا للتشريع الضريبي الحالي الساري في مكان إقامة / معيشة العميل فيما يتعلق بأي عمليات / عمليات تم إجراؤها، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر ضريبة الدخل / الدخل.
يقر بأن تقديم الخدمة (الخدمات) قد ينطوي على نقل معلومات عبر شبكة مفتوحة. ولذلك تنقل المعلومات بانتظام ودون رقابة عبر الحدود. يجب على الشركة اتخاذ خطوات معقولة لتجنب اعتراض المعلومات وقراءتها من قبل أطراف ثالثة من خلال استخدام تقنيات مثل التشفير، ومع ذلك فإنه ليس من الممكن دائما لتجنب وصول طرف ثالث غير مصرح به إلى / عرض معلومات العميل / البيانات الشخصية. ويقر العميل بهذا الخطر ويقبل ويوافق على ذلك طالما كان راضيا بشكل معقول أن أي وصول أو إفصاح غير مصرح به لم يتم عمدا وأن الشركة اتخذت جميع الإجراءات والإجراءات المعقولة لمنع الوصول غير المصرح به /إفشاء.
ن - يقر ويوافق على أن للشركة الحق في إغلاق أي معاملة، وفقا لتقديرها المطلق المطلق دون تقديم إشعار مسبق للعميل إذا كان الأصل أو العقد الذي تستند إليه المعاملة يستقر في تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية على النحو الذي يحدده السوق المالية ذات الصلة والتي يتم تداول األصل المذكور فيها) مثل الوقت المشار إليه ب "وقت اإلغالق" والمعاملة المنتهية ذات الصلة المشار إليها ب "المعاملة المنتهية" (. لن تكون الشركة ملزمة باتخاذ إجراءات للتداول على صفقة مفتوحة في صفقة تنتهي.
O. يقر بأن الشركة تحظر دفع أي طرف ثالث أو الدفع المجهول في حساب العميل. فقط الأموال المرسلة من حساب في اسم العميل والانتماء إلى العميل مقبولة. تحتفظ الشركة بالحق في تقديرها، إذا كانت قد حددت ودائع طرف ثالث أو مجهول، لحجب الحساب. يجب على العميل ملاحظة أن أي أموال متبقية سوف تعاد إلى مصدر الطرف الثالث عن طريق طريقة الدفع نفسها، ولن يتم توفير أي أرباح تراكمت من قبل العميل باستخدام أموال طرف ثالث أو أموال مجهولة المصدر للعميل.
ب - يوافق على أنه في حالة قيام الشركة بمعاملة / عملية نيابة عنه والتي لا يغطيها رصيد حسابه، يكون للشركة الحق في تصفية أصولها واستخدام العائدات لتغطية جزء أو مجموع الفرق.
يقبل بشكل لا رجعة فيه أنه المسؤول الوحيد عن أي قصور فني قد يحدث في اتصال العميل بمنصة التداول، في معدات العميل المستخدمة لتلقي الخدمات (بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، الكمبيوتر الشخصي والكمبيوتر المحمول والهاتف الجوال و وما إلى ذلك)، ويؤكد أنه / ليس لديها أي مطالبات ضد الشركة عن أي أضرار مباشرة أو غير مباشرة قد يعاني منها العميل بسبب مثل هذه العيوب.
يقر بأن للشركة الحق في رفض تنفيذ أي معاملة / عملية يطلبها العميل و / أو أي إجراء آخر مطلوب بموجب هذه الاتفاقية، طالما أنها تحتفظ بأي مطالبات ضد العميل، سواء كانت مستحقة، سواء كانت مستقبلا أو مشروعا، وبغض النظر عما إذا كانت هذه المعاملات تنشأ عن نفس المعاملة / العملية التي تنشأ عنها هذه الالتزامات.
يقر ويقبل أن هذه الاتفاقية و / أو أي مواد متاحة على الموقع قد يتم تعديلها من جانب واحد، من وقت لآخر، من قبل الشركة، وأن يكون / هي مسؤولة عن التحقق من الموقع بشكل متكرر من أجل ضمان أن يكون / هو نفسه قد علم نفسه من أي تغييرات تم تنفيذها بهذه الطريقة. عند تقديم أي طلب من العميل لأي عملية / عملية، تعتبر أي تغييرات يتم إجراؤها على هذه الاتفاقية و / أو أي مواد متاحة على الموقع معترفا بها ومقبولة من قبل العميل.
يلتزم العميل بموجب هذه الوثيقة ويمثل للشركة أنه:
أ. لا يقيم في أي بلد يكون توزيع أو تقديم المنتجات أو الخدمات المالية التي تقدمها الشركة مخالفا للقانون المحلي أو اللوائح.
ب. هو المسؤول عن التأكد من الشروط والامتثال، أي وجميع القوانين المحلية المعمول بها و / أو اللوائح التي يخضع لها.
C. Has the legal capacity/competence, is of sound mind and has reached the age of maturity in the country which he is resident or citizen;
D. Is not an US citizen and/or a citizen of the Australia, Belgium, Israel, Palestine, Japan, Sudan, Syria, Iran, North Korea and/or of any country of the European Union;
E. Is not under any legal disability with respect to, and is not subject to any laws or regulations which prevents his/her performance of this Agreement or any contract or transaction contemplated by this Agreement.
F. The Client acts as principal and not as an authorized representative / attorney or trustee of any third party.
G. The monetary funds and/or financial instruments and other assets delivered for any purpose by the Client to the Company are not connected directly or indirectly to any illegal and/or criminal activities and/or terrorism.
H. The monetary funds and/or financial instruments and other assets delivered for any purpose by the Client to the Company, shall belong exclusively to the Client and at all times be free from any charge, lien, pledge or encumbrance, unless the Client has otherwise disclosed to the Company in writing.
I. The financial instruments, information and/or legal documents, which the Client delivers to the Company are authentic, valid and free of any defect and they shall have the legal effect which they contend to have.
J. The Client certifies that he has provided accurate, complete and true information about himself upon registration and will maintain the accuracy of the provided information by promptly updating any registration information that may have changed. Failure to do so may result in Account closure, Account limitations and/or voiding of any transactions.
K. The Client will provide KYC documents to the Company within a period not exceeding 7 days from the moment of depositing funds.
L. The Client confirms that the purpose and reason for registering and operating an Account is to trade, on his/her personal/own behalf, in any financial instruments and to take advantage of the Services offered by the Company. The Client warrants that should the reason for operating an Account change, he/she will inform the Company immediately.
M. The Client warrants and/or shall repeat the above warranties at all times, including, without limitation, during and/or upon the execution of any transaction/Operation and/or trade, through the Account and the provision of the Services.
The Company shall be entitled to:
A. Modify the size of the value of the Company’s financial obligations to the Client with changes of the appropriate entry of the trade operations register in case of violation of one or several provisions of the Agreement herein by the Client.
B. The Company reserves the right to change, add or set as default the option payments rate, return rate, the possibility of adjusting the return rate, the possibility of acquiring the option type, the minimum and/or the maximum option amount, the possible expiration periods for one, several or all of the of the assets. The company shall be entitled to limit the maximum amount of purchased options for 1 (one) minute, 1 (one) hour, 1 (one) calendar day.
C. Contact the Client with any question concerning the Agreement herein, including, in order to clarify the Client's intentions regarding his/her actions through the Account.
D. Unilaterally modify and/or amend and/or restate the terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or the material made available on the Website without prior notice to the Client. The Company shall notify the Client of any such changes through the Website and/or by the delivery of an email to the Client.
E. Modify the size of the value of the Company’s financial obligations to the Client, if fulfillment of Operations on the Trading Platform does not comply with conditions of the Agreement herein.
F. Engage third parties with a view to cooperate in order to facilitate and/or enhance any and/or the provision of, the Services under this Agreement.
G. With regard to any matters and/or obligations that are not covered by this Agreement, the Company shall act accordingly upon its own discretion but at all times in accordance to business custom and existing practices within the line of the Services.
Obligations of the Company:
A. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and the Company being reasonably satisfied that the Client is compliant with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or has not in any way breached any terms of this Agreement, the Company shall offer the Services through the Website;
B. To fulfill provisions of the Agreement herein.
6. Indemnity and Liability.
The Client shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Company and its directors, officers, including, without limitation to, Mrs. Vanessa Boulle with passport number N0121465 the current sole director of the Company, employees or representatives against all direct or indirect liabilities (including without limitation all losses, damages, claims, costs or expenses), incurred by the Company or any other third party in respect to any act or omission by the Client in the performance of his/her obligations under this Agreement and/or the liquidation of any financial instruments of the Client in settlement of any claims with the Company, unless such liabilities result from gross negligence, willful default or fraud by the Company. This indemnity shall survive termination of this Agreement. The Company shall not be liable for any direct and/or indirect loss, expense, cost or liability incurred by the Client in relation to this Agreement, unless such loss, expense, cost or liability is a result of gross negligence, willful default or fraud by the Company. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6.1 above, the Company shall have no liability to the Client whether in tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or for any indirect or consequential loss arising under and/or in connection with the Agreement. The Company shall not be liable for any loss of opportunity as a result of which the value of the financial instruments of the Client could have been increased or for any decrease in the value of the financial instruments of the Client, regardless of the cause, unless such loss is directly due to gross negligence, willful default or fraud on the part of the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any loss which is the result of misrepresentation of facts, error in judgment or any act done or which the Company has omitted to do, whenever caused, unless such act or omission resulted from gross negligence, willful default or fraud by the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission or for the insolvency of any counterparty, bank, custodian or other third party which acts on behalf of the Client or with or through whom transactions on behalf of the Client are carried out.
7. Personal Data.
By accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Client irrevocably consents to the collection and processing of his/her personal data/information by the Company without use of automatic controls, as the same are provided by him/her to the Company. The term personal data for the purposes of this Agreement shall mean: the Name, Surname, Patronymic, gender, address, phone number, e-mail, IP address, of the Client and information that relate to the provision of Services to the Client (for example, the Client’s trading story). The Client shall be obliged to provide correct, accurate and complete personal data/information as requested by the Company. The purpose of collecting and processing the personal data is to comply with applicable regulating legislation requirements, including without limitation to anti-money laundering regulations, as well as for any and all purposes in relation to this Agreement, including without limitation to enable the Company to discharge its obligations towards the Client. The Client acknowledges and consents to that, for the purposes described at the section directly above, the Company shall be entitled to collect, record, systematize, accumulate, store, adjust (update, change), extract, use, transfer (disseminate, provide, access), anonymize, block, delete, destroy such personal data and/or perform any other actions according to the current regulating legislation. The Client acknowledges and consents to the Company storing, maintaining and processing his/her personal data in the manner as described in this Agreement during the term of the Agreement and for 5 years following any termination of the Agreement. The Client hereby acknowledges, accepts, agrees and consents to the disclosure of personal data by the Company to third parties and their representatives, solely for the purposes of the Agreement, including without limitation in order to facilitate processing/execution of the Client’s orders/Operations, provided that at all times (i) the amount of personal data to be disclosed to any such third party is proportionate and/or limited solely to facilitate to the actions as described above, and (ii) the Company shall ensure that such third party shall treat the personal data in accordance to applicable laws and regulations. The Company shall not be entitled to make available the personal data in public and/or disclose such personal data for any other purposes, subject to disclosure required under applicable laws and regulations. During processing of the personal data, the Company shall take necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect such personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, change, blocking, copying, provision, and dissemination as well as from any other illegal actions.
8. Risk Statement.
The Client hereby confirms to have read, understood and hereby accepts the risk statement relating to the use of Services on the Website, as the same is available electronically via the Website.
By accepting this Agreement the Client accepts that the Client has read and understood the information contained in this Agreement and the Company’s general description of the nature and risks of different Financial Instruments and/or Service(s) which can be found in our Risk Disclosure.
9. One Click Trading terms and conditions.
One Click Trading mode allows you to perform trading operations on the platform with only one click on the Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons without any additional confirmations.
Opting in for the One Click Trading mode means that you acknowledge that you have read and understood the following terms and conditions, and you agree to be bound hereby.
Your current version of the platform enables you to choose between the following modes for order submission. You agree that you will be bound by the procedures and conditions specified herein with respect to each such mode.
There are several steps you have to follow when using the default mode for the submission of orders. Using the default mode, you first invoke the instruments menu and choose the assets you want to trade. Then you select all parameters depending on the instrument you have chosen and confirm your order submission by clicking either Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons depending on the particular order type selected and your trading intentions. Using the default mode, a confirmation window will appear and will you have to confirm your intentions and the trade details in order to confirm the transaction. Your order will not be submitted until you have completed the aforementioned procedure.
The One Click Trading mode for order submission ("One-click trading") is a one-step process. You will be submitting orders when you single-click either Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons.
There will be no subsequent confirmation prompt for you to click; hence you should ensure beforehand that all parameters are set based on your trading intentions. You will not be able to withdraw your order once you click Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons (with the exemption of a 3 second cancellation period for binary options) and only certain parameters such as stop loss and take profit orders for CFDs can be modified after having opened a trade. Under normal market conditions and system performance, a market order will be promptly filled after submission and you will have entered into a binding transaction.
You can activate or deactivate One Click Trading mode in the settings of the platform. One Click Trading can be activated or deactivated for one or several instruments in the settings.
By selecting the One Click Trading mode, you understand that your orders will be submitted by clicking the Buy/Call or Sell/Put button, without any further order confirmation. You agree to accept all risks associated with the use of the order submission mode you have chosen, including, without limitation, the risk of errors, omissions or mistakes made in submitting any order.
You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any and all losses, costs and expenses that may incur as a result of any such errors, omissions or mistakes by you or any other person trading on your behalf.
If you accept the One Click Trading terms and conditions, tick the "buy in one click" option when opening trades on the platform. If you do not accept the conditions, do not tick the box and do not use the One Click Trading function.
10. Charges and Fees.
The Company shall be entitled to receive a fee from the Client regarding the Service(s), provided by the Company. The Company reserves the right to charge the following commissions for opening CFD cryptocurrency trading positions: The Company charges a withdrawal fee in the case of Bitcoins (“BTC”) withdrawals from the IQOption account to a wallet specified by the client in his withdrawal request. This withdrawal fee is equal to 2% of the BTC amount requested for withdrawal + a fixed fee of 0,001 BTC per withdrawal. The Client agrees to pay any incurred bank transfer fees when withdrawing funds from his account to his designated bank account and/or when the Company effects any transfer to the Client’s bank account; such fees will not be more than EUR50 (the “Transfer Fee”). The Client is fully responsible for the payment details that he/she has provided to the Company and the Company accepts no responsibility for the Client’s funds if the Client’s given details are incorrect. It is also understood that the Company accepts no responsibility for any funds not deposited directly into the Company’s bank accounts/ Account(s). The Client agrees that any amounts sent by the Client will be deposited to the Account at the value on the date of the payment received and net of any charges / fees charged by the bank or any other intermediary involved in such transaction process and/or in any other case, the Client shall authorize the Company to withdraw the fee by way of transfer from the Client’s Account. In case where there are no transaction/Operation requests by the Client and processed through the Account for a total of 90 (ninety) consecutive calendar days or more (hereinafter referred to as “Inactive Account”), the Company reserves the right to apply a service fee for Inactive Account in the amount of EUR50 which shall be directly deducted/withdrawn from the unused balance of the Client’s Account on a monthly basis until the Account becomes active (the “Fee”). The Fee shall not be more than the total balance of the Client’s Account.
11. Governing Law.
The terms and conditions of this Agreement as well as any matters pertaining to this agreement, including without limitation to matters of interpretation and/or disputes, shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Seychelles. The Company and the Clients irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Seychelles. The Company shall be entitled to use the interpreter's’ services during the court trial in case of dealing with disputable situation according to the legislation of the Republic of Seychelles.
12. Duration and Termination of the Agreement.
The Agreement herein shall be concluded for an indefinite term. The Agreement herein shall come into force when the Client accepts the Agreement and makes an advance payment to the Company. In case of any discrepancies between the text of the Agreement in English and its translation in any other language, the text of the Agreement in English as a whole shall prevail, as well as the English version/text of any other documentation/information published on the Website.
The Agreement may be terminated in any of the following circumstances:
A. Each Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving to the other Party 15 (fifteen) days written notice. During the 15 days notice, the Company may limit the services available to the Client, however access will be granted in order for the Client to withdraw any remaining balance.
B. The Company shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement, block the Client’s account, and return any remaining funds (if applicable) immediately and without giving prior notice under the following circumstances:
The Company shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately without giving prior notice if the Client fails to provide to the Company his/her KYC documents within 14 days from the moment of acceptance of this Agreement, constituting, thus, his/her Account as an unverified Account.
In case of termination of this Agreement for a reason indicated in section 11.4.b of this Agreement, the Company shall have no liability towards the Client and no obligation to pay the profit of the Client.
In case of termination of this Agreement for a reason indicated in sections 11.4.a and 10.5 of this Agreement, the Company shall have either to wire to the Client the remaining balance or to give to the Client the opportunity to withdraw his/her remaining balance. In case of termination of this Agreement for a reason indicated in section 11.4.b of this Agreement, the Company shall have to wire to the Client the remaining balance.
13. Terms and Conditions for 1-Click Service.
The Client shall agree to make a deposit to his/her Account to use the Company Services or any other additional services ordered by the Client on the Website as well as all additional expenses (if necessary), including but not limited to any taxes, duties, etc. The Client shall be completely responsible for timely depositing the funds into his/her Account. Provider of payment services shall ensure only fulfillment of payment in the amount defined by the Site and shall not be liable for payment of the above-mentioned additional amounts by the Website’s Client. The payment is considered to be processed and cannot be returned after clicking the “Payment” button. By clicking the “Payment” button, the Client shall agree that he/she cannot return the payment or require its recall. Additionally, by accepting the terms and conditions herein contained , the Client as the owner of the payment card confirms that he/she shall be entitled to use the Services offered on the Website. By accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement and depositing funds to the Account, the Client agrees to the use the Website’s Services and accepts that the processing of any of the Client’s payment shall be executed by a provider of payment services, being a third party to this Agreement (the “Provider” ), and the Client further acknowledges and accepts that no legal right exists for return of already purchased Services or other options of payment cancellation. In case if the Client is willing to refuse from using of the 1-Click service for the next purchase of the Service, the Client can refuse from 1-Click service using the Account on the Website. The Provider shall not be in any case liable for refuse/impossibility to process the data connected with payment card of the Client, or for refuse connected with failure to obtain permission from the issue bank to process payment using the payment card of the Client. The Provider shall not be in any case liable for quality, amount, and price of any service, offered to the Client or purchased by the Client of the Website using the payment card of the Client. Paying for any Services of the Website the Client first of all shall be obliged to fulfill the rules of using the Website. We are asking to consider that only the Client as the owner of the payment card shall be liable for timely payment of any service ordered via the Website and for all additional expenses/fees connected with this payment. The Provider shall only be the performer of payment in the amount specified by the Website and shall not be in any case liable for any pricing, general prices and/or total sums. In case of the situation connected with the Client’s dissent with the terms mentioned above and/or any other reasons, we are asking the Client to promptly refuse from making a payment and to directly address the administrator/support of the Website if necessary.
Annex 1 to Terms and Conditions.
Technical Regulation.
1. Processing of Trade Requests and Orders.
A. The processing of a Client’s request and/or order shall be carried out as follows:
Following submission of a request/order, such request/order shall undergo a correctness test on the Trading Platform; The request/order shall be send from the Trading Platform to the server; The request/order shall undergo a correctness test by the server; The server shall then forward the results of the correctness test to the Trading Platform;; In case that the connection between the trading platform and the server is correct, the trading platform will receive the results of processing of the Client request or order by the Company.
B. The time of the process may vary and depends on the quality of the communication between the Trading Platform and the server of the Company, as well as on the market conditions. In normal market conditions the time of the process usually varies between 0-4 seconds. In market conditions that differ from normal, the time of Client request/order processing can be higher than that.
C. The server of the Company may refuse the Client’s request/order in the following cases:
D. If the client sends the request before the first quote in the Trading Platform on the market opening:
If there is not enough funds on the Client’s account for opening a new position; If the Client sends the request/order before the opening of the trading session; When market conditions differ from normal.
E. When using the trading platform it is allowed to use only one tab of the browser. In case of using several tabs of the browser the results of trade can be corrected and/or cancelled.
The Client acknowledges that the only reliable source of quote flow information is the main server for customer requests. The quotes on the Trading Platform cannot serve as a reliable source of information about the real quotes flow, as in the case of unstable connection between the Trading Platform and the server part of the quotes from the flow may not reach the Trading Platform. The graphs displayed on the Trading Platform are indicative. Thus, the Company does not guarantee that the transaction will be made at the same prices specified on the graphs in the Trading Platform at the time of submission of the other customer transactions. The price displayed on the Trading Platform is formed by the formula (Bid+Ask)/2 Non-market quote – the price in the Trading Platform which does not correspond to the price on the market at this moment of time (hereinafter referred to as the “Non-market price” ). In case that the Company executed the Client’s request/order for Non-market quote, the following shall be imposed on the Company’s duty: In case of position closing – correction of the financial result between incorrect closing of the position and closing according to real market price corresponding to the closing moment of transaction according to Non-market price; In case of position opening – the Company reserves the right to cancel the financial result regarding such position.
3. Processing of Client Orders to Open Positions.
If the amount of available funds is sufficient to open a position - the position will be opened. If the size of the available funds is insufficient to open a position - the position will not be opened. The Client’s order to open a position is processed, and the position is opened only after the corresponding entry in the server log file. Each new position is assigned with a serial number.
4. Processing of Client Orders to Close Positions.
Closing of trading position occurs at the current price at the trading server at the moment of closing of the trading operation.
5. OTC Assets.
OTC Asset or “over the counter” is an asset that traded out of the regular market (hereinafter referred to as the “Asset”). The Asset’s price is formed from data for trade requests and orders of the Clients, received by the Company. The Client acknowledges that by making trade requests and orders on such Asset, he/she understands the essence of the work of such an Asset and the pricing algorithm of the Asset. The Client acknowledges that by making trade requests and orders on such Asset, he/she admits that the only reliable source of quoting information is the main server for the trade orders of the Clients.
In the event that the Company has reasonable suspicion to believe and/or comes to its attention that the Client has acted fraudulently with regard to the subject matter of the Agreement, including without limitation to the following occurrences:
A. Fraud associated with credit card transactions and other ways to fill a balance that does not belong to the Client;
B. Fraud associated with the use of software for false trading results;
C. Fraud associated with errors and system failures for false trading results,
the Company shall be entitled to block the Client's account without prior notice and without the possibility of further money withdrawal and/or entitled to unilaterally terminate the Agreement in the extrajudicial procedure.
البنود و الظروف.
Agreement for the Provision of Investment Services, Activities, and Ancillary Services to a Retail Client.
This Agreement is entered into by and between:
IQ Option Europe Ltd. with Registration No. HE327751, with its registered office at Yiannis Nicolaides Business Center, Agiou Athanasiou Avenue 33, 4102, Agios Athanasios, Limassol, Cyprus (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) on the one part and the Client who has registered for a trading account with the Company and deposited funds on the other part.
The Company is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CySEC”) with license No. 247/14, to provide the Investment and Ancillary Services listed in paragraph 2.1 below under the Provision of Investment Services, the Exercise of Investment Activities, the Operation of Regulated Markets and Other Related Matters Law of 2007, Law 144(i)/2007 (the “Law”). The contact address of CySEC is 27 Diagorou St. CY-1097, Nicosia, Cyprus.
The Company will provide the Investment and Ancillary Services covered by this Agreement to the Client, through its online electronic system (hereinafter called the “Trading Platform”).
The Company will offer Services to the Client at the absolute discretion of the Company subject to the provisions of section 7 below.
The Client confirms that he/she has read, understood and accepted all information, conditions and terms set out on the Company’s website eu. iqoption (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”), including the ‘Client Categorisation’, ‘Complaints & Grievances Policy’, ‘Investor Compensation Fund’ and ‘Fees Page’ which are available to be reviewed and examined by the public and which include important legal Information.
The Company reserves the right to register and operate other website(s) for identifying suitable opportunities and creating consumer interest and awareness towards the Services to specific countries, which contain information and disclosures to the Clients and prospective clients in a foreign language.
The Company may provide all company documents in languages other than English for informational purposes only. Any translations provided do not bind the Company legally and the Company is not responsible for the accuracy of the information therein. The Client should also refer to the Website in English for information on the Company and its policies.
By accepting this Agreement, the Client agrees and accepts the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement, its Annexes and/or Appendices as well as other documentation/information on the Website, in addition to the following documents ‘Conflict of Interest Policy’, ‘Order Execution Policy’, ‘Risk Disclosure’. The Client accepts this Agreement by registering a Trading Account on the Website and depositing funds. By accepting the Agreement, the Client enters into a legal and binding agreement with the Company.
The terms of this Agreement shall be considered accepted unconditionally by the Client upon the Company’s receipt of an advance payment made by the Client in accordance with this Agreement. As soon as the Company receives the Client's advance payment, every operation made by the Client on the Trading Platform shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and other documentation/information on the Website.
Subject to the Company’s final approval and upon the Client funding his account, the Client enters into a legal and binding contract with the Company.
Any agreement between the Company and its Clients and the procedure to be followed under it, is governed by the Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services Law N.242(I)/2004 (ο περί εξ’ Αποστάσεως και Εμπορίας Χρηματοοικονομικών Υπηρεσιών προς τους Καταναλωτές Νόμος) of the Republic of Cyprus implementing the EU Directive 2002/65/EC and all subsequent amendments to these under which the Agreement need not be signed and the Agreement has the same legal effect and establishes the same rights and duties and responsibilities as a printed agreement signed between both Parties.
By accepting this current agreement, the Client confirms that they are able to receive information, including amendments to the present agreement either via email or through the Website.
In case a Client wishes to have a printed Agreement, duly signed and stamped by the Company, the Client must download from the website at eu. iqoption the Agreement, complete and send two signed copies of the Agreement to the Company, indicating the Client postal address and a countersigned copy will be sent back to specified address. This Agreement will be stored in a Durable Medium and accessible inside the Account and the Client can freely consult it at any time.
WHEREAS the Client wants to make use of the Services provided by the Company, having agreed to the terms and conditions stated herein and completed the Client’s information required to activate the Trading Account.
1. Interpretation of Terms.
In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meaning:
“Agreement” means the present Agreement including any Annexes and/or Appendices attached herein as this may, from time to time, be amended or replaced.
“Appendix” means the Appendices of the Agreement as these may, from time to time be amended or replaced, which constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
“Annex” means the Annexes of the Agreement as these may, from time to time be amended or replaced, which constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
“Ask” means the higher price in a quote. The price the Client may buy at.
“Bid” means the lower price in a quote. The price the Client may sell at.
“Classic Options” means CFDs on stock options.
“Client” means a natural or legal person, accepted by the Company as its Client to whom Services will be provided by the Company under the Terms.
“CFD (contract for difference)” means a tradeable contract entered into between the Client and the Company, who exchange the difference in the value of an Instrument, as specified on the Trading Platform at the time of opening a Transaction, and the value of that Instrument at the contract’s end.
“Digital Option Contract (DOC)” means a type of derivative instrument where the Client earns a payout if he correctly predicts the price movement of the underlying asset at the time of the option’s expiry. The prediction can be made as to whether the value of the underlying asset will fall above or below the strike price at time of expiration.
“Durable Medium” means any instrument, which enables the Client to store information addressed personally to the Client, in a way accessible for future reference and for a period of time adequate for the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored.
“Exchange” means any Regulated Market.
“Execution” means the execution of Client order(s) by the Company acting as the Client's counterparty as per the terms of the present agreement.
“Equity” means the balance plus/minus any profit/loss that derives from any open positions.
“Financial Instruments” means the Financial Instruments as per paragraph 3.1 below that are available on the Company’s Trading Platform.
“Investor Compensation Fund” (ICF) means the fund of clients of CIFs, who are fund members, established pursuant to article 59(1) and (2) of the Law, and whose powers and functions are regulated by the provisions of the Law and this Directive DI144-2007-15 of 2018 of the CySEC.
“KYC documents” means the documents of the Client that include the passport or ID and utility bill of the Client.
“Law” means the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2018 (Law 144(I)/2007) as this may, from time to time be amended or replaced.
“Margin” means the required funds available in the trading account for the purposes of maintaining an open position.
“Margin Level” means the minimum amount of equity a client needs to maintain an open position which is calculated as Equity/Margin.
“Market” means the market on which the Financial Instruments are subject to and/or traded on, whether this market is organized / regulated or not and whether it is in Cyprus or abroad.
“Market Maker” means a company which provides BID and ASK prices for financial instruments.
“Operating (Trading) Time” means the period of time within a calendar week, where the trading terminal or platform of the Company provides the opportunity of trading operations. The Company reserves the right to alter this period of time as it deems fit, upon notification to the Client.
“Retail Client” means a Client who is not a “Professional Client” or an “Eligible Counterparty” under the meaning of the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (hereinafter - “MiFID II”) and in accordance to the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007.
“Over-the-Counter (OTC)” means off-exchange trading i. e. the Financial Instruments offered by the Company are executed outside of a regulated exchange or Trading Venue.
“Parties” means the two parties to the Agreement i. e. the Company and the Client.
“Password” means the password chosen, at the request of the Company, by the Client for accessing the Company’s Trading Platform.
“Prices” means the prices offered to the Client for each transaction which may be changed without prior notice. Where this is relevant, the “Prices” given through the Trading Platform include the Spread (see definition below).
“Services” means the services provided by the Company under this Agreement as defined in paragraph 2 to the Client through the Trading Platform.
“Spread” means the difference between the purchase price Ask (rate) and the sale price Bid (rate) at the same moment. For avoidance of doubt, a predefined spread is for the purposes of this Agreement assimilated commission.
“Transaction” means the opening or closing of any offer to either Buy or Sell a Financial Instrument effected in the Client’s Trading account. The Company executes Clients’ orders as the principal to the transaction, and is always the counterparty in the transaction.
“Trading Account” means unique personified register (account) of all the transactions/ operations on the trading platform of the Company.
“Trading Platform” means all programs and technology that present quotes in real-time, allow the placement/modification/deletion of orders and calculate all mutual obligations of the Client and the Company.
“Username” means the username chosen, at the request of the Company, by the user for accessing the Company’s Trading Platform.
“FATCA” means a United States federal law full name of which is The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
“US Reportable Person” – for the purposes of this Agreement means, a US Reportable person who, in accordance with FATCA provisions, are defined as follows:
Any term used in this Agreement and not otherwise interpreted, shall have the meaning attributed thereto in the Law and/or any EU Directive.
Headings of the paragraphs shall be used solely for ease of reference and shall not affect the contents and interpretation of the Agreement.
Unless the context otherwise requires, reference to persons shall also include legal persons, the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa and either gender shall include the other.
2. Provision of Services.
Subject to the Client fulfilling the obligations under this Agreement, the Company shall facilitate the execution of relevant transactions requested by the Client and allowed by the capabilities of the Company and the Agreement. The Company shall carry out all transactions as provided in this Agreement on an execution-only basis, neither managing the account nor advising the Client. The Company is entitled to execute transactions requested by the Client as provided in this Agreement even if the transaction is not beneficial for the Client. The Company is under no obligation, unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement and/or other documentation/information on the Website, to monitor or advise the Client on the status of any transaction, to make margin calls, or to close out any of the Client’s open positions. Unless otherwise specifically agreed, the Company is not obligated to make an attempt to execute the Client’s order using quotes more favorable than those offered through the Trading Platform.
The Investment and Ancillary Services which the Company should provide under the terms of the Agreement are stated below, and the Company will provide them in its capacity as a market maker under the terms of this Agreement. The Services that the Company has the right to provide in relation to one or more Financial Instruments as specified in its CySEC license and as per the terms of the Agreement are the following:
MiFID II Investment Services and Activities.
MiFID II Financial Instruments offered by the Company.
Financial products outside of the scope of the Company’s MiFID II Services and Instruments.
On its Website the Company is entitled to provide financial services of Contracts for Difference (CFD) and CFDs with intrinsic protection (Protected CFDs).
By accepting this Terms and Conditions, the Client confirms that:
The Company agrees to provide the Client with the Services subject to the Client:
Without derogation from the above, the Company reserves the right, acting reasonably, to suspend or refuse access to and use of the Trading Platform to anyone at its sole and absolute discretion.
Any reports, news, opinions and any other information which may be provided by the Company to the Client, aim to facilitate the Client in making his own investment decisions and do not constitute personal investment advice. In case the Company is deemed, for any reason to provide any recommendation and/or advice, the Client hereby agrees that any transaction effected either by adopting or ignoring any such recommendation and/or advice shall be deemed to have been affected by the Client relying exclusively on his own judgment and the Company shall have no responsibility.
Provision of investment advice shall only be carried out by the Company subject to a separate written agreement with the Client and after assessing the Client’s personal circumstances. Unless such written agreement has been entered into between the Client and the Company, the provision of reports, news, opinions and any other information by the Company to the Client does not constitute investment advice or investment research.
3. Application, Registration, and Verification.
When registering for a trading account with the Company, the Client must provide their personal data and verify their email address and telephone contact number. The Client is unable to proceed in his account registration unless this information is provided. Prior to funding his account, the Client will be asked to provide further personal information pertaining to their economic profile, their appropriateness (together “the identification”) (see Clause 4) and must provide identification documents in order to verify his account (the “verification”). Clients will be unable to proceed to the trading platform without completing their account identification.
Verification documents may include but are not limited to:
The Company reserves the right to request additional supporting documents during the verification of the Client’s Trading Account and on an ongoing basis during the business relationship.
Depending on the method of deposit, the Company reserves the right to request supporting documentation in order to verify the beneficial owner of the account from which funds have been sent.
In the case of Credit or Debit Cards deposits, the Company will request a scan copy of the front and back of the card. The Client should ensure to only leave available the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number. All other digits and the CCV Code on the back should be covered for the Client’s protection.
The Client agrees to:
The Company reserves the right to use the Client’s information in order to follow anti-money laundering regulation. The Client authorizes the Company to use such information to perform internal checks.
The Company may, at its discretion and depending on the deposit amount of the Client, give the client up to fourteen (14) days from the date of deposit, to provide supporting documents for the verification of the account. During this time, the Client will have access to the trading platform. If the Client does not provide the documentation within this timeframe, the Company will block the client’s account and return any remaining funds, excluding any profits.
4. Appropriateness.
In accordance with our governing regulation, part of the information requested from Clients is used to assess the Client’s appropriateness to the services and financial instruments offered by the Company. The Client’s knowledge and experience, as provided by the client, enables the Company to make a decision on the appropriateness of the Client. If the Client is identified as not having the correct level of knowledge/experience, the Company will inform the Client accordingly.
5. Client Categorization.
The Company is required under MiFID II to categorize any Client as eligible Counterparty, Professional Client or Retail Client so that when carrying out business with a Client, the Company can provide the level of information, services and protection that is appropriate to and consistent with a Client categorization. On the basis of the information available to the Company, the Company categorized the Clients as Retail Clients and agrees that he will be subject to the rules of professional conduct, which govern the Company’s relationship with Retail Clients. This categorization will apply to all of the Company’s MiFID-related business with the Client unless the Parties agree otherwise. The Client has the right to request in writing to be categorized as a Professional Client (provided the relevant criteria and procedure are fulfilled), but in such case the Client will be afforded fewer regulatory protections. The Company will assess specific quantitative and qualitative criteria in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the change of categorization will depend on its absolute discretion. The Client has the right to register only one Trading Account, if any Client has multiple Trading Accounts then the Client needs to inform the Company in relation to these Trading Accounts before carrying out any transactions. If for any reason, the Company is not informed of any multiple Trading Accounts and discovers this to be the case, the Client will be contacted in order to choose which account they wish to keep. All other accounts will be blocked and Client's funds will be refunded back to the Client. Any losses incurred as a result of trading will not be refunded to the Client.
6. Client Warranties.
The Client represents and warrants to the Company that:
The Client confirms that the purpose and reason for registering and operating an IQ Option Trading account is to trade, on their own behalf, in any financial instruments and to take advantage of the services offered by the Company. The Client warrants that should the reason for operating an IQ Option Trading account change, they will inform the Company immediately.
The Client warrants and/or shall repeat the above warranties at all times, including, without limitation, during and/or upon the execution of any transaction and/or trade, through the Trading Account and the provision of the Services.
7. Indemnity and Liability.
The Client shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Company and its directors, officers, employees or representatives against all direct or indirect liabilities (including without limitation all losses, damages, claims, costs or expenses), incurred by the Company or any other third party in respect to any act or omission by the Client in the performance of his obligations under this Agreement and/or the liquidation of any Financial Instruments and products of the Client in settlement of any claims with the Company, unless such liabilities result from gross negligence, willful default or fraud by the Company. This indemnity shall survive termination of this Agreement. The Company shall not be liable for any loss, expense, cost or liability incurred by the Client in relation to this Agreement, unless such loss, expense, cost or liability is resulted from gross negligence, willful default or fraud by the Company. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 6.1 above, the Company shall have no liability to the Client whether in Agreement, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or for any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with the Agreement. The Company shall not be liable for any loss of opportunity as a result of which the value of the Financial Instruments of the Client could have been increased or for any decrease in the value of the Financial Instruments of the Client, regardless of the cause, unless such loss is directly due to gross negligence, willful default or fraud on the part of the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any loss which is the result of misrepresentation of facts, error in judgment or any act done or which the Company has omitted to do, whenever caused, unless such act or omission resulted from gross negligence, willful default or fraud by the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission or for the insolvency of any counterparty, bank, custodian or other third party which acts on behalf of the Client or with or through whom transactions on behalf of the Client are carried out.
8. Execution of Orders.
By accepting this Agreement, the Client accepts that he has read and understood all provisions of this Agreement and related information on the Website. The Client accepts and understands that all orders received shall be executed by the Company as the counterparty of the transaction in its capacity of Market Maker. The Company shall act as a principal and not as an agent on the Client’s behalf for the purpose of the Execution of orders. The Client is informed that Conflicts of Interest may arise because of this model, and further details can be found in the Company’s Conflict of Interest Policy. The Client authorizes the Company to rely and act in accordance with any order, which appears to have been placed (and has been reasonably accepted as such by the Company) by the Client in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16. The Client may transmit orders to the Company via the Trading Platform or in such other manner as it may be specified from time to time, provided the Company is satisfied, at its absolute discretion, as to the identity of the person placing the order as well as for the validity of the order. The Client agrees that: (i) the Company may record all telephone conversations between the Client and the Company’s employees or representatives, (ii) any recordings that the Company keeps will be its sole property and the Client accepts that they will constitute evidence of the communications between the Company and her/him, (iii) the Company may use such recordings or transcripts from such recordings as evidence towards any dispute, and (iv) that telephone conversations may be recorded without the use of a warning tone or any other further notice. Any orders of the Client, once placed, cannot be revoked or amended, except where the Company can and shall allow the Client to revoke or amend the relevant order. Reception of the order by the Company shall not constitute acceptance and acceptance shall only be constituted by the execution of the order by the Company. The Company shall be obliged to execute the Client's orders sequentially and promptly. The Client acknowledges and accepts a) the risk of mistakes or misinterpretations in the orders sent through the Trading Platform due to technical or mechanical failures of such means, b) the risk of delay or other problems as well as c) the risk that the orders may be placed by unauthorized persons and agrees to indemnify the Company in full for any loss incurred as a result of acting in accordance to such orders. The Client accepts that during the execution of his order, the Company shall have no responsibility as to its content or the identity of the person placing the order, except for gross negligence, willful default or fraud by the Company. The Client acknowledges that, at its own discretion, under certain market conditions and in particular where it has reached or surpassed internal exposure levels, the Company may have to close all or a part of the Client’s positions in CFD contracts with cryptocurrencies as underlying assets. The Company undertakes to provide adequate notification to the Client in case a CFD position will be liquidated by the Company and shall provide no less than 5 (five) working days notice before proceeding with the liquidation.
9. Electronic Trading.
By accepting this Agreement, the Client is entitled to apply for access codes, within the Company’s electronic systems and/or Trading platform, in order to be able to give orders for the purchase or sale of the Financial Instruments by connecting to the internet through a compatible device such as a personal computer, a tablet or a smartphone. The Client acknowledges and understands that the Company reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to terminate the Client’s access to the Company’s Trading Platform or part of them in order to ensure the effective and efficient operation of its systems and in order to protect its own interests and the interests of its Clients. In such cases, the Company may close any or all Trading Accounts.
The Client agrees and declares that:
The Client undertakes to notify the Company immediately if the Client notices or has any reason to suspect that:
The Client acknowledges that the provision of the Service(s) may involve information being transported over an open network. Information is therefore transmitted regularly and without control across borders. The Company takes reasonable steps to avoid information being intercepted and read by third parties, by utilizing techniques such as encryption, however it is not always possible to avoid someone other than the Company from gaining access to information about the Client and the Client dealings with the Company.
The Client acknowledges that the Company will not take action based on the orders transmitted to the Company for execution by electronic means other than those orders transmitted using the predetermined electronic means such as the Trading Platform, and the Company shall have no liability towards the Client for failing to take action based on such orders.
10. Refusal of Execution of Orders.
The Client acknowledges that the Company will have the right, at any time and for any reason and without justification, at its sole discretion, to refuse to execute orders, including, without limitation, in the following circumstances: If the execution of the order aims or may aim to manipulate the market price of the Financial Instruments (market manipulation); If the execution of the order constitutes or may constitute abusive exploitation of confidential information (insider trading); If the execution of the order contributes or may contribute to the legalization of the proceeds of illegal activities (money laundering); If the Client has insufficient funds to cover the purchase of Financial Instruments or if there is insufficient number of Financial Instruments to cover their sale; If the Client fails to fulfill any of his obligations towards the Company under this Agreement; The Company’s own exposure levels as set out in the Company’s internal policies have been reached in respect of the Financial Instrument or the underlying asset of the Financial Instrument the Client wishes to buy/sell; If the Client seeks to be or became the US Reportable Person or the citizen or resident of Australia, Canada, Belgium, Israel, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Iran, North Korea or Japan. Any such refusal by the Company shall not affect any obligation, which the Client may have towards the Company.
11. Client’s Money (Safeguarding)
Client’s funds which will be used for the provision of Service(s) shall be held with the Company in the name of the Client in special client denominated accounts (further – Bank account) with reliable financial institutions (within or outside Cyprus or the EEA). These funds will be segregated from the Company’s funds and cannot be used for any other purpose. Company will not be held liable for the insolvency, act or omissions of any bank or other third party holding Client’s funds. The Client’s funds in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 10.1 may be held with the funds of other Clients in a pooled Bank account, and although segregated from the Company’s own funds it may not be segregated from the funds held for other clients within the relevant Bank account. Consequently, in the event of default on the part of the bank or other institution, which causes a shortfall in the funds held in the pooled Bank account, the Client may share proportionately in that shortfall. The Client authorizes the Company to make deposits and/or withdrawals from the Bank account on his behalf including, without prejudice to the generality of the above, withdrawals for settlement of all transactions undertaken by this Agreement and all amounts payable by or on behalf of the Client to the Company or to any other third party The Company retains a right of set off and may, at its discretion, from time to time and without the Client’s authorization, set-off any amounts held on behalf and/or to the credit of the Client against the Client’s obligation to the Company and/or merge any accounts of the Client with the Company. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company and the Client, this Agreement shall not give rise to any rights other than those set out herein or to any credit facilities. The Client has the right to withdraw the funds, which are not used for margin covering, free from any obligations from his account without closing the said account. The funds transfer (withdrawal from Trading Account) is achieved within 24 hours after receiving from the Client a withdrawal request instruction. Then the transferring amount reduces the balance of the Client's Trading Account on the day the withdrawal request is processed. The Company reserves the right to decline a withdrawal request if the request is not in accordance with this Agreement or to delay the processing of the request if not satisfied with full documentation of the Client. The Client agrees to pay any incurred bank transfer fees when withdrawing funds from his account to his designated bank account. The Client is fully responsible for the payment details that he has provided to the Company and the Company accepts no responsibility for the Client’s funds if the Client’s given details are incorrect. It is also understood that the Company accepts no responsibility for any funds not deposited directly into the Company’s bank accounts/Trading Account(s). The Client agrees that any amounts sent by the Client will be deposited to the Trading Account at the value date of the payment received and net of any charges / fees charged by the bank or any other intermediary involved in such transaction process. The Company must be satisfied that the sender is the Client before making any amount available to the Trading Account, otherwise the Company reserves the right to refund / send back the net amount received to the remitter by the same method as received. Withdrawals should be made using the same method used by the Client to fund his Trading Account and to the same remitter. The Company reserves the right to decline a withdrawal with specific payment method and to suggest another payment method where the Client needs to complete a new withdrawal request. The Company further reserves the right to request further documentation while processing the Client's’ withdrawal request. If the Company is not satisfied with any documentation provided by the Client, the Company may reverse the withdrawal transaction and deposit the amount back to the Client’s Trading Account. In the event that any amount received in the Bank Accounts is reversed by the Bank Account provider at any time and for any reason, the Company will immediately reverse the affected deposit from the Client’s Trading Account and further reserves the right to reverse any other type of transactions effected after the date of the affected deposit. It is understood that these actions may result in a negative balance in all or any of the Client’s Trading Account(s). The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Company will not pay interest to the Client on funds located on Trading Account. The Company reserves the right to establish when and how much interest it will pay on the Client funds. It is understood by the Client that the Company may keep merchant accounts in its name with payment service providers (PSPs). The primary function will be to facilitate and settle payment transactions of its Clients and it is noted that merchant accounts are not used for safekeeping of Client money. The Company will exercise due skill, care and diligence when selecting and appointing financial institutions such as banks or PSPs, especially in cases where these institutions hold Client money. The Company will periodically review, monitor and take into account the financial institution's reputation, integrity and expertise, in addition to its regulatory status. It should be noted that the Company cannot be held liable for any circumstances beyond its control and as such is not responsible for any losses the client may face as a result of the insolvency or failure of the financial institution where Client money is held. For the purposes of safeguarding Client money, according to regulation, the Company: Will retain accurate corresponding records distinguishing the Client money from its own as well as that of other Clients. Will conduct on a regular basis reconciliation between its internal accounts and records and those of any third parties by whom those funds are held. Will keep all Client money segregated from its own funds Will not use Client money for its own business purposes Will ensure that Client money deposited into financial institutions is segregated from its own money in clearly identified accounts (Clause 11.1). ويمكن أن تكون المؤسسة المالية التي ستبقى فيها أموال العملاء المنفصلة داخل قبرص أو داخل المنطقة الاقتصادية الأوروبية. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن التشريع المطبق المطبق على هذه المؤسسات المالية خارج قبرص (ولكن داخل المنطقة الاقتصادية الأوروبية) قد يكون مختلفا عن التشريع الساري في قبرص. وفي حالة الإعسار، قد تعامل أموالك معاملة مختلفة عن أي معاملة تنطبق على الأموال المحتفظ بها في حسابات منفصلة في قبرص. The financial institution, to which we will pass your money, may hold it in an omnibus account. Hence, in the event of the insolvency or any other comparable proceedings in relation to that financial institution, we may only have an unsecured claim against the financial institution on your behalf, and you will be exposed to the risk that the money received by us from the financial institution is insufficient to satisfy your claims. It is understood that the Company may hold Client money and the money of other clients in the same account.
12. Deposits & الانسحاب.
The Client's Trading Account shall be activated upon the deposit of funds. The Client is able to deposit funds into his account at any time during the course of business relationship. Deposits can be made through a number of methods as specified on the Company’s Website, which may be changed at the Company’s discretion. When making a deposit, the Company shall credit the Client’s Trading account with the relevant amount. The Company prohibits third party or anonymous payments into the Client’s trading account. Only funds sent from an account held in the Client’s name and belonging to the Client are acceptable. The Company reserves the right at its discretion, if it has identified third party or anonymous deposits, to block the account. The Client should note that any remaining funds will be returned to the third-party source via the same payment method and any profits accumulated by the Client using third party or anonymous funds will not be made available to the Client. The Company reserves the right to request documentation to confirm the source of funds deposited into the Client’s account. The Company will process withdrawals upon receiving a request through the Client’s platform. When requesting a withdrawal, the Client should note that the withdrawal of funds will be sent back to the same account via the same method from where the initial deposit was received (e. g. Client deposits 100$ to trading account by bank wire, first 100$ of withdrawal will be sent via bank wire to same bank account). The Client is able to request any profit (above his deposit amounts) through other available methods, as long as the account the withdrawal is to be made belongs to the Client. Withdrawals can only be requested to accounts in the Client’s name. No withdrawals will be processed to third party or anonymous accounts. The Client, provided his account has been verified by the Company and provided the Client owns a Bitcoin wallet, is allowed to withdraw Bitcoins from his trading account, to the total value of his holdings in Bitcoins at the time of processing his withdrawal request.
13. Titles of Ownership.
The Financial Instruments purchased by the Client or by the Company on behalf of the Client and shall be registered in the name of the Client and/or in the name of the Company on behalf of the Client.
14. Safekeeping of Financial Instruments.
The Client’s Financial Instruments shall be deposited for safekeeping with a third party/custodian in the name of the Client and/or in the name of the Company on behalf of the Client subject to the terms of this Agreement, which may include the Company if applicable and permitted by applicable legislation. Such Financial Instruments may not be separately identifiable from the proprietary Financial Instruments of the third party / custodian and in such cases, the Client may not be fully protected against any act, omission or the insolvency of the third party / custodian. The Company shall act with diligence and care during the appointment and monitoring of the third party / custodian for the holding and safeguarding of Financial Instruments. The Company shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Client due to any act, omission or the insolvency of the third party / custodian, unless such loss is the result of gross negligence or fraud by the Company in the appointment or monitoring of the third party / custodian. The Client’s Financial Instruments in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 11.1 may be held with Financial Instruments of other clients in a pooled Bank account with a third party / custodian. Consequently, in the event of default on the part of the third party / custodian which causes a shortfall in the Financial Instruments held in the pooled Bank account, the Client may share proportionately in that shortfall. Where the Financial Instruments and assets of the Client are deposited for safekeeping with a third party / custodian of the Client’s choice, the Client will enter directly into an agreement with the third party / custodian of his choice and will notify the Company in writing of the appointment and the details of the third party / custodian.
15. Settlement of Transactions.
The Company shall proceed to a settlement of all transactions upon execution of such transactions. An online statement of Account will be available for printing to the Client on the Trading Platform of the Company, at all times.
16. Laws and Market Regulations.
All transactions of the Client shall be subject to the laws, which govern the establishment and operation, the regulations, arrangements, directives, decisions, circulars and practices (jointly referred to as “the Laws and Regulations”) of the CySEC and any other authorities which govern the operations of Investment Firms, as they are amended from time to time. The Company shall be entitled to take or avoid taking any necessary measures in order to comply with the Laws and Regulations, included but not limited to FATCA, in force from time to time.
17. Client’s Obligations.
The Client shall be obliged to deposit with the Bank Account any required funds so that there is sufficient clear balance for the execution of his order for the purchase of Financial Instruments and products and to deliver to the third party / custodian under the Company’s control any Financial Instruments he requires from the Company to sell, which may include the Company if applicable and permitted by applicable legislation. In case of non-fulfillment of these obligations, the Company shall be entitled not to execute the relevant order, in whole or in part. If the Company executes such orders, the Client shall be obliged to immediately pay the difference between the said balance and the cost of the transaction (in case of purchase) or to deliver the Financial Instruments and/or their control to the third party / custodian (in case of sale) and to pay the Company’s fee, commissions and/or other expenses, otherwise the Client shall be instantly deemed in default without any further notice and shall be liable for any loss caused to the Company from this delay including loss of profit. All assets, including Financial Instruments or funds which come into the control of the Company on behalf of the Client shall be subject to the Company’s right of lien. To this extent, the Company shall be entitled to refuse their delivery to the Client until all the obligations towards the Company are fulfilled. The Company shall not be liable for any losses caused to the Client or to any third party by the exercise of the right of lien or by any other lawful measures, which may be taken by it, in settlement of its claims against the Client, including any future or contingent claims. The Client agrees that in case the Company carries out a transaction which is not covered by the balance of the Client's Trading account, the Company shall have the right to liquidate his assets and use the proceeds to cover part or the total difference. The Company has the right to refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, for as long as it maintains any claims against the Client, whether these are due, future or contingent and regardless of whether these arise from the same transaction from which such obligations arise.
18. Other Documents.
The Client shall sign any document, which at the Company’s discretion, is considered fair and necessary for the provision of the Service(s) by the Company under this Agreement, including without limitation, for the execution of the Client’s orders and the operation of the Client’s funds. Such document shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement and shall remain in force until the Company receives a written notice from the Client to revoke it.
19. Foreign Exchange.
For any conversion required to be effected from one currency to another for the execution of any order, the Company is entitled at its absolute discretion to debit the Client’s Trading Account with the equivalent amount of the transaction in the currency in which the Client holds the Trading Account. The Client acknowledges and agrees that he shall undertake all risks deriving from any such conversion and in particular, the risk of loss which may be incurred as a result of the fluctuation in the exchange rates.
20. Costs and Associated Charges.
The Company may pay fee/commission to business introducers, referring agents, or other third parties based on written agreement. This fee/commission is related to the frequency/volume of transactions and/or other parameters. Specifically, The Conflicts of Interest such payments to business introducers may create and the procedures established by the Company for their management are described in the Company’s Conflicts of Interest Policy. All applicable fees or charges can be found on the Company’s Website (General Fees). The Company has the right to amend its fees and charges from time to time. يحق للعملاء استخدام الرموز أوتن للحد من لجنة الوساطة التي تتقاضاها الشركة لفتح عقود الفروقات على العملات الخفية. For this purpose, Clients can find the current internal rate of OTN tokens value for paying commissions on the OTN tab of the trading platform.
21. Provision of Information to the Client.
Where the Company holds Financial Instruments or funds on behalf of the Client, it shall send to the Client at least annually, a statement in a Durable Medium of those Financial Instruments or funds unless such a statement has been provided in any other periodic statement. Where the Company executes a Client's order, it shall send to the Client, in a Durable Medium, a notice which confirms execution of the order and includes the essential information concerning its execution, no later than the first business day following execution. The notice confirming the execution of the order, which shall be sent by the Company to the Client, shall include, as the case may be, the Company’s identification, the full name of the natural person or the name of the legal person or other designation of the Client, the trading day and time, the type of the order, the execution venue, the identification of the Financial Instrument, reference to the type of order (buy or sell), the quantity, the unit price, total consideration and the total sum of the commissions and expenses charged. The Client may request from the Company to send him information about the status of his/her order. The Client may object in writing any part of the notice referred to in paragraph 21.3 above within 5 (five) business days from the date he receives the notification. Failure of the Client to act as above shall prevent the Client from raising any objection or dispute on the specific transaction. An objection of the Client does not result in the cancellation of the transaction. Beta Versions: The Company may test certain functions and websites using a Beta Version which is available to Clients. Clients should note that the Company is not liable for any financial losses or disruptions to services the Client may face as a result of using Beta Versions. All Beta Versions will be identified as such and the Client accepts all risks.
22. Outsourcing and Appointment of Tied Agents.
The Company may appoint tied agents (further – “Agent(s))”) for identifying suitable opportunities and creating consumer interest and awareness towards the Services, for the receipt and transmission of orders from the Clients and/or for the provision of advice to the Client (if the Company offers such service as separate Service) or potential client in relation to the Financial Instruments. In case of appointment of an Agent, the Company shall remain fully and unconditionally responsible for any action or omission on the part of the Agent when acting on its behalf.
23. Investor Compensation Fund.
The Company is a member of the Investor Compensation Fund. The Client, under certain preconditions, is entitled to compensation from the Investor Compensation Fund. For more information please see Investor Compensation Fund.
24. Acknowledgement of Risks.
By accepting this Agreement the Client accepts that the Client has read and understood the information contained in this Agreement and the Company’s general description of the nature and risks of different Financial Instruments, Products, and/or Service(s) which can be found in our Risk Disclosure.
25. One Click Trading terms and conditions.
One Click Trading mode allows you to perform trading operations on the platform with only one click on the Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons without any additional confirmations.
Opting in for the One Click Trading mode means that you acknowledge that you have read and understood the following terms and conditions, and you agree to be bound hereby.
Your current version of the platform enables you to choose between the following modes for order submission. You agree that you will be bound by the procedures and conditions specified herein with respect to each such mode.
There are several steps you have to follow when using the default mode for the submission of orders. Using the default mode, you first invoke the instruments menu and choose the assets you want to trade. Then you select all parameters depending on the instrument you have chosen and confirm your order submission by clicking either Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons depending on the particular order type selected and your trading intentions. Using the default mode, a confirmation window will appear and will you have to confirm your intentions and the trade details in order to confirm the transaction. Your order will not be submitted until you have completed the aforementioned procedure.
The One Click Trading mode for order submission ("One-click trading") is a one-step process. You will be submitting orders when you single-click either Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons.
There will be no subsequent confirmation prompt for you to click; hence you should ensure beforehand that all parameters are set based on your trading intentions. You will not be able to withdraw your order once you click Buy/Call or Sell/Put buttons (with the exemption of a 3 second cancellation period for binary options) and only certain parameters such as stop loss and take profit orders for CFDs can be modified after having opened a trade. Under normal market conditions and system performance, a market order will be promptly filled after submission and you will have entered into a binding transaction.
You can activate or deactivate One Click Trading mode in the settings of the platform. One Click Trading can be activated or deactivated for one or several instruments in the settings.
By selecting the One Click Trading mode, you understand that your orders will be submitted by clicking the Buy/Call or Sell/Put button, without any further order confirmation. You agree to accept all risks associated with the use of the order submission mode you have chosen, including, without limitation, the risk of errors, omissions or mistakes made in submitting any order.
You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any and all losses, costs and expenses that may incur as a result of any such errors, omissions or mistakes by you or any other person trading on your behalf.
If you accept the One Click Trading terms and conditions, tick the "buy in one click" option when opening trades on the platform. If you do not accept the conditions, do not tick the box and do not use the One Click Trading function.
26. Duration of Agreement and Amendment Thereof.
This Agreement shall take effect upon its acceptance by the Client which is signified by the opening of the Trading Account and the depositing of funds. This agreement shall be valid for an indefinite time period, unless terminated in accordance with paragraph 26 below. This Agreement may be amended unilaterally by the Company to reflect any change in the legislation and/or decisions and/or EU Directives and/or regulations of the Market and/or the CySEC and/or other appropriate authorities in the Republic of Cyprus or abroad that affect this Agreement. In any such case, the Company shall notify the Client of the said amendment, which shall take effect immediately without the Client’s consent by publishing the new version of the Agreement and/or other related documentation/information on the Website. The Company reserves the right to amend, from time to time, any part of this Agreement for any reason. The Client shall ensure that they are informed of these changes at all times. Under such circumstances, the Client will be notified either in writing or through our Website accordingly and shall reserve the right to accept or not accept the amendments according to the provisions of this clause. If the Company deems that the amendments are material, such amendments will take effect on the date specified in the notice to you. Any amendments will affect all ongoing business between the Company and the Client, unless we state otherwise in our notice. No amendment of the terms of this Agreement shall affect any outstanding order, transaction, or any other rights or obligations which exist at the date of amendment, unless specified otherwise in the notice. The Client understands and agrees that her/his consent is not necessary for any change to be effective. Any order of the Client to execute a transaction(s) following the receipt of the notice, shall be deemed as acceptance by the Client of the contents of the amendment and of the Agreement as amended. The Client understands that it is their sole responsibility to remain up-to-date with all changes. The applicable version shall be the latest version uploaded on the Company’s website and in the event of a dispute the latest version shall prevail. In case the Client does not agree with the amendments, the Client shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 26 below.
27. Termination of the Agreement.
Each Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving to the other Party 15 (fifteen) days written notice. During the 15 days notice, the Company may limit the services available to the Client, however access will be granted in order for the Client to withdraw any remaining balance. The Company shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately, block the Client’s account, and return any remaining funds (if applicable) without giving prior notice under the following circumstances: Death or legal incompetence of the Client; If any application is made or any order is issued, or a meeting is convened, or a resolution is approved, or any measures of bankruptcy or winding up of the Client are taken; The Client violates any of the Client’s obligations under this Agreement; The Client being guilty of malicious conduct or gross negligence or fraud or of using fraudulent means or was involved in fraud scheme in relation to the performance of this Agreement; The Company has reasonable suspicion that the Client being guilty of or fraud or of using fraudulent means or was involved in fraud scheme in relation to the performance of this Agreement; The termination is required by any competent regulatory authority or body or court of law or under applicable law; The Client occurred to be or became the US Reportable Person or citizen or resident of Australia, Canada, Belgium, Israel, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Iran, North Korea or Japan; In case the Company became aware that the Client has not reached the age of maturity in the country which the Client is a citizen of or resides in. In case the Client receives 2 warnings regarding verbal abuse against employees of the Company. The Client breaches any of the warranties made by her/him in this Agreement. In case the Client uses and/or there are indications that lead the Company to reasonably believe that the Client uses different IP addresses from different countries and/or VPN during the course of executing any transactions and/or trades through the Trading Account and/or the provision of the Services. Whether the Client has provided notice to the Company for any change to its IP address and/or of the use of VPN is irrelevant. The Company shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately without giving prior notice under the following circumstances: if the Client didn’t provide to the Company his KYC documents within 14 days from the moment of acceptance of this Agreement. Provided that the provisions of paragraph 14 shall continue to apply even after the termination of the Agreement, any other lawful rights or obligations that have arisen during or before the termination of the Agreement shall not be affected and the Client shall be obliged to pay to the Company, inter alia: Any pending fee of the Company and any other amount payable to the Company; Any expenses incurred by the Company in the provision of the Service(s) under this Agreement, or as a result of the termination of this Agreement, and Any losses arising during the arrangement or the settlement of the outstanding obligations. In case of termination of this Agreement for a reason indicated in clause 26.2 of this Agreement, the Company shall have no liability towards the Client and no obligation to pay the profit of the Client. In case of termination of this Agreement for a reason indicated in clause 26.1 of this Agreement, the Company shall have either to wire to the Client the remaining balance or to give to the client the opportunity to withdraw his remaining balance. In case of termination of this Agreement for a reason indicated in clause 26.2 of this Agreement, the Company shall have to transfer to the Client the remaining balance. In case of termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Company shall have no liability towards the Client in case the obligations subject to the fulfillment the Company’s obligations.
28. The Client's Data.
The Client’s data are those recorded in the Client’s questionnaire and are included in the Client’s Trading Account under his personal cabinet. The Company could update the Client’s data by written notice to the Client in a reasonable time at its absolute discretion. The Company will keep Client’s data for the whole duration of this Agreement and for at least 5 (five) years following termination of this Agreement.
29. Confidentiality.
The Parties agree to keep confidential and not to disclose to any third party any confidential information given by the other Party under this Agreement including without limitation all the communication, documentation or other information exchanged between them, both during the term of the Agreement as well as after its termination. The Company has the right, without prior notice to the Client, to disclose personal data or details of the transactions of the Client in order to comply with the requirements of the regulatory authorities in the Republic of Cyprus or abroad. The Company may also disclose such information to its auditors/consultants provided if they are informed and committed to the confidentiality of the information communicated. The Company will handle all Clients’ personal data according to the relevant laws and regulations for the protection of personal data as this may be amended from time to time.
30. Communication Methods.
Subject to any specific provision to the contrary in this Agreement, the Client may communicate with the Company by mail, fax, email or telephone. The communication details of the Company are the following:
Postal Address: Yiannis Nicolaides Business Center, Agiou Athanasiou Avenue 33, 4102, Agios Athanasios, Limassol, Cyprus.
Telephone:(+357) 25 825808 Fax: (+357) 25 335164.
E-mail: info@eu. iqoption. The official communication language of the Company is English. For the ease and convenience of the Client, the Company employs staff who are able to speak the Client’s native language. It should be noted that all documents and information provided by the Company shall be in English, if the Company provides such information in any languages other than English, it does so for informational purposes only. The Company will not be legally responsible or liable regarding the accuracy of the translated information. It is advised that the Client refer to the English version of such information/documentation.
31. Handling of Complaints.
The Client shall contact (in writing) the Company’s compliance officer in respect to any complaints for the Services provided by the Company under this Agreement through the email: complaints@iqoption. The complaint shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Company’s policy, details of which can be found at the following link Complaints & Grievances Policy.
32. Force Majeure.
The Company shall not be liable to the Client for any failure, hindrance or delay in performing its obligations under this agreement where such failure, hindrance or delay arises directly or indirectly from circumstances beyond its reasonable control. Such force majeure events shall include without limitation any technical difficulties such as telecommunications failures or disruptions, declared or imminent war, rebellion, civil unrest, natural disasters, statutory provisions, measures taken by authorities, strikes, lock–outs, boycotts, blockades or discontinuance or suspension of the operation of any Market. The Company does not bear responsibility for not fulfilling (improperly fulfilling) of its obligations when prevented from doing so by uncontrollable circumstances.
33. Assignment.
The Agreement shall be personal to the Client and the Client shall not be entitled to assign or transfer any of his/her rights or obligations under this Agreement. The Company may at any time assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to a third party. The Company shall notify the Client of any such assignment.
34. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.
The Agreement and all transactional relations between the Client and the Company shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and the Parties agree that all disputes shall be finally settled in the courts of the Republic of Cyprus.
35. General Provisions.
The Client acknowledges that no representations were made to him by or on behalf of the Company, which have in any way incited or persuaded him to enter into this Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Appendices/Annexes and other related documentation/information on the Website, including ‘Conflict of Interest Policy’, ‘Order Execution Policy’, ‘Risk Disclosure’, shall constitute the entire agreement between the Company and the Client in accordance with the provisions of the Law and shall prevail over any oral or written communication and/or previous agreements between the Company and the Client. In case any provision of the Agreement becomes, at any time, illegal, void or unenforceable in any respect, in accordance with any applicable law and/or regulation of any jurisdiction, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall not be affected. In case of negligence, tolerance or leniency on the part of any Party with respect to its rights under this Agreement shall not in any case be deemed a silent or other waiver or abandonment of rights. Where the Client is more than one person, the Client’s obligations under this Agreement shall be joint and several and any reference in this Agreement to the Client shall be construed, where applicable, as reference to any one or more of such persons. Unless otherwise specified, any order, notice or communication given by any of the persons who constitute the Client shall be deemed to have been given by and/or on behalf of all the persons who constitute the Client. The Client consents to unsolicited communication and agrees to be contacted during normal business hours for direct advertising without prior invitation by the Company. The Client undertakes to pay all stamp expenses relating to the Agreement and any documents, which may be required for the execution of the transactions under the Agreement. The Client solemnly declares that: the Client has received and/or has had the opportunity to receive a copy of the Agreement prior to the date of its signing and that he/she has had the opportunity to get advice from a lawyer and/or professional advisor of his choice, and the Client has carefully read and has fully comprehended the entire contents of this Agreement with which he absolutely and unreservedly agrees and the Client accepts that he/she shall be fully bound by its terms and conditions.
1. The Client's Responsibility.
The Client acknowledges that these General Terms is as an integral part of this Agreement. It is the Client's responsibility to verify that all transactions and Service(s) received are not contradictory to any applicable law and to undertake any other legal duty emanating from the use of Website at the Client’s sole option, discretion and risk, and the Client is solely responsible for ascertaining whether it is legal in the Client's jurisdiction and/or place of residence. The Client holds sole liability for all transactions in his Trading Account, including all cards transactions or other means of deposit and withdrawal transactions (as stated below). The Client is responsible for securing his/her Username and Password for his Trading Account. The Client holds sole responsibility for any damage caused due to any act or omission of the Client causing inappropriate or irregular use of the Client Trading Account. It is clearly stated and agreed by the Client that the Client bears sole responsibility for any decision made and/or to be made by the Client relying on the content of the Website and no claim and/or suit of any kind will arise to that effect against the Company and/or its directors and/or employees and/or functionaries and/or Agents (the Company and/or its Agents). The Company and/or its Agents will hold no responsibility for loss of profits due to and/or related to the Website, Transactions carried out by the Client, Services and the General Terms of use or any other damages, including special damages and/or indirect damages or circumstantial damages caused, except in the event of malicious acts made by the Company. Without limitation of the aforesaid and only in the event of definitive judgment by court or other authorized legal institution resolving that the Company and/or its Agent(s) hold liability towards the Client or third party, the Company's liability, in any event, will be limited to the amount of money deposited and/or transferred by the Client to the Trading Account in respect of the transaction which caused the liability of the Company and/or its Agent(s) (if such was caused). No Trading Account will be approved without the completion of the Company’s compliance procedures, including the identification and verification of the Account.
The value of the financial instruments offered by the Company may increase or decrease. The Client acknowledges that they fully understand the risks involved in trading CFDs (and other similar products), including, but not limited to, the risk of loss of all funds. CFD Trading does not give you any right to the underlying instrument of the Transaction. This means that you do not have any interests in, or the right to purchase any underlying shares in relation to such instruments because the CFDs represent a notional value only. Risks associated with trading in cryptocurrencies: There is no specific EU regulatory framework governing the trading in virtual currencies and trading in these products therefore falls outside the scope of the Company’s MiFID II regulated activities.
Virtual currencies are complex and high-risk products, and their prices fluctuates widely; as such, they entail the risk of losing the entire invested capital. Trading cryptocurrencies may result in significant loss over a short period of time. Clients should not trade in virtual currencies in case they do not have the necessary knowledge and expertise in these products.
When trading virtual currencies, Clients have no rights to report to the Cyprus Financial Ombudsman in case of a dispute with the Company. The Client acknowledges that he has read, understood and accepted the Company’s risk disclosure information found on the Company’s Website.
3. Financial Information.
The Company should not be held responsible for any losses that the Client may incur (or to third party) due to reliance on inaccurate or erroneous financial information on the Website. The Client should verify the accuracy and reliability of the information on the Website and its appropriateness in comparison with other dependable information sources. The Company will not be held responsible for any allegedly caused claim, cost, loss or damage of any kind as a result of information offered on the Website or due to information sources used by the Website. The Client approves and accepts that any oral information given to him/her in respect of his Trading Account might be partial and unverified. The Client accepts sole risk and responsibility for any reliance on the aforementioned information. The Company does not give any warranty that pricing or other information supplied by it through its trading software or any other form is correct or that it reflects current market conditions.
4. Trading Rescission.
Trading on the Website or partly on one or more instruments may be cancelled with no advanced notice. The Client will have no claim or right of indemnification for damages allegedly caused by trading cancellation, whether for concluded transactions or for transactions, the Client may indicate that he allegedly intended to be carried out.
5. Limited Liability.
The Company does not guarantee uninterrupted service, safe and errors-free, and immunity from unauthorized access to the trading sites' servers nor disruptions caused from damages, malfunctions or failures in hardware, software, communications and systems in the Client's computers and in the Company's suppliers. Supplying services by the Company depends, inter alia, on third parties and the Company bears no responsibility for any actions or omissions of third parties and bears no responsibility for any damage and/or loss and/or expense caused to the Client and/or third party as a result of and/or in relation to any aforesaid action or omission. The Company will bear no responsibility for any damage of any kind allegedly caused to the Client, which involves force majeure or any such event that the Company has no control of and which has influenced the accessibility of its trading site. Under no circumstances will the Company or its Agent(s) hold responsibility for direct or indirect damage of any kind, even if the Company or its Agent(s) had been notified of the possibility of aforesaid damages.
6. The Company's Privileges.
The Client agrees that the Company may, at any time and with no prior notice to the Client terminate, cancel and/or close all or part of the Client’s transactions, pledge, transfer, or sell the balance and/or securities in the Client's Trading Account and to perform any action which the Company, at its sole discretion, sees fit to cure the breach if any of the following occur:
The Client confirms and accepts that the Company might impose restrictions on the Trading Account if required to by law, including without limitation, court order, tax authority, regulatory authorities and any other official authority requirement. The Client agrees that the Company might be required to return or block money existing in the Client's Trading Account to fulfill requirements of the previously mentioned authorities. Should the aforementioned occur, the Client will have no right, claim or demand from the Company in respect of losses caused to his account as a result of any such action and undertakes to indemnify the Company for any damage caused by the Company's aforesaid action.
The Company cannot accept request to modify or cancel transaction received from the Client.
Bonus Terms and Conditions in Binary Options.
By Ines Matkovich - April 27, 2018 2:30 pm.
UPDATE, December 2018: CySEC regulated brokers can no longer provide binary options bonuses!
Many traders get seduced by amazing bonuses offered, and this is another time when golden rule proves itself right once again: if the offer sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t.
Bonus rules are provided by good and bad brokers alike, so the pure existence of rules is not providing any insurance at all. The difference is that good brokers have reasonable conditions while scam brokers leave to many information open to misinterpretations or don’t have such rules at all.
Understanding every aspect of trading as well as terms and conditions is of crucial importance for every trader. Bonuses, funds rewarded to traders after making a deposit, are often considered free money, but they are everything but that. This lucrative offer can bond the deposited amount to the broker, and the trader can have difficulties when withdrawing if he lacks a basic understanding of the bonus terms or the said terms are not clear.
Before accepting any promotion, it is always recommended to read terms and conditions to avoid any speculations and problems later.
Here is the list of things one should pay attention to.
Accepting the Bonus and Knowing Your Rights.
Very often, a bonus is used as a way to make the trader make up his mind to make a deposit, and this is not surprising as bonuses are usually perceived as extra money that always comes in handy. Before spring 2018, bonuses were often used as a way to prevent a trader from making a withdrawal. Scam brokers were handing them out, and traders were accepting them without much thinking.
Unfortunately, some traders have received bonuses without their prior acknowledgement, so CySEC was forced to introduce a new set of rules. Read more on CySEC bonus rules.
Understanding the Bonuses.
According to CySEC, no regulated broker is allowed to add a bonus onto trading account without prior written permission. This protected many traders, but not those who are trading with unregulated brokers.
For this reason, it is always recommended to trade with regulated brokerage companies like those on Top List.
Sometimes account managers put additional pressure on traders in order to convince them that bonuses are all nice and fun. Traders must always remember that they should have the final say.
Before accepting an offer read terms and conditions carefully and then make your decision. Things that every trader should pay attention to are:
Required trading volume or required turnover Duration of the bonus How the bonus affects deposit withdrawal? How is the trading volume calculated? How are the profit and loss calculated after the bonus is accepted?
Account manager and brokerage staff have a tendency to do all the convincing part via phone call, as it is harder to track what is going on, especially when it comes to scam brokers. For this reason, always insist on written correspondence via email. That way trader can take his time before making a decision, read all terms and conditions, and then, request an offer that can again be estimated for some time.
Keeping things in writing is a precaution in case something goes wrong anytime.
Bonus Terms and Conditions.
Terms and conditions are something every trader has to read, but nowadays when we are bombed with T&C for everything, it is easy for this important document to slip by. T&C is basically, an agreement on the behavior of trader and broker that must be obliged in every moment the trader is registered as a user on the platform.
Some brokers have Bonus Terms (known also as Bonus Rules, or Bonus Terms and Conditions) as a standalone document while other have it integrated as a part of general terms and conditions.
Bonus Types.
Traders should keep in mind that there are several types of bonuses, and here are few that are the most frequent:
Initial deposit bonus or Welcome bonus.
Bonus awarded when the trader makes the first deposit. The bonus amount is usually calculated in percentages, depending on the deposited amount. For example, 50% bonus on $250 deposit will be $125, so the trader will end up with $375 on the account. The required turnover is usually calculated like with any other Deposit bonus.
مكافأة الإيداع.
Bonus awarded on every next deposit made. This is also the best-known bonus and always has some required trading volume attached. It is mostly calculated by using the formula mentioned lower in the text. In most cases, the required turnover is between 20x and 40x.
لا إيداع مكافأة.
Bonus awarded prior to trader’s deposit, in order to make him more interested in the platform. This bonus usually comes in smaller amounts that enable execution of one or two trades in order to help the trader experience the platform. The bonus amount is not available for immediate withdrawal, as the trader has to reach the requested turnover, that can be somewhat higher (around 40x). There can also be additional conditions for profits withdrawal, like an active account with a deposit made before the request is processed.
Refer-a-friend bonus.
Bonus awarded when the traded recommends a friend who makes a deposit. The amount is usually symbolic: it can be a unique amount of $ or a small percentage of the amount deposited. It can also come with additional specific rules or higher turnover attached. Before accepting it, make sure to understand what rules apply.
Risk-free bonus.
This bonus is very rare and usually consists of risk-free trades, in most cases limited by the trading amount or time frame. This way, if the trader loses the money in those trades, the amount is not taken off the deposit, but covered by the broker. However, the profits made don’t automatically belong to the trader, but also require turnover in most cases.
Also, every promotion advertised by the broker has specific rules. It is hard to accentuate enough, that no trader should accept any type of promotion or bonus without a complete understanding of the rules applied. When it comes to respected and honest brokers, all bonus terms are usually found in one place, no matter the bonus type, so traders can easily make their decision.
How is the Required Volume Calculated?
Many traders don’t understand the basic principles of trading bonuses, and some foul brokers don’t even put any effort into explaining it to them. In most cases, trading volume is easy to calculate in case trader knows basic bonus terms. The formula for calculating the trading volume is mostly explained in bonus terms and conditions.
For example, the trader makes $250 deposit, and the broker is willing to add 100% bonus with a required turnover of x20.
This means that trader has $500 available for trading, but not for immediate withdrawal. The withdrawal can happen only in case a required trading volume has been reached. In this case, the trader can withdraw bonus profit and deposit, only after the balance on the account is $5,250.
Deposit + Bonus x 20 = required volume.
When the trader has reached the volume, the amount (bonus profit and deposit) can be withdrawn. In the case, when the trader wants to withdraw funds before the required turnover has been reached he won’t be able to withdraw full amount deposited, but only the initial deposit amount with all invested sums deducted from the deposit. Let’s say that in case trader invested in two $25 trades and lost. This means, there are $200 left for his withdrawal.
True Stories on Bonus Scams.
Unfortunately, every forum dedicated to the binary options has at least one topic opened by someone who has been scammed by accepting the bonus. And while their disappointment and rage are totally understandable, it is important to understand how honest brokers provide all necessary information on bonus rules. Most of them do not even recommend accepting the bonus in case the trader doesn’t take it seriously. Banc De Binary warned all traders about problems that occur with bonuses.
Yet, there are many brokers who take advantage on people’s trust and are silent about bonus conditions. After traders try to withdraw their money, they find themselves standing in front of the wall, as broker often declines not only the withdrawal request but any type of communication too. You can read some stories on bonus frauds below.
LBinary: Unauthorized bonuses.
One of the first scams we interacted with was LBinary after one reader wrote about her case. The trader lost $10,000 in a single night, as the broker traded in her name without prior approval, and to make things worse, even added an unauthorized bonus.
No matter how much she tried to convince her account manager and customer support to stop, it was impossible. There was no written proof of her accepting anything, and the broker simply took advantage of the customer. Find out more about this case.
MyOption: Impossible withdrawals.
Some brokers, like MyOption, are trying to avoid talking about the withdrawal, in case the trader accepts the bonus. In this case, the trader got a bonus without knowing what the terms of bonuses are, and every attempt to contact the broker was futile.
Even after FBO tried to straight thing out, it was impossible to get any sensible answer. The trader was told that bonus can be canceled at any moment, and the deposit is withdrawn fully, but the reality was much different. Learn about it here.
Such stories repeat in media every now and then, as scam brokers are always around, and new traders join the binary fever each day. In order to protect your funds from dishonest brokers who operate under unclear conditions, make sure to select the broker that suits you. The most reliable brokers can be found on the Broker’s list.
أدلة ثنائية أخرى.
أرشيف الأخبار.
كازينو الأعلى تقييما.
دقيقة. إيداع الاشتراك مكافأة $ 10 تصل إلى 300 $.
وسيط الفوركس الموثوق به.
دقيقة. إيداع ماكس. الرافعة المالية $ 250 1: 400.
أعلى منصات التداول.
وسيط الحد الأدنى. إيداع دقيقة. استثمار استعراض $ 250 $ 25.
يرجى زيارة الرعاة.
حقوق الطبع والنشر © 2018-2017 جميع الحقوق محفوظة معرض الخيارات الثنائية - وا.
تنويه: هذا الموقع هو مستقل عن وسطاء ثنائي واردة على ذلك. قبل التداول مع أي من الوسطاء، يجب على العملاء المحتملين التأكد من فهمهم للمخاطر والتحقق من أن الوسيط مرخص.
لا يقدم الموقع خدمات استثمارية أو توصيات شخصية للعملاء للتداول بالخيارات الثنائية. لا ينبغي أن ينظر إلى المعلومات حول فيربيناريوبتيونس باعتبارها توصية للتجارة الخيارات الثنائية أو أن تعتبر المشورة في مجال الاستثمار. فيربيناريوبتيونس غير مرخصة ولا أذن لتقديم المشورة بشأن الاستثمار والمسائل ذات الصلة. يجب على العميل المحتمل عدم الانخراط في أي استثمار بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر في الأدوات المالية إلا إذا كان يعرف وفهم تماما المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها كل من الأدوات المالية التي يتم الترويج لها في الموقع.
هل هذا هو القرار النهائي؟
نقترح عليك زيارة واحدة من وسطاء شعبية بدلا من ذلك!
مساعدة فيربيناريوبتيونس تبقى عادلة.
مهلا هناك، لاحظنا أنك تستخدم أدبلوك. على الرغم من أننا نفهم أن الإعلانات قد تكون مزعجة، فإننا نعتمد على العائد من المعلن لإدارة موقعنا على الويب.
Binary options bonus terms and conditions
Version 43. Last modified 2018-11-09.
It is the responsibility of each Client to read and understand this legal notice and the terms and conditions pursuant to which an acquisition of financial contracts via this site is governed.
A. Interpretation.
The term "the Company" shall denote either Binary (IOM) Ltd., First Floor, Millennium House, Victoria Road, Douglas, IM2 4RW, Isle of Man, British Isles, licensed and regulated by (1) the Gambling Supervision Commission in the Isle of Man, British Isles, current online gambling licence issued on 31 August 2018, and for UK clients by (2) the UK Gambling Commission; Binary (Europe) Ltd., Mompalao Building, Suite 2, Tower Road, Msida MSD1825, Malta, licensed and regulated by (1) the Malta Gaming Authority in Malta for the Gaming products, licence no MGA/CL2/118/2000 dated 26th May 2018 and for UK clients by (2) the UK Gambling Commission; Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd Mompalao Building, Suite 2, Tower Road, Msida MSD1825, Malta, regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for Investment products, holder of a Category 3 Investment Services licence no IS/ 70156; or Binary (CR) S. A., depending on the jurisdiction to which a Client's account has been attached in accordance with the account opening procedures of the website and as detailed in the About Us section of the website.
These Terms and Conditions may be supplemented from time to time by Supplementary Terms and Conditions applicable to a particular Company or products.
B. Introduction.
The financial trading services contained within this site are only suitable for Clients who are able to bear the loss of all the money they invest and who understand and have experience of the risks involved in the acquisition of financial contracts.
International currency, stock index or commodity prices are highly volatile and very difficult to predict. Due to such volatility, plus the bias in the pricing system favouring the website (as described in more detail below), no financial contract purchased in our system (whether or not the payout exceeds the premium amount) can be considered a safe contract.
The maximum loss that may be incurred by any Client is the amount of money paid by oneself to the Company.
The Company reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse and/or cancel services, charge deposit and/or withdrawal fees to anyone for any reasons including, but not limited to:
any instance where the Company believes that person's activities at this site may be illegal in that person's country or state; any instance where the Company may be approached or contacted by legal authorities or regulators from that person's country or state; any instance where the Company may suffer any pecuniary, fiscal or regulatory disadvantage by virtue of that person's activities at this site; any restriction to its Clients from purchasing any contracts during certain hours.
C. Languages.
These Terms and Conditions, for the convenience of our Clients are provided in several different languages; however, these translations do reflect the same principles. We attempt, as much as possible to provide a faithful translation in English of the prevailing language. In the event of any differences between the English version of the website and any other language, the English version shall prevail.
You may communicate with us through this website by means of e-mail, phone or, exceptionally, by post. Details can be found in the Contact Us page.
Generally we will communicate with you through this website or by email to the email address used when opening your account. We will communicate with you in English or, if you select another preferred language when opening your account, in that language.
D. Governing Laws and Jurisdiction.
Laws regarding financial contracts vary throughout the world, and it is the responsibility of persons accessing this site to ensure that they understand and fully comply with any laws or regulations relevant to themselves in their own country. This site does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of, an offer or solicitation to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. Access to this site and the offering of financial contracts via this site in certain jurisdictions may be restricted and, accordingly, persons accessing this site are required to inform themselves about and to observe such restrictions.
The transactions performed on this site and the relationship between Clients and the Company are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country of incorporation of the Company (the "Jurisdiction"), which shall be either of the Isle of Man, Malta, or Costa Rica. You agree that the Jurisdiction's courts will have sole jurisdiction to settle any disputes that may arise in relation thereto. For such purposes, you irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Jurisdiction in relation to any such dispute and you agree that any claim you might have against the Company shall only be brought before the courts of the Jurisdiction. For further information on complaints and disputes, kindly refer to the Company's Complaints and Disputes section.
E. Contracts.
The Company does not provide a market amongst or between Clients for investments, securities, derivatives or speculations. Each financial contract purchased by a Client via this site is an individual agreement between that Client and the Company and is not a security, nor is it transferable, negotiable or assignable to or with any third party.
Acquisition of financial contracts through this site must be effected in accordance with the terms and conditions presented on the pages of this site. Acquisition of a financial contract is completed when the financial contract has been customised, the premium (or the payout, as the case may be) has been calculated and payment has been verified.
F. Client's Liability.
Clients agree to be fully and personally liable for the due settlement of every transaction entered into under their account with the Company. This includes any transactions entered into by members of the Client's family or entourage who have gained access to the account. Clients are responsible for ensuring that they alone control access to the account, and that no minors are granted access to trading on the website. In any case, Clients remains fully liable for any and all positions traded on their account, and for any credit card transactions entered into the site for their account. Each Client also indemnifies the Company in respect to all costs and losses of any kind, whatsoever as may be incurred by the Company as a result, direct or indirect, of the Client's failure to perform or settle such a transaction. Online Gambling debts are enforceable in law in the Isle of Man.
G. Customer Funds.
Money collected from Clients are not invested in any securities, futures, currencies, derivatives or other investments, on behalf of Clients.
We are required by our licence to inform you about what happens to funds which we hold on account for you, and the extent to which funds are protected in the event of insolvency gamblingcommission. gov. uk/for-the-public/Your-rights/Protection-of-customer-funds. aspx.
The company holds customer funds in separate bank accounts to the operational accounts; and arrangements have been made to ensure assets in the customer accounts are distributed to customers in the event of insolvency. This meets the Gambling Commission's requirements for the segregation of customer funds at the level: medium protection.
The company has various deposit methods available, each with their own timing for deposits, some of which might not be available for withdrawals. Full details of deposits and withdrawals methods available including settlement times are available here.
Your account should not be used as a banking facility and deposits should only be made with a view to using funds to place contracts. The Company is not a financial institution, Clients will not receive interest on deposits. Should you make repeated deposits and withdrawals without commensurate contracts being placed, we reserve the right to pass on to your accounts, without prior notice, any bank charges we have incurred before closing the account.
H. Prohibited Trades.
The Company reserves the right to refuse to do business with, to discontinue to do business with, and to reverse the transactions of, Clients who engage in any trading activity:
that contravenes any laws, regulations, instruments, ordinances or rules that govern the operation of any exchange, financial market, or financial regulatory environment; or with insider knowledge of any financial market or instrument.
The Company has the discretion to seek information from Clients to verify compliance with these terms.
It is a condition of using the website that:
any Client that is employed in the banking and/or finance sector must only conduct trades through the website with the knowledge of his/her employer and in accordance with the employer’s policies; and that Clients agree to comply with the reasonable requests made by the Company for the purpose of verifying compliance with this term.
The Company may withhold payment of funds accumulated in a Client’s account while it takes steps to verify compliance with these terms.
If the Company (in its sole discretion) is not satisfied that a Client is complying with these terms, or if a Client does not comply with a reasonable request for information made by the Company, the Company may cancel the Client’s account and withhold any funds accumulated therein.
I. Fraud and Money Laundering.
لا يجوز لأي شخص إساءة استخدام هذا الموقع لغرض غسل الأموال. The Company employs best-practice anti-money laundering procedures. All transactions are checked to prevent money laundering which may have several effects on Clients. The Company reserves the right to refuse to do business with, to discontinue to do business with, and to reverse the transactions of, Clients who do not accept or adhere to these anti-money laundering processes. Acceptable funds should not originate from criminal activity. The Company is bound to report suspicious transactions to relevant authorities.
The anti-money laundering processes have the following effects on Clients: Clients must fill into the account opening form all requested details that establish their identity. Clients must give a valid identification, address, and contact email and personal telephone number. Winnings may only be paid to the initiator of an account. When a Client maintains an account by means of telegraphic deposits, winnings are only paid to the holder of the originating bank account, and it is the onus of the Client to ensure that account number and name accompany all transfers to the Company. When a Client maintains an account by means of credit/debit card deposits, winnings are only paid back to the same card. Clients must register personally. Clients shall not hold or pool third party funds into their own account held with the Company. It is prohibited to sell, transfer and/or acquire accounts to/from other clients. Transfer of funds among other clients is also prohibited. يسمح بحساب واحد فقط لكل شخص. No winnings and/or refunds may be collected on accounts opened in false names or on multiple accounts opened by the same person. The Company may, from time to time, at its sole discretion, or as required by regulations in place to conduct appropriate "Know Your Customer" procedures and require a Client to provide proof of identity (such as notarized copy of passport or other means of identity verification as the Company deems required under the circumstances) and may at its sole discretion suspend an account until satisfactory identification information, evidence of identity and address, source of funds and/or source of wealth have been provided. Know Your Customer documentation will be required when a Client deposits money in the account. In the case of a client opening an account with Binary (Europe) Ltd, the threshold for verifying clients is on cumulative withdrawals of EUR 2,300. You agree that we may use Personal information provided by you in order to conduct appropriate anti-fraud checks. Personal Information that you provide may be disclosed to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information. Telephone conversations may be recorded and/or monitored by designated staff for quality and antifraud purposes.
We have the right and obligation not to accept the information provided by you if we know or have a reason to believe that it is incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete. In such case, we may ask you to clarify or correct the details provided.
J. Company's Right.
The Company reserves the right to suspend the operation of this site or sections thereof: When, as a result of political, economic, military or monetary events (including unusual market volatility or illiquidity) or any circumstances outside the control, responsibility and power of the Company, the continued operation of this site is not reasonably practicable without materially and adversely affecting and prejudicing the interests of Clients or the Company, or if, in the opinion of the Company, a price cannot be calculated for financial contracts. When there is a breakdown in the means of communication normally employed in determining the price or value of any of the financial contracts or where the price or value of any of the financial contracts cannot be promptly or accurately ascertained. The Company has and retains the right, to terminate any event or trade, including but not limited to the occurrence of any of the above events. In any event of an error in current prices, published odds or trading software. In all circumstances, the Company reserves the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions. If the Company elects to make any material changes to these Terms and Conditions, our clients will be notified in advance and shall either accept or decline to agree. Declining to agree shall result in a material breach of this agreement and the client's account maybe frozen, suspended or cancelled.
In such an event, the Company may at its sole discretion (with or without notice) close out Client's open financial contracts at prices it considers fair and reasonable at such a time and no claims may be entertained against the Company in connection thereto.
Further, the Company, under the above circumstances, or any other, reserves the right to adjust a client's account should any trade result in a disruption, miscarry or aborted trade.
Although the Company has and retains all rights to refuse or to close a Client's account, the Company does warrant that all contractual obligations already made, shall be honoured.
The Company reserves the right to cancel/reverse transactions or amend the contractual terms (including, but not limited to, entry and exit spot) in the case that any contracts are acquired or sold at prices that do not reflect fair market prices or that are acquired or sold at an abnormally low level of risk due to an undetected programming error, bug or glitch in our website software, market data feed or contract pricing latency, data feed error, stray quotes, incorrect pricing parameters, or manifest mis-calculation of prices or other obvious errors ("Manifest Errors"). Clients have a duty to report to the Company any such problems, errors or suspected system inadequacies that they may experience and may not abuse of or arbitrage such system problems or errors for profit. The Company will endeavour to resolve any such difficulties in the shortest time possible. Any amendments to the contractual terms (including, but not limited to, entry and exit spot) of Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be reasonable and fair. Monies exchanged between oneself and the Company in connection with Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be returned to the recipient according to the amendments made to the contractual terms (including, but not limited to, entry and exit spot). You further acknowledge and agree that the Company will not be held liable or responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss, expenses or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with a Manifest Error.
Persons with insider knowledge of any financial market or instrument are prohibited from trading at this website.
Any information given on these pages and/or emails or newsletters sent by the company related thereto, is not intended as financial or investment advice and the Company will not accept any liability in this respect, nor will the Company accept any responsibility for the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the information provided on this site.
The right is also reserved to amend or change the rules and scope of this service from time to time. Any change to the rules made whilst the site is in operation will not apply retrospectively and will only apply to acquisitions of financial contracts made after such change. It is the Company's responsibility to notify Clients before any changes to its terms come into effect.
K. Dormant and Inactive Accounts.
The company reserves the right to charge a dormant fee of up to USD/EUR/AUD/GBP25 or, for the cryptocurrency accounts, the equivalent of USD25 as calculated in accordance with the current exchange rate published by xe, or another recognized data provider, as on the date of charging of the fee, every 6 months for every Client account that has had no transaction recorded for over 12 months. If a Client's account is with Binary (Europe) Ltd., and his account has had no activity for a period of thirty months, and the Client cannot be located or contacted, the Company shall remit the balance of the account to the Malta Gaming Authority. Clients need to contact our helpdesk to recover funds from inactive, closed, blocked or excluded accounts.
L. Liability.
The Company will not be liable in any way to any persons in the event of force majeure, or for the act of any Government or legal authority or for the failure of or damage or destruction to, its computer systems, data or records or any part thereof, or for delays, losses, errors or omissions resulting from the failure or mismanagement of any telecommunications or computer equipment or software. The Company shall not be responsible for any damages or losses deemed or alleged to have resulted from or been caused by this site or its content. This includes any client's use or misuse of its content, the inability of any client to connect with or use the site, delay in operations or transmission, failure of communication lines, or any errors or omissions in content.
M. Marketing and Promotion.
The Company may from time to time inform you about changes on the website, new services and promotions. If you, however, wish to opt out of such a service and do not wish to receive any direct marketing data you can either unsubscribe to the service or email our customer support team. If you decide to opt in again into receiving promotional material, you can also do so by contacting us.
N. Account Opening.
You may only open an account at this site on condition that: you have read this Legal Terms and Conditions page in full and understood that you will be buying and selling financial contracts subject to these terms and conditions; you have read our privacy statement and hereby give us consent to process your personal information as outlined there; you are over 18 years of age, unless you are an Estonian resident whereby you would have to be over 21; you are not resident in a restricted country such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jersey, Malaysia, Malta, Syria, Uganda, USA, Vanuatu or Yemen; you have sufficient experience and knowledge in matters of financial trading to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of acquiring financial contracts via this site and have done so without relying on any information contained in this site.
O. Account Closure.
You may choose to contact us to close your account held with the Company. Your account may be closed if you do not have any open trade positions and if you have complied with the requested "Know Your Client" procedures to enable you to withdraw any pending funds in your account.
قواعد التداول.
The Company may impose certain rules and restrictions in relation to the placing of market orders on this website. Such rules may change from time to time, according to market conditions and other factors. The following indicative rules are currently in place: Contracts will not usually be offered at odds under 0.05-to-1 (i. e. payouts of under USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 1.05 for each USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 1 staked). Contracts offered by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. have a minimum purchase price of USD/GBP/EUR 5. Contracts are not usually offered in the last hour of trade of any given market (for foreign exchange markets, the restriction may be extended up to 3 hours). Contracts will not usually be offered when the underlying market is at its intraday high or intraday low. Contracts will not usually be offered during the first 10 minutes of market trade. During fast markets (i. e. periods of very fast market movements), contracts may be offered at prices more unfavourable than those offered in usual market conditions. Certain limits are imposed as to the acceptable levels for barrier/strike prices of contracts. Typically, the barrier/strike may not be too close nor too far from the current underlying market level. Contracts may not expire on a weekend; therefore the expiry date of a contract may be pushed back to the following Monday in the event of a contract expiry date falling on a Saturday or a Sunday. Market prices are updated at most once per second. For any given second, the market price will be updated to the first tick, if any, received in that particular second on the company datafeed. The company does not guarantee the ability to sell a contract prior to its expiration time.
Contract Payouts.
Contract payouts shall be determined by the Company by reference to the daily high/low/close values reported on this website relevant to the underlying index(ices) of the contract(s) or from the interbank trading data received by the Company for forex quotes or commodities prices as displayed on the website, subject that the Company shall have the right to make corrections to such data in the event of mis-priced or typographically incorrect data. Clients should note that the different markets may close at different times during the day due to local trading hours and time zones.
In the case of single stock and stock index prices, the final closing price as reported by the relevant official Exchange shall apply for all settlements (this final settlement price may, at times, be reported by the relevant Exchange 30-90 minutes after the official closing time of the market, and may differ from the latest tick price that occurred at the closing time).
For forex quotes the closing times are defined by the Company as shown in the Market Opening Times section of the website. In the event of any dispute regarding market or settlement values, the decision of the Company shall be final and binding. Clients should note that certain markets (such as stocks and stock indices) are not open throughout the day and that trading may not be available when the markets are closed.
The calculation of the price to be paid (or the payout to be received) for financial contracts on this site at the time the financial contract is purchased or sold will be based on the Company's best estimate of market price movements and the expected level of interest rates, implied volatilities and other market conditions during the life of the financial contract, and is based on complex mathematics. The calculation will include a bias in favour of the Company. The financial contract prices (or the payout amounts) offered to Clients speculating on market or index prices may differ substantially from prices available in the primary markets where stock indices or commodities or contracts thereupon are traded, due to the bias favouring the Company in the price calculation system referred to above.
The charting data made available to Clients by the Company is indicative only and may at times differ from the real market values. The Company's decision as to the calculation of a financial contract price will be final and binding. The Company allows the option to sell contracts before expiry time of some contracts but will not be obliged to do so and can suspend this option depending on the current market conditions. Contracts may be amended when the underlying asset value is adjusted by corporate actions during the contract period.
Should a disruption occur in the data feeds which cannot be readily rectified by the Company, the Company reserves the right to refund the contract purchase.
Trading Limits.
The Company may impose volume trading limits on Client accounts in its sole discretion. Current trading volume limits upon account opening are USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 30,000/day maximum trading volume. The maximum account size (i. e. cash balance) is USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 300,000 and the maximum outstanding contract payout at a given time per account is USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 25,000. These limits are increased once a Client is fully authenticated; where the new maximum trading volume will be USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 500,000, having a maximum account size of USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 300,000 and a maximum outstanding contract payout at a given time per account of USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 500,000. If the account balance exceeds the maximum account size, then withdrawals must be made to bring the balance down to under this limit.
إيداع مكافأة.
This bonus will be processed and credited to a client's account when:
The required minimum deposit has been made by the client AND The client has reached a turnover that is 5 times the bonus amount.
Both the deposit and the bonus amounts are clearly displayed when this type of promotion is available. مثلا Get $25 when you deposit $100. By way of example, if you choose to participate in a "Get $25 when you deposit $100" promotion, we will add an additional $25 to your account when you deposit $100 AND when you have purchased at least $125 worth of trades ($25 * 5= $125). The bonus will only be credited to your account when both of these conditions are met.
Once the bonus is credited to your account, you may withdraw the bonus and any winnings generated from it at any time.
Clients may avail of this bonus only when a real money account is opened.
This bonus is only available to new clients. Existing or former clients do not qualify. New clients are eligible for this type of bonus only once. This bonus is available only once per household.
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
The bonus will be added to the account when the required minimum deposit has been made via a single transaction. Clients who make multiple deposits in an attempt to accumulate the required deposit amount will not be eligible for this bonus.
The company reserves the right to cancel/prohibit the use of this promotion at its own discretion at any time.
Free Bonus.
The bonus code can only be entered and activated upon account opening. It will be released to your account upon approval. هذا العرض متاح فقط للعملاء الجدد. العملاء الحاليين أو السابقين غير مؤهلين. وهي متاحة فقط مرة واحدة لكل عميل. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. You may withdraw the bonus amount once you have exceeded an account turnover of 25 times the bonus amount value. Where an account is funded solely by means of a bonus code, the bonus amount plus any winnings can not be withdrawn until you have exceeded an account turnover of 25 times the bonus amount value. ويكون الحد الأقصى للمكاسب المسموح بها على هذه الحسابات 25 ضعف مبلغ هذه المكافأة. The company reserves the right to cancel/prohibit the use of this promotion at its own discretion at any time.
Binary Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions.
This Document This document (the "Agreement") sets out the terms and conditions between "the Company" which is Binary Services Ltd, and you (the person who applied for this program; "you", "your", or "Affiliate"), in relation to your application to setup an affiliate account (and membership of the affiliate program if your application is deemed successful). The Company reserves the right to change any part of this Agreement at any time. We will endeavour to ensure affiliates are notified when changes have been made to this Agreement, but it is ultimately your responsibility to check these terms and conditions regularly. Your continued participation in our affiliate program after we have posted the changes will constitute binding acceptance of such changes. Acceptance By indicating your acceptance of these terms and conditions and continuing with your application to join our affiliate program, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions (or are not authorised to do so), you should not continue with your application. The Company will, at its sole discretion, determine whether or not your application has been successful. The Company's decision is final and is not open to appeal. The Company will notify you by email if your application has been successful. The Affiliate's Obligations Comply with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations (including, but not limited to, advertising, data protection and privacy laws, rules, and regulations) of the jurisdiction(s) in which you operate or target your business. Ensure that any historical trading records and performance figures presented to your referrals related to trading on the website Binary are accurate and not misleading. All affiliate activities must be conducted in a professional and proper manner. You shall be expected to act with good faith and integrity in your relationships with your referrals, and always act in the best interests of your referrals. You shall avoid disclosure or unauthorized use of any confidential information that may come to your knowledge or possession to third persons or external parties. Restrictions You shall not encourage your referrals to take out any form of loans to be able to make deposits and/or place trades. You shall not target any of your marketing, advertising, and promotional activities to any persons under the age of 18 years old. You shall not hold or pool your referrals' funds or third party funds into your own account held with Binary. You shall not resort to high-pressure sales tactics or false promises. You shall not encourage your referrals to make deposits or place any trades where the purpose of that action is (whether in whole or in part) to increase affiliate commissions rather than to benefit your referrals' trading performance and profitability. You shall not place trades on your referrals' باسمى او لاجلى. You shall not purchase or register keywords, search terms or other identifiers for use in any search engine, portal, sponsored advertising service or other search or referral service which are identical or similar to any of the Company's trademarks or trade names that include the word "Binary" or any variation thereof. Neither you, your direct relatives, or any persons you control are eligible to become clients, and you shall not be entitled to any share of net revenue or any other remuneration from the Company in relation to such relatives, friends, or controlled persons. You shall not develop and implement marketing, advertising, and promotional activities which infringe any applicable laws, rules, regulations, or codes of practice relating to marketing, advertising, and promotional activities applicable under the authority of any regulatory body of the jurisdiction(s) in which you operate or target your business. In the event that the Company is aware of an Affiliate who is in breach of any of the above provisions, the Company shall have the right, in addition to any other right or remedy available to it under this Agreement or applicable law, to immediately block the Affiliate's access to this Program. The Affiliate hereby irrevocably waives its rights to, and shall indemnify the Company and any member of the Binary group of companies for, any claim or demand made against the Company or any member of the Binary group of companies, their directors, officers, shareholders, employees or against the Binary website in respect of such action taken by the Company. The Company's Obligations You and the Company are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between us. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf. You will not make any statement, whether on your website or otherwise, that reasonably would contradict anything in this paragraph. We reserve the right to refuse your referrals' application to open an account (or to close their accounts), as deemed necessary, to comply with any requirements we may periodically establish and/or that may be required under applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The Company will provide advertising collaterals with links containing affiliate IDs which may be modified by us from time to time. With regards to tracking your referrals accessing Binary via the links on your website or by quoting your affiliate IDs during the sign-up process, the Company shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that whenever a client is referred to Binary through these links or affiliate IDs, and they subsequently place a contract or otherwise transact with the Company, the relevant client is identified as originating from your referral. However, the Company shall not be liable to you in any way if the Company is unable to identify a client as originating from your referral. Only properly tagged clients can be assigned to you. It is your responsibility to ensure that all links are properly tagged. The Company shall be entitled to exercise any of its rights or fulfill any of its obligations hereunder (including, but not limited to, its payment obligations) through any member of the Binary group of companies. The Company reserves the right to void, delay, or withhold payment of commission fees to you in situations including a suspected breach of a law or a breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Company may change the commission structure at any time at its sole and absolute discretion. We will endeavour to ensure affiliates are notified when changes have been made to the commission structure. Ownership Ownership and content of the Binary website remains our respective properties and shall not be deemed to have been transferred to you through any act or omission in respect of this Agreement. Ownership, content, and liability of the Affiliate's websites are the sole responsibility of the Affiliate. You will be solely responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of your website and for all materials that appear on your website. You will indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation to, attorneys' fees) relating to the development, operation, maintenance, and contents of your website. When the Affiliate's referred clients open an account with any member of the Binary group, we assume ownership of the database of names and contact information and any other data of the Affiliates' referred clients. Spam - We do not condone Spam Any form of Spam will result in your account being placed under review and all funds due being withheld pending an investigation into your account. You need to be aware that Binary is liable to incur expenses in dealing with Spam generated mail and these same expenses will be deducted from your account. In this instance the amount determined will be fair and deemed final and acceptable based on good faith and such amount will be collectable by law and deemed to have been accepted by yourself as fair and reasonable and as agreed to by registration as an affiliate of Binary. Should these expenses not be covered by funds in your account we reserve the right to investigate other alternative means for obtaining payment, for example: should your account have generated purchasing accounts, we will hold payment of commission for these accounts until such a time as the account for damages has been cleared. Payments The Company shall pay you the currently published percentage of net revenues (as detailed on the commission page of your affiliate account) received during the term of the Agreement. The affiliate commission payments due shall only be for bona fide client referrals and the Company reserves the right to disregard duplicate accounts or nominee accounts that the Company sees as non-bona fide clients, at its sole discretion. The Company shall provide you with statements accessible through an electronic system detailing the revenues generated by clients you have referred, if any, which have accrued to you over the course of the calendar month. Such statements shall be updated daily. At the end of a calendar month, the Company shall record your total share of Net Revenues, if any, during the previous calendar month. In the event that a revenue share in any calendar month is a negative amount, the Company shall be entitled but not obliged to carry forward and set off such negative amount against future revenue shares which would otherwise be payable to you. However, the Company shall also be entitled but not obliged to zerorise the negative balance that would otherwise be carried forward. Payment of commission earned for the previous calendar month will be made monthly, on or around the 15th day of each month, and may be credited to any payment method as agreed between the Company and the Affiliate. If an error is made in the calculation of your share of the revenue share, the Company reserves the right to correct such calculation at any time, and to reclaim from you any overpayment made by the Company to you (including, without limitation, by way of reducing future payments earned, revenue to cover any processed chargebacks) before you can start earning revenue again. In special cases, the Company reserves the right to exclude revenue sharing on promotional funds deposited into the client's account by the Company. Should any client for whom you are receiving commissions process a chargeback, the Company reserves the right to deduct the commission portion of the chargeback from the total balance due to you for the current month. Should this deduction of the accumulated revenue exceed your current amount due, your balance will then revert to a negative balance, and you will have to earn revenue to cover the chargeback before you can start earning revenue again. The Company reserves the right, in special cases, to exclude revenue sharing on promotional funds deposited into the client's account by the Company. Commissions will be earned throughout the life of the client, on all transactions the client undertakes at the merchant, for as long as you, the Affiliate, remain a member of this affiliate program. The company reserves the right to cancel the commissions that are not reclaimed after 2 years. You are not allowed to rebate any part commission payment onto your referrals and should the company realise you are engaged in such actions; your affiliate account shall be revoked immediately. Warranties Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants to the other that it has, and will retain throughout the term of this Agreement all right, title, and authority to enter into this Agreement, to grant to the other party the rights and licences granted in this Agreement, and to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement. You represent, warrant, and undertake that you have obtained and shall maintain all necessary licences and consents to operate within any laws, rules, and regulations applicable under the authority of any regulatory body of the jurisdiction(s) in which you operate or target your business. You represent, warrant, and undertake that your website or promotion shall contain no material which is defamatory, pornographic, unlawful, harmful, threatening, obscene, harassing, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable or discriminatory, violent, politically sensitive, or otherwise controversial or in breach of any third party rights and shall not link to any such material. Disclaimer The Company makes no claims that the Binary website will be uninterrupted or provide an error free service, and will not be liable for the consequences of any such errors or interruptions. The Company provides the Binary website on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and gives no warranty that the Binary website will be free of errors, or that errors will be corrected, or that our website is free of any third party interferences such as hackers or any other harmful components that arise outside of the Company's control. Indemnity and Liability You shall indemnify on demand and hold the Company harmless from, and against any and all losses, demands, claims, damages, costs, expenses (including, but not limited to, consequential losses, loss of profit, and reasonable legal costs, if applicable), and liabilities suffered or incurred, directly, or indirectly, by the Company in consequence of any breach, non-performance, or non-observance by you of any of your obligations or warranties under this Agreement. The Company shall not be liable to you in contract, or otherwise (including liability for negligence) for any loss, whether direct or indirect, of the Affiliate's business, revenue or profits, anticipated savings, or wasted expenditure, corruption, or destruction of data or for any indirect or consequential loss whatsoever. Termination This Agreement may be terminated forthwith by either party on written notice to the other party if the other party is in material breach of the terms of the Agreement and, in the event of a breach capable of being remedied, fails to remedy the breach within 15 days of receipt of notice in writing of such breach. Either party may terminate this Agreement forthwith on written notice if a receiver, examiner, or administrator is appointed of the whole or any part of the other party's assets or the other party is struck off the Register of Companies in the jurisdiction where it was incorporated or an order is made or a resolution passed for winding up of the other party (unless such order or resolution is part of a voluntary scheme for the reconstruction or amalgamation of that party as a solvent corporation and the resulting corporation, if a different legal person, undertakes to be bound by this Agreement). Either party may terminate this Agreement on delivery of one weeks' prior written notice to the other party. Termination for Causes If: The Company receives a complaint which could have involved the Alternate Dispute Resolution entity, or the Company believes that you, the Affiliate, is in breach of any laws, rules, and regulations that may be relevant or applicable to the jurisdiction(s) in which you operate or target your business; The information provided during the sign-up process warranted by yourself to be true and correct is determined by the Company to be false or incorrect during the term of this Agreement; You have not obtained and have not maintained all necessary licences and consents to operate within any laws, rules, and regulations applicable under the authority of any regulatory body of the jurisdiction(s) in which you operate or target your business; Termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights of any party which may have arisen on or before the date of termination. General This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all previous agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to its subject matter. No delay, neglect, or forbearance on the part of either party in enforcing against the other party any term or condition of this Agreement shall either be or be deemed to be a waiver or in any way prejudice any right of that party under this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable in whole or part, the impugned provision (or part thereof) shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement and the remaining provisions (including the remainder of the affected provision) shall continue to be valid and applicable. Any notice given or made under this Agreement to the Company shall be by email to affiliates@binary. The Company shall send you any notices given or made under this Agreement to the email address supplied on your application form or such other email address as notified by you to the Company. Any disputes, controversy, or claims that arise out of or relating to this Agreement against the Company will be referred to and finally determined by an arbitration firm selected by the Company. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings will be English. Judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. You are also responsible for any and all costs related to such arbitration.
Binary Application Program Interface ("API") Terms and Conditions.
This document (the "Agreement") sets out the terms and conditions ("Terms") between "the Company" which is Binary Services Ltd ("we," "us," and "our"), and you (the person who registered for the Binary Application Program Interface ("API"); "you", or "your").
Definitions "Binary API" means the Binary proprietary set of programmatic routines, protocols, tools and resources created and maintained by Binary that allows you to use a registered Application to interface with the Binary trading platform. "Content" means any data or content from our Website or accessed via the API. Our "Website" means Binary's website at binary and any other website or service owned or operated by Binary. "Third Party Provider(s)" means the third party (non-affiliated) entity that makes available features and functions through use of the Binary API. About Us and these Terms You agree that by developing on the Binary API, you are entering into a legally binding agreement with the Company. By registering a software application, website, or product you create or a service you offer (an "Application"), you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by these terms. If you are developing on our API on behalf of a company or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to register an Application on behalf of that entity and bind it to these Terms. If you are not authorized, you may not accept these Terms or register an Application for someone else. Limited License Grant As long as you follow these Terms, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, terminable license to use the Binary API to develop, test, and support your Application, and to let your customers use your integration of the Binary API within your Application. Agreement Restrictions You agree that you will not: sublicense any of the rights granted under these Terms, other than as permitted by these Terms; use or reproduce the Binary API other than as permitted by these Terms or use the Binary API for any purpose that violates any law or regulation, any right of any person, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or rights of personality, or in any manner inconsistent with these Terms or privacy policy. Scope and Intent This Agreement governs your use of our API unless you have executed another agreement with the Company that expressly governs your use of our API. You may develop Applications using the Binary API as soon as you register an Application and you agree to follow these Terms. Storage of Content You are not allowed to store any Content (such as feed data). You may store the Application-specific alphanumeric user IDs provided ("API Tokens") or the authentication tokens provided via Open Authorisation Standard ("OAuth Tokens"). You may cache the Content for up to 24 hours from a request for that Content through the Binary API. If this Agreement is terminated for any reason, you must permanently delete all Content, except when doing so would cause you to violate any law or obligation imposed by a governmental authority. Usage Limit The Binary API has usage limits enforced to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of the Binary API. These usage limits may be changed in the future without notice. If you consistently exceed the usage limit or otherwise abuse the service, we may block your access to the Binary API. Follow the Law and These Terms Legal Compliance You represent and warrant to the Company that, excluding the Content, you have the right to use, reproduce, transmit, copy, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute your Application, and that use or promotion of your Application will not violate the rights of any third party (e. g., copyright, patent, trademark, privacy, publicity or other proprietary right of any person or entity), or any applicable regulation or law, and the laws of any country in which your Application is made available. Compliance with and Amendments to These Terms You must comply with these Terms in order to use the Binary API. We reserve the right to modify, supplement, or replace these Terms at any time. Any material changes will be notified to you. Your continued registration with the Binary API and your continued use of the Binary API will constitute binding acceptance of such changes. Other Obligations You and your Application must also comply with the following, which are hereby incorporated by reference: The Binary Terms and Conditions; The Binary Privacy and Security Policy; The Binary Order Execution Policy. If you are an affiliate of Binary, you must also comply with the Binary Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions. In the event of any conflict between the content in this document and the above documents, this document controls your use of the Binary API. If you disagree with any of the provisions in these Terms, do not access or use the Binary API. Ownership Binary Property As between you and us, we own all rights, title, and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to, the Binary API, and all elements, components, and executables of the Binary API. Your use of the Binary API will not confer to you any title, ownership interest or intellectual property rights that otherwise belongs to the Company. Our trading platform is protected under patent and our website, including its content, is protected by copyright laws, and will remain our exclusive property, as applicable. Except for the license granted in this Agreement, the Company does not grant you any right, title, or interest in the Binary API. You agree to take such actions as the Company may reasonably request to perfect the Company's rights to the Binary API. Your Property Except to the extent your Application contains the Binary API, the Company claims no ownership or control over your Application. During the term of this Agreement, you grant us a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable right, under all of your intellectual property rights, to: Publish your name and logo (with or without a link to your Application) on our website, in press releases, and in promotional materials without additional consent; Use, perform, and display your Application and its content for purposes of marketing, demonstrating, and making your Application available to our clients; and Link to and direct our clients to your Application. Contributions to the Binary API By submitting suggestions or other feedback regarding the Binary API to the Company ("Contributions"), you acknowledge and agree that: The Company is not under any obligation of confidentiality with respect to the Contributions; The Company may use or disclose (or choose not to use or disclose) such Contributions for any purpose, in any way, in any media worldwide; You irrevocably, non-exclusively license to the Company rights to use your Contributions; and You are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any kind from the Company under any circumstances. Improvements You also acknowledge that Binary may continue to make changes to and enhance the Binary API and that those changes and enhancements will be owned by Binary. You hereby assign and transfer to the Company all of your right, title and interest in and to any modifications or derivative works of the Binary API created by or for you, regardless of whether they were created in accordance with these Terms; such assignment being effective upon creation of such works, and shall include, without limitation, all rights under any intellectual property laws, including copyright. You shall not take any action to jeopardise, encumber, limit or interface in any manner with Binary's ownership of and rights with respect to the Binary API, or any derivative works or updates thereof or thereto. Any components, parts, or mechanics of any system or API program derived from the Binary API, or Binary's business practices shall belong solely to Binary. Further, you will not, at any time, contest or assist any other third party in contesting the rights of Binary in the Binary API or any other intellectual property provided in these Terms. Revisions to the Binary API We may release subsequent versions of the Binary API and require that you use those subsequent versions. Your continued use of the APIs following a subsequent release will be deemed your acceptance of modifications. You shall discontinue your use of all prior versions of the Binary API in favour of the revised Binary API. While it is the Company's intention that the revised Binary API shall be backward compatible with the immediately prior version of the Binary API, the Company does not guarantee or warrant that this shall be so, and the Company shall have no liability whatsoever to you for any failure of the revised Binary API to be backward compatible with any prior version of the Binary API. The Company may change, suspend, terminate or discontinue any aspect of the Binary API, including the availability of any services, information features or functions accessible by means of the Binary API, on no less than seven days advance notice to you. Limitations on Liability The use of the Binary API is at your own risk, and you assume full responsibility and risk of loss it may suffer as a result of using, or accessing the Binary API. Except to the extent that liability under any applicable law or regulation cannot be excluded: The Company is not liable for loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising as a result of information or prices published on or furnished through the Binary API, or any errors or omissions of the Binary API; The Company shall have no liability arising from orders, investment decisions or purchases of third party goods or services (including financial instruments and currency) based on information published on or furnished through the Binary API; Under no circumstances shall the Company or its directors or employees be liable under this agreement to you or any third party for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential loss or damages or any other similar damages under any theory of liability (whether in contract, tort, strict liability or any other theory), that are directly or indirectly attributable to the use of, or the inability to use, the Binary API, or any content contained thereon, even if the Company has been informed of the possibility thereof. Disclaimers Warranty Disclaimer The Company provides the Binary API on an "as is" and "as available" basis with no warranties, either express or implied, of any kind. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, the Company disclaim any and all warranties and representations, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, accuracy of data, and non-infringement. The Company does not guarantee that the Binary API it provides will function without interruption or errors in functioning. In particular, the operation of the Binary API may be interrupted due to maintenance, updates, or system or network failures. The Company disclaims all liability for damages caused by any such interruption or errors in functioning. Furthermore, the Company disclaims all liability for any malfunctioning, impossibility of access, or poor use conditions of the Binary API due to inappropriate equipment, disturbances related to internet service providers, to the saturation of the internet network, and for any other reason. Security Disclaimer You acknowledge and agree that you are solely and exclusively responsible for the control, operation and security of transactions and communications made through its access to or use of the Binary API. You acknowledge that there are risks associated with utilizing an internet-based deal execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and internet connections. You acknowledge that the Company does not control signal power, its reception or routing via the internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, and the Company shall not be responsible for any communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions or delays you may experience when trading via the internet using the Binary API. Indemnification You shall be solely responsible for, and shall indemnify and hold the Company free and harmless from, any and all third party claims, damages or lawsuits (including, but not limited to, consequential losses and loss of profit, the Company's reasonable legal costs and expenses if applicable): You or your employees' or agents' acts or omissions, including yours or their breach or alleged breach of these Terms; Your breach of any of Binary's rights; Your violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation; Any failure on your part to maintain the security of any security devices or procedures used in or in association with the Binary API; The use, operation or combination of the Binary API with non-Binary API(s), data, equipment or documentation if liability would have been avoided but for such use, operation, or combination; or Any third party claims arising out of, or relating to, your use of, or inability to use, the Binary API. Confidentiality You acknowledge that, in the course of dealing under these Terms, you may obtain confidential information relating to the Company and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates or other third party. Such confidential information shall belong solely to the Company. Security You must promptly report any security deficiencies in, or intrusions to, your Application that you discover to Binary by writing in to Hackerone or by raising a discussion thread on Vanilla Community which is part of our Developer Site. You will work with Binary to immediately correct any security deficiency, and will immediately disconnect any intrusions or intruder. In the event of any security deficiency or intrusion involving the Application, APIs or Content, you will make no public statements (e. g. press, blogs, social media, bulletin boards, etc.) without prior written and express permission from Binary in each instance. Term & Termination Term This Agreement shall commence on the date you first accept this Agreement, and shall continue unless and until terminated in accordance with the Term and Termination conditions set forth in this Agreement. Right to Terminate At any time and for any reason or no reason, the Company, in its sole discretion, may: Terminate your use of the Binary API; or Terminate this Agreement by giving a minimum of seven days written notice to you. You may terminate this Agreement at any time, but only by giving the Company a minimum of seven days written notice. "Written notice" here includes notice delivered by regular letter mail or by email. Termination for Causes If: You are in default or breach of any covenant, obligation or condition contained in this Agreement, and if such default is not cured within seven days of receipt of written notice from the Company; Your use of the Binary API causes damage to the Binary trading platform, then Binary may, at its option, forthwith suspend your use of the Binary API and/or terminate this Agreement without further written notice. Effect of Termination Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, for whatever reason, all rights and license granted to you in this Agreement, including use of the Binary API, shall immediately terminate. You agree to promptly cease all further use of the Binary API. Termination of this Agreement shall not act as a waiver of any breach of this Agreement and shall not act as a release of your liability for breach of its obligation under this Agreement. The Company shall not be liable to you for damages of any kind solely as a result of terminating this Agreement in accordance with its terms. General Provisions Severability If any provision of these Terms is found to be illegal, void, or unenforceable, the unenforceable provision will be modified so as to render it enforceable to the maximum extent possible in order to effect the intention of the provision; if a term cannot be so modified, it will be severed and the remaining provisions of these Terms will not be affected in any way. If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to this Agreement. You may not assign rights granted in this Agreement without the Company's prior written approval.
Complaints and Disputes.
If you would like to file a complaint with regards to our service, kindly contact us providing any relevant details relating to your complaint. We shall investigate your enquiry and a response will be given to your enquiry. We will usually provide a final response within 1-2 weeks (and at most within 2 months) from receipt of all relevant details.
If your complaint relates to an outcome of a trade or a transaction and remains unresolved, it will turn into a dispute. Should you be unsatisfied with our response, you can choose to escalate your complaint to the regulator or to an alternative dispute resolution entity.
Clients registered with Binary (C. R.) S. A. can raise their unresolved disputes with management by submitting an email to complaints@binary.
Clients registered with Binary (IOM) Ltd can raise their unresolved disputes with the alternative dispute resolution entity IBAS by filling the adjudication form on the ADR entity's website.
Clients registered with Binary (Europe) Ltd can raise their unresolved disputes with the Malta Gaming Authority (mga. mt) at support. mga@mga. mt. UK clients registered with Binary (Europe) Ltd can submit their dispute with the alternative dispute resolution entity IBAS by filling the adjudication form on the ADR entity's website.
Alternatively, clients who are registered with both Binary (IOM) Ltd and Binary (Europe) Ltd, instead of submitting their dispute to IBAS, they can make use of the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform available here.
Clients registered with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd can raise their unresolved disputes with the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services. Contact details and guidance on making a complaint with the Arbiter’s Office can be found here.
It is important that you refer your disputes to the appropriate ADR for the claims to be valid.
Conflicts Policy.
We provide here a summary of the policy we maintain in order to manage conflicts of interest in respect of the duties we owe to our clients.
It is understood that Binary Group companies, as trading counterparty, have an interest, relationship or arrangement that is material in relation to any trade effected on behalf of you and it is agreed that any company so interested shall be entitled to retain any benefit or profit received and shall not be liable to account therefore to you by reason only of such conflict.
We aim to establish and maintain and operate effective organisational and administrative arrangements with a view to taking all reasonable steps to prevent conflicts of interest from constituting or giving rise to a material risk of damage to the interests of our clients.
We have in place adequate internal procedures to ensure that you are in all cases treated fairly and that the risk of damage to client interests will be mitigated.
Our Policy.
We aim to keep a record of the kinds of activity we carry on in which a material conflict could arise or has arisen. We also maintain procedures to manage actual or potential conflicts. This includes procedures to maintain appropriate independence between members of our staff who are involved in potentially conflicting activities, for example, through the operation of information barriers, physical separation of staff, the segregation of duties and responsibilities and maintenance of a policy of independence which requires our staff, when providing services to a client, to act in the best interests of the client and to disregard any conflicts of interest; and, in some circumstances declining to act for a client or potential client.
Disclosure: general.
Where our arrangements to manage conflicts are not or cannot be sufficient to be reasonably confident that risks of damage to a client's interest will be prevented we aim to disclose the general nature or sources of conflicts. This is aimed at allowing the client the opportunity to consider whether to ask for more information by sending an email to compliance @ binary, or to continue with the service; we do not aim to provide detailed, highly specific or comprehensive information.
Supplementary Terms and Conditions for Financial Products offered by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd.
These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (these "ST&Cs") apply solely to clients ("you") of Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd ("BIEL", "we" or "us") and will govern the relationship between you and us when trading Financial Products (as defined below) with us.
These ST&Cs form part of and need to be read together with the General Terms and Conditions relating to the use of Binary.
You should read these ST&Cs carefully as well as the Summary Order Execution Policy and Summary Conflicts Policy, the applicable Contract Details together with the Risk Disclosure Notice and any other documents that we have supplied or in the future do supply to you.
These ST&Cs begin to apply on the date we open your account, and, for any new versions after that, on the date we notify you.
About Us and our Regulator.
BIEL is a company established in Malta under registration number C70156 and having its registered office at Mompalao Building, Suite 2, Tower Road, Msida MSD1825, Malta.
We are authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority ("MFSA") under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370, Laws of Malta) (the "Act") to carry on investment business. We are authorised by the MFSA to deal on own account (i. e. offer and act as counterparty to trades) and to execute orders on behalf of other persons, both services are in relation to financial derivative products (primarily binary options) relating to foreign exchange, indices, stocks and other financial products or assets ("Financial Products"). We are not authorised to and do not offer or provide investment advice or any other investment services other than those described above. Should you feel that you require investment advice or investment services other that those described above then you should contact an independent financial advisor or firm.
In providing these services, we are bound by the Act, any applicable regulations, bye-laws, licence conditions, guidelines, exchange requirements and other provisions or market practices (the "Rules"). In the event of conflict between these ST&Cs and the Rules, the latter should prevail.
Citizens of Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Uganda, Vanuatu or Yemen shall be restricted from opening an account with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd.
تصنيف العميل.
Under the Rules, clients may be categorised into one of the following three categories:
Retail Clients Professional Clients Eligible Counterparty.
The level of protection offered and due to each client depends on the category to which each client is assigned. Retail Clients benefit from the highest degree of protection.
Unless otherwise advised, we shall treat you as a Retail Client. You may also request, in writing, us to change the category in which you have been classified and this may have an effect on the level of protection afforded to you. We reserve the right to accept or refuse any such request for change in classification.
Notwithstanding the above, you hereby declare that you are dealing with us outside the scope of your economic or professional activity and we will therefore treat you as an individual retail client for the purposes of EMIR compliance, unless advised otherwise.
We are entitled under the Rules to rely upon information provided by you. You should ensure that you provide us with accurate and complete information and notify us in the event that any information supplied to us changes. You should note that if you provide us with inaccurate information, or if you fail to notify us of any changes to information previously supplied by you, this may adversely affect the quality of the services that we can provide.
Appropriateness Test.
In the course of provision of services we shall, where applicable, conduct an appropriateness test in order to determine whether, in our view and on the basis of the information provided by you, you have the necessary knowledge and experience in the investment field to understand the risks involved in the specific type of product or service offered or demanded.
Where we consider, on the basis of the information provided by you that you do not possess the knowledge and experience to appreciate the risks associated with an investment in the proposed instrument, we will issue a warning to you. Such a warning shall be displayed on the website.
Where we do not manage to obtain sufficient information to assess the appropriateness of the product or service for you, we will similarly inform you that we are not in a position to assess appropriateness.
أفضل سياسة تنفيذ.
Subject to any specific instructions which may be provided by you, when executing client orders, we will take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible results for you. The best possible results will be determined in terms of total consideration, that is, the price of the instrument and the costs related to execution which shall include all expenses incurred by you that are directly related to the execution of the order.
Other best execution factors such as speed of execution, likelihood of execution and settlement, size, nature or any other considerations relevant to the execution of a particular order may also be applied by us in order to obtain the best possible results for you.
Since we exclusively deal on own account in Financial Products this means that we act as the execution venue and accordingly all transactions entered into with us will be executed outside a regulated market (stock exchange) or multilateral trading facility.
The full version of our best execution policy is available on request.
Clients' مال.
Monies deposited by you with us in advance of a trade or pending withdrawal is treated by us as clients' مال. We hold such monies in pooled or omnibus clients' money bank accounts opened with banks or other institutions ("Institutions"), segregated from our own money. Such clients' money bank accounts may be opened with EEA Institutions or Institutions outside the EEA. Where clients money is held with non-EEA Institutions this means that such accounts will be subject to laws other than those of an EEA member state and your rights may differ accordingly.
The Financial Products that we offer to deal in are contracts entered into between you and us. Under these contracts and subject to the specific terms of the relevant contract, in consideration for the premium or price that you pay us, we promise to pay you a certain amount if the reference assets or measurements perform in a particular manner. These contracts accordingly are not instruments that we hold on your behalf and neither benefit from clients' assets protection in the event of our insolvency. Similarly the premium or price that you pay to take out a trade is not held as clients' money but as consideration for our undertaking to pay.
Investor Compensation Scheme.
BIEL forms part of the Investor Compensation Scheme (the "Scheme") which is a rescue fund for investors that are clients of failed investment firms licensed by the MFSA. The Scheme covers 90% of the Company's net liability to a client in respect of investments which qualify for compensation under the Investment Services Act subject to a maximum payment to any one person of €20,000. The Scheme is based on EC Directive 97/9.
Cover is made available on the basis of the depositor rather than on the basis of the number of deposits, meaning that if an individual has multiple accounts he will only be covered as to €20,000 on the global amount. Any other amount exceeding such threshold is not protected and will thus have to be borne by the investor.
Governing law and jurisdiction.
These ST&Cs are to be governed by and construed in accordance with Maltese law and the parties hereto agree to submit to the non exclusive jurisdiction of the Maltese courts.
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الأحكام والشروط.
Version 4. Last modified 2018-12-30.
A. Introduction and Scope of Agreement.
The term 'we', 'us', 'our', 'ours', 'the Company', or 'Binary' shall denote either Binary (V) Ltd. or Binary (C. R.) S. A., depending on the jurisdiction to which a Client's account has been attached in accordance with the account opening procedures of the website. You understand that products based on a random number generator (the "Volatility Indices") are gambling products whereas products based on financial market indices (forex, stocks, commodities) are financial instruments. All products traded on margin carry a high degree of risk and can result in losses as well as profits that exceed your initial deposit. The margin trading services described in this Agreement is not suitable for everyone. You acknowledge that the margin trading services described in this Agreement is designed for clients who are knowledgeable and experienced in the types of transactions described in this Agreement and you fully understand the associated risks before entering into this Agreement with us. You should not sign up to receive the margin trading services described in this Agreement unless you understand their nature and the associated risks. This Agreement is supplied to you in English. In the event that there is a difference between the English version and any translated versions of this document, the English version shall prevail. We will not be made responsible for any damage or loss caused by an error, inaccuracy, misunderstanding or misspelling with regards to the translations.
B. Commencement and Cancellation.
This Agreement will commence on the date you receive your Real Account number, and, for any new versions thereafter, on the date the new versions are published on our website.
C. Provision of Services.
Under no circumstances shall we provide investment advice or recommendation to you or state an opinion in relation to a Transaction. From time to time, we may decide to provide you with written information, which we may publish on our website or provide to you in any other manner. We will endeavour to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this written information but it will not constitute investment advice or recommendation provided by us to you. The provision of the margin trading services described in this Agreement utilises a third-party system acquired via a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, terminable licence from the third-party system provider/licensor (the "MT5 Trading Platform"). You acknowledge that we reserve the right to change the third-party system provider/licensor during the course of providing the margin trading services described in this Agreement to you. The provision of the margin trading services described in this Agreement is not available in the European Union.
D. Capacity.
Binary shall act, at times, as a principal and at other times as an agent on your behalf, for all Transactions entered into, by you. We will hold you responsible for all your obligations under this Agreement in our course of providing the margin trading service described in this Agreement to you, even if you notify us that you are acting as the agent of an identified principal.
E. Account Management.
Opening an Account To open a Real Account, you must have an authenticated Binary Options Real Account with Binary. A Real Account cannot be opened in the absence of a Binary Options Real Account. Your Binary Options Real Account with Binary has to be authenticated within five days from your Real Account opening date to keep your Real Account active. By opening a Real Account with Binary, you represent, warrant and undertake that: You are acting for your sole benefit, and not for, or on behalf of any other person; You have read this Legal Terms and Conditions page in full and understood that you will be buying and selling financial contracts subject to these terms and conditions; You have read our privacy statement and hereby give us consent to process your personal information as outlined there; You are over 18 years of age; You are not resident in a restricted country such as Afghanistan; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Costa Rica; any European Union country; Lao PDR; Syria; Uganda; Vanuatu; Yemen; USA; اليابان؛ Hong Kong; ماليزيا. Malta; Iran; North Korea; Jersey; Iraq; إسرائيل؛ or any other restricted country as the Company may decide from time to time at its sole discretion; You have sufficient experience and knowledge in matters of financial trading to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of acquiring financial contracts via this site and have done so without relying on any information contained in this site. We reserve the right to refuse your request to open a Real Account for any reason, and any Real Account may be closed at our discretion at any time. Assessment of Appropriateness In the course of provision of services, we may, where applicable, conduct an appropriateness test, in accordance with our regulatory obligations, in order to determine whether, in our view and on the basis of the information provided by you, you have the necessary knowledge and experience in the investment field to understand the risks involved in the specific type of product or service offered or demanded. Where we consider, on the basis of the information provided by you that you do not possess the knowledge and experience to appreciate the risks associated with an investment in the proposed instrument, we will issue a warning to you. Such a warning shall be displayed on the website. In accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, where we do not manage to obtain sufficient information to assess the appropriateness of the product or service for you, we will similarly inform you that we are not in a position to assess appropriateness. Fund Transfers Funding of Real Account Your Real Account shall be funded by transferring funds from your Binary Options Real Account, subject to the availability and sufficiency of funds in your Binary Options Real Account. No fund transfers shall be made to any other account in the name of any third party. All fund transfers from your Binary Options Real Account to your Real Account must be made by you. You acknowledge and accept that your Real Account will be maintained in one currency, which is the same currency maintained in your Binary Options Real Account. There will be no charges for fund transfers from your Binary Options Real Account to your Real Account. Withdrawal of Funds from Real Account Subject to the availability and sufficiency of funds in your Real Account, you may withdraw your funds from your Real Account to your Binary Options Real Account. We may, however, withhold your withdrawal request from your Real Account to your Binary Options Real Account, in whole or in part, if: You have unrealised losses on your Real Account; and/or Such withdrawal would result in your Account Equity being less than zero; and/or We reasonably consider that funds may be required to meet any Margin Requirement; and/or There is any amount outstanding from you to us; and/or We are required to do so in accordance with any relevant law or regulation. Withdrawal of funds from your Real Account must be made in the same currency maintained in your Binary Options Real Account. Accounts with debit balance (i. e. credit exposure to Binary) The Company does not offer any credit facilities or arrangement to its clients in normal trading circumstances. You acknowledge and agree that you will not be dealing with us on credit, regardless of the amount of your Account Balance and Transactions entered into with us. Accounts with debit balances are required to settle the full amount immediately by making a payment to us. If you fail to immediately make a full settlement of the sum due to us in accordance with this Agreement, we reserve the right to accrue interest on the sums due from you to us in respect of any Transaction that you fail to pay on the relevant due date. Interest will accrue on a daily basis from the relevant due date until the date on which payment is received in full at the bank's official base rate for short term funds determined by us, and will be payable on demand. Inactive/Dormant Accounts We reserve the right to charge a dormant fee of up to USD/EUR/AUD/GBP25 every six months for every client account that has had no transaction recorded for a period of 12 consecutive months or more. Account Security We are committed to making sure your personal data and transactions are secure: Your Real Account password and login ID are unique and passwords are hashed so that not even Binary staff can read them. This is the reason why we cannot retrieve your password and have to issue you with a new one to your email address if you cannot recall it; It is your responsibility to keep your password and login ID confidential. You agree that you will not disclose your password and login ID to any other person; All credit card details are submitted directly to the Visa/Mastercard network using the latest SSL encryption technology, in accordance with bank policies; Our information security policies are based on industry best practices in access control and business continuity; and We use identity verification services and real-time fraud detection measures to help protect you from unauthorised access to your account. We also monitor account activity for signs of unusual activity that might indicate fraud and work with collection agencies and low-enforcement agencies to address fraud issues. Closing an Account If you wish to withdraw funds from your Real Account and close your Real Account, you may notify us by contacting our helpdesk at support@binary. Your Real Account may be closed if you do not have any Open Positions and all amounts due to us have been settled.
Order Execution/Cancellation/Modification You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to understand the features, characteristics, terms and conditions of an Order and the implications of executing an Order before you place an Order with us. Subject to network latency, we endeavour to execute your Order within a reasonable time from the time you triggered the Order, at the Price nearest to your specified Price. We do not guarantee that a Transaction will be opened/closed following an Order being triggered by you at your specified Price. We endeavour to open or close the Transaction to which your Order relates at the price reasonably available to us, acting in accordance with our duty of best execution. Best execution means that we must take all sufficient steps to obtain, when executing orders, the best possible result for you, taking into account the price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size, nature, or any other consideration relevant to the execution of the order. Our Prices are determined by reference to the price of the underlying instrument which is quoted on external exchanges or dealing facilities that we select at our discretion. Our IT infrastructure and price aggregator system facilitates the reception of quotes from shortlisted prime brokers who act as liquidity providers for us and the delivery of the quotes, derived with reference against relevant benchmark and markets, to you. You acknowledge that our Prices may differ from the bid and offer prices made available by external exchanges or dealing facilities and we are not liable for any losses that you incur arising from such differences. This clause does not apply to Volatility Indices. Stop and Limit Orders We may, at our absolute discretion, accept a Stop Order or a Limit Order from you. We may enable other types of Orders (for example, a trailing stop order) for your execution at any point in time. You may specify your instruction of a Stop Order or a Limit Order may be applied for a limited duration or for an indefinite period (a "good till cancelled" or "GTC" Order). In the case of a Stop Order, you acknowledge that we will endeavour to open/close a Transaction at the Next Available Price. In the case of a Limit Order, you acknowledge that we will endeavour to open/close a Transaction at a level that is the same or better than the Limit you specified, subject to the availability of the Limit Price. You acknowledge that at the time of order execution, our bid/offer price may become less favourable to you. You may not cancel or amend the level of your Stop and Limit Order prior to the closing of your Transaction once the level has been reached. You acknowledge that a Stop or Limit Order placed on your Open Position, when executed, would be capable of closing or partly closing your Transaction. You also acknowledge that it is your responsibility to cancel the Stop or Limit Order that you placed on your Open Positions if you do not want the Stop or Limit Order to remain valid. If you close your original Transaction and fail to cancel the Stop or Limit Order, we shall be entitled, at our absolute discretion, to treat the Stop or Limit Order as an instruction to enter into a new Transaction for you if and when our quote reaches or goes beyond the level of the Stop or Limit Order. You acknowledge that we reserve the right to establish a minimum and maximum transaction size which may be subject to alteration and that we will only execute Orders that fall within the range of the minimum and maximum transaction size. We may, at our absolute discretion, disregard your Order if an Event takes place resulting in it no longer being reasonable for us to act on your Order after indicating an acceptance of your Order.
General Provisions Prior to placing an Order which results in opening a Transaction or increasing an existing Open Position, you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to ensure that your Account's Free Margin is sufficient to cover the Margin required in relation to the open Transaction (the "Margin Requirement"), and to continuously meet the Margin Requirement. Throughout the duration of the Transaction and for as long as the Transaction is open, you are required to maintain a sufficient Account Equity to cover any Margin Requirement. If your Account Equity is less than the Margin Requirement in relation to the open Transaction you wish to create, you have entered into a Margin Call and you are required to fund the shortfall immediately. You may not be able to place an Order to open a Transaction until the shortfall has been funded and there is sufficient Account Equity to cover the Total Margin. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to monitor your Account Balance and Margin Requirement and we are not under any obligation to keep you informed (i. e., to make a Margin Call). Margin Requirement and Calculation The Margin Requirement is a percentage of the value of the Open Positions and will continue to fluctuate in accordance with the value of the Open Positions throughout the duration of the relevant contracts (the "Contract Value"). Margin Requirements can increase/decrease based on the aggregated size of your Open Position determined by the volume (number of lots), contract size (value per point in the original currency of the contract), market price, and margin rate. We may modify Margin Requirements for any Open Positions or new Transactions entered into, at our sole discretion. Formulas for Margin Requirements published on the website are indicative only and may be changed by the Company at its discretion at any time, due to changing market conditions or other factors. Whilst we endeavour to close out your Open Positions if and when the Margin Level for your Real Account reaches or falls below the Stop Out Level, we do not guarantee that your Open Positions will be closed when the Margin Level for your Real Account reaches the Stop Out Level. Stop Out Level If the Margin Level for your Real Account reaches or falls below the Stop Out Level, this will be classified as an Event of Default. In such circumstances, Open Positions are automatically closed in the following order: (i) the server analyses clients' Orders that are not under execution at the moment; (ii) the server deletes Orders with the largest Margin; (iii) if your Margin Level is still under the Stop Out Level, the next order is deleted (orders without margin requirements are not deleted); (iv) if your Margin Level is still under the Stop Out Level, the server closes a position with the largest loss; (v) Open Positions are closed until your Margin Level becomes higher than the Stop Out Level. The default Stop Out Level applicable to your Account is published on our website. However, the default Stop Out Level is subject to alteration at our absolute discretion. Any changes to the Stop Out Level will take effect immediately. We will endeavour to notify you of an alteration to the default Stop Out Level by publishing the revised default Stop Out Level on our website. It is your responsibility to check our website regularly and remain informed about the default Stop Out Level. The Stop Out Level applicable to your Real Account may differ from the default Stop Out Level published on our website. Margin Payment You may make Margin Payments by transferring funds from your Binary Options Real Account to your Real Account. In the event that there are insufficient funds in your Binary Options Real Account to fund your Real Account, you may make Margin Payments by funding your Binary Options Real Account and transferring the funds from your Binary Options Real Account to your Real Account. Margin Payments are due immediately and shall be received in full by us.
H. Regulatory Provisions.
Potential Conflicts of Interest The margin trading services described in this Agreement are conducted over the counter. This means that the market in one or more of the instruments which you ordinarily transact with us, though quoted on an exchange, are not traded on an exchange when transacted through the electronic trading platform as described in this Agreement. You acknowledge that the Company will determine, at its discretion, the Transactions that will be kept in the Company's own book (known as B booking) and the Transactions that will be passed through to the prime brokers who act as liquidity providers for the Company (known as A booking). For the latter, the Company is the counterparty in these transactions and a correlation between the profit/loss made by the client and the profit/loss made by the Company exists. At any point in time, we may be entering into or may have entered into transactions with a large number of clients, each of whose interests may diverge from those of other clients. As such, the Company may be holding Open Positions that may not be aligned with your objectives/interests as an individual client of the Company. Whilst we endeavour to take all reasonable and sufficient steps, as required by applicable laws and regulations, to identify potential conflicts of interests between ourselves and our clients, or between one client and another, that arise in the course of providing the margin trading services as described in this Agreement, by establishing and implementing policies and procedures, it is possible that we may execute certain Transactions which may have other direct or indirect material interests. Given our role as a margin trading service provider as described in this Agreement, we seek to avoid undue market influence to the extent consistent with your trading needs and our risk management policies and procedures. By continuing to use the margin trading services described in this Agreement, you acknowledge that you are aware of the potential conflict of interest disclosed that may arise and cannot be completely eliminated, and you consent us to act notwithstanding such potential conflict of interests. Client Money Money collected from Clients are not invested in any securities, futures, or other investments, on behalf of Clients. The company holds customer funds in separate bank accounts to the operational accounts; and arrangements have been made to ensure assets in the customer accounts are distributed to customers in the event of insolvency. Your account should not be used as a banking facility and deposits should only be made with a view to using funds to place contracts. The Company is not a financial institution. Clients will not receive interest on deposits. Should you make repeated deposits and withdrawals without commensurate contracts being placed, we reserve the right to pass on to your accounts, without prior notice, any bank charges we have incurred before closing the account. Personal Data and Privacy You acknowledge that we may use, store, or otherwise process personal information provided by you in connection with the provision of margin trading services described in this Agreement. You consent to the processing and transmittal of your personal information for the purposes of performing the contract and administering the relationship between you and us. You consent to us recording any telephone conversation between you and us. All instructions receive by telephone will be binding as if received in writing. Recorded telephone conversations between you and us shall be, and remain, our sole property. You will accept recorded telephone conversations between you and us as conclusive evidence of instructions or conversations so recorded and we may deliver copies of transcripts of such recordings to any court, regulatory, or governmental authority without seeking prior consent from you. We may or may not use your personal information to contact you at any reasonable time as part of our marketing activities. You authorise us to contact you by email or telephone to give you information about selected products and services offered by us. Your consent for us to use your personal information for this purpose applies to the period you have a Real Account with us and after you close your Real Account. Please advise us in writing if you do not wish your personal information to be used for such purposes. Confidentiality The personal information that we collect and hold is treated as confidential. Confidential information will not be used for any purpose other than in connection with the provision of the margin trading services described in this Agreement. Confidential information will only be disclosed as and when required by law. We may also disclose such personal information to: (i) other companies within the Binary Group of companies; (ii) any such third parties as we see fit to assist us in servicing your Real Account; (iii) regulatory authorities upon their reasonable request; (iv) any such third parties as we see fit to assist us in enforcing our legal or contractual rights against you, including, but not limited, to legal advisors; (v) third parties as we see fit to investigate or prevent fraud or other illegal activities. Complaints and disputes If you would like to file a complaint with regards to the margin trading services described in this Agreement, kindly contact us by providing the relevant details related to your complaint. We shall investigate your enquiry and a response will be given to your enquiry. We will usually provide a final response within one to two weeks (and at most within two months) from the receipt of all relevant details. If your complaint relates to an outcome of a Transaction and remains unresolved, it will turn into a dispute. Should you be unsatisfied with our response, you can choose to escalate your complaint to an alternative dispute resolution entity. Clients registered with any Binary Group company, and in particular with Binary (V) Ltd. or Binary (C. R.). S. A., can raise their unresolved disputes with management by submitting an email to complaints@binary.
Quote Provision A higher figure (higher to you) representing our offer price and a lower figure (lower to you) representing our bid price for each Transaction shall be quoted to you upon your request. The difference between our bid and our offer price will comprise of the market spread (where there is market for the underlying instrument) and our spread (being our charge to you). The minimum spread (which is comprised of the market spread and our spread) published on our website is subject to alteration, at our absolute discretion. You acknowledge that whilst we endeavour to maintain a competitive spread, both market spread and our spread may widen significantly in some circumstances and such figures will be determined by us at our reasonable discretion. No commission is charged on any Transactions.
J. Trading Transactions.
Opening a Transaction A Transaction is opened by either executing a "Buy" or "Sell" Order based on a specified number of lots (volume) that constitute the underlying instrument of the relevant market. Any Transaction opened by you must be within any credit or position limit in effect with respect to the Real Account or any Transactions. Upon opening a Transaction, the sum due and payable by you to us are deducted from your Account Balance. Closing a Transaction General Provisions An Open Position may be closed by placing an opposite Order, that is an Order to sell (to close a Long Position) or to buy (to close a Short Position) in the same market for the same specified number of lots (volume). An Open Position may be partially closed by entering into an opposite Transaction in the same Market but for a smaller number of lots (volume) as the Open Position. If a closing Transaction in the same market is entered into but with a higher number of lots, the original Open Position will be closed and a new Open Position will be entered into for the number of lots by which the new Transaction exceeds the Open Position. If you have entered into more than one Open Position in the same market, any closing Transaction that you place in the same market will close the Open Positions in the chronological order in which the Open Positions were first created on a first in first out basis. Upon closing a Transaction, the realised profit (or loss), which is represented by the difference between the opening level and closing level of the Transaction multiplied by the number of lots (volume), becomes due and payable by us to you (or due and payable by you to us in cases of realised loss). Trading Rules You acknowledge and accept that a Transaction may be subject to market rules laid down in by-laws, rules, provisions, customs, and practices of an exchange, a market, a clearing house, a body or any other organisation involved in the execution, clearing, and/or settlement of said Transaction. Should any such organisation take decisions or measures which affect a Transaction or an Open Position, the Company shall be entitled to take any action (including closing any Open Position of the client) which it, at its sole discretion, considers reasonable. This clause does not apply to Volatility Indices. You acknowledge and agree that the Company may, at any time without prior notice and at its discretion, change the trading rules in relation to: The hours of closure of the market (for e. g., the hours over the weekend during which trading of certain transactions are not possible); The minimum, incremental and maximum transaction amount; The instruments available on the electronic trading platform (including their availability for trading); The cut-off time for performing Roll-overs and booking of the Roll-over Credit/Debit. This clause does not apply to Volatility Indices.
K. Electronic Trading Platform and Transactions.
All intellectual property rights in the MT5 Trading Platform are owned by the Licensor and shall remain the exclusive property of the Licensor. Nothing in this Agreement intends to transfer any such rights or to vest any such rights in you. Your use of the MT5 Trading Platform, whether accessed through or downloaded from our website or a third-party website, is governed by the terms of use provided by the MT5 Trading Platform Licensor to you. In the event of any conflict between the content of this Agreement and the agreement between you and the MT5 Trading Platform Licensor, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information technology that you use is compatible with the required information technology to support the MT5 Trading Platform. You acknowledge, understand, represent and warrant that you are aware of the functional limitations of the MT5 Trading Platform (for example, Wine, which is not a fully stable application, as disclosed by the MT5 Trading Platform Licensor on their website). We have no obligation and bear no responsibility for transmissions (including, but not limited to, Orders) that are inaccurate or not received by us, due to the functional limitations of the MT5 Trading Platform. We will act on any instructions given, or appearing to be given by you and received by us in relation to the margin trading services provided through the MT5 Trading Platform, as deemed instructed by you. However, it is not our obligation to act on any instructions deemed instructed by you, and we are not obligated to give you any reasons for declining to do so. Instructions received by us from you are deemed final and will not be revocable. It is your responsibility to ensure the genuineness and accuracy of the instructions given by you to us. We will use reasonable endeavours within our control to ensure that all electronic data provided on the MT5 Trading Platform and all electronic transactions instructed and accepted from you to us, and executed by us are not subject to network latency. You hereby agree that you will not participate in any illegal, deceptive, misleading or unethical practices including, but not limited to, disparagement of the MT5 Trading Platform or other practices which may be detrimental to the MT5 Trading Platform, Licensor or the public interest. The Company sources market data from prime brokers who act as liquidity providers, thus executing your Transactions through a pool of aggregated liquidity from top tier banks. The services offered by the Company do not include physical delivery of foreign currency by us or the prime brokers to yourselves. You acknowledge and agree that such data is proprietary to us and any such provider, and you will not retransmit, redistribute, publish, disclose, or display in whole or in part such data to third parties. You represent and warrant that you will only use such data for purposes of facilitating your entry into Transactions with us on your Real Account in accordance with this Agreement and not for any other purpose. This clause does not apply to Volatility Indices.
L. Event of Default.
Each of the following event constitutes an "Event of Default": Your death, your incapacity, become of unsound mind or your inability to pay your debts as they fall due, or is bankrupt or insolvent, as defined under any bankruptcy or insolvency law applicable to you, if you are an individual; The Margin Level of your Real Account reaches or falls below the Stop Out Level; You act in breach of any warranty or representation made under this Agreement, and/or if any information provided to us in connection with this Agreement is, or becomes, untrue or misleading; Your debts are not settled as, and when, they fall due; Rights on Default: On the occurrence of an Event of Default, we may exercise our rights under this clause, at any time and without prior notice: Closing or part-closing all, or any, of your Open Positions based on the prevailing prices available in the relevant markets; Suspending your Real Account and refusing to execute any Orders to enter into further Transactions with you. Whilst your Real Account is suspended, you will be able to place Orders to close your Open Positions, but you will not be able to place Orders which would create Open Positions. In the event of your failing to make a Margin Payment, we may, at our absolute discretion, allow your Open Positions to remain open and allow you to place new Orders to open a Transaction. You acknowledge that, upon allowing your Open Positions to remain open, you may incur further losses.
M. Manifest Error.
We reserve the right to void or amend the contractual terms of any Transactions that we reasonably believe are entered into at prices that do not reflect fair market prices or that are entered into at an abnormally low level of risk due to an obvious or palpable error (a “Manifest Error”). In deciding whether an error is a Manifest Error, we may take into account any relevant information, including the state of the underlying market at the time of the error and any error within, or lack of clarity of, any information source or pronouncement. You have a duty to report to us any such problems, errors, or suspected system inadequacies that you may experience and may not abuse or arbitrage such system problems or errors for profit. We will endeavour to resolve any such difficulties in the shortest time possible. Any amendments to the contractual terms of Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be reasonable and fair. Monies exchanged between you and us in connection with the Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be returned to the recipient according to the amendments made to the contractual terms and conditions of this Agreement. You further acknowledge and agree that we will not be held liable or responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss, expenses or damage caused, or alleged to be caused by, or in connection with a Manifest Error.
N. Force Majeure Events.
A force majeure event, if and when determined, means, (i) the Company, by reason of force majeure or act of state, is prevented from, or hindered or delayed, in delivering or receiving, or is impossible to deliver or receive, any quotation of the bid and offer price of a market in one or more of the instruments which we ordinarily deal in Transactions; (ii) an excessive movement in the market of the instrument or our reasonable anticipation of the potential occurrence of market disruption. If we determine that a force majeure event exists, the Company shall promptly give notice thereof to the client. Subsequently, we may, at our absolute discretion, take one or more of the following steps: Suspend the trading of the affected instrument; Alter the normal trading times for the affected market; Close all or any of your Open Positions at a closing level that is reasonably available; Change the margin rate in relation to both Open Positions and new orders; Change the Stop Out Level in relation to your account. The Company shall not be in breach of its obligation under this Agreement and shall not be held liable for any failure of or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement if such failure or delay is the result of the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event. Nothing in this Force Majeure Event section shall be taken as indicating that it constitutes an event of default. This section on Force Majeure Events does not apply to Volatility Indices.
O. Representations and Warranties.
You make the following representations and warranties to us at the time you enter into this Agreement, and agree that such representations and warranties are deemed repeated each time you open or close a Transaction: If you are an individual, you are over 18 years old and you have full capacity to enter into this Agreement; You have fully read and understood the: (i) Risk Disclosure Statement; (ii) Order Execution Policy; (iii) terms and condition attached to this Agreement; before requesting to open a Real Account with us; You have all necessary authority, powers, consents, licences and authorisations and have taken all necessary actions to enable you to enter into, and perform this Agreement and such Transactions lawfully; The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and each Transaction will not violate any law, ordinance, charter, by-law, or rule applicable to you or the jurisdiction in which you are resident. You are willing and financially able to sustain a total loss of funds (which may exceed your initial deposit) resulting from a Transaction; Any information which you provide or have provided to us in respect of your financial position, domicile or other matters is accurate and not misleading in any material respect. You promise that: You will, at all times, obtain and comply, and do all that is necessary to maintain in full force and effect, all authority, powers, consents, licences, and authorities referred to in this clause; You will take all reasonable steps to comply with any law, ordinance, charter, by-law, or rule applicable to you or the jurisdiction in which you are resident; You will provide us with any information that we may reasonably require to fully satisfy the demand or the requirements of the applicable government authority, upon our request. You will use the margin trading services described in this Agreement in good faith and you will not use any software, algorithm, or any trading strategy to manipulate or take unfair advantage of the way our bid and offer prices are quoted. You shall observe the standard of behaviour reasonably expected of persons in your position and not take any step which would cause us to fail to observe the standard of behaviour reasonably expected of persons in our position. You acknowledge that we reserve the right to void or close out one or more of your Transactions if we observe any breaches of warranty given under this Agreement.
P. Indemnification.
Neither the Company nor any of its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or debt to you arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with this Agreement. You agree to indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents from, and against, any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred arising out of your failure to comply with any and all of your obligations set forth in this Agreement and/or the Company's enforcement against you of any and all of its rights under this Agreement. Without prejudice to any other terms of this Agreement, neither the Company nor any of its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents shall be liable to you in relation to any loss that you incurred whether directly or indirectly by any cause beyond our control, including, but not limited to, any delay or defect in or failure of the whole or any part of the MT5 Trading Platform or any systems or network links. The Company does not make any warranty, express or implied, that any pricing or other information provided through the MT5 Trading Platform or otherwise is correct. Furthermore, if a quote (bid or offer price) error occurs due to a system malfunction (whether or not it's a third party or a proprietary system), the Company will not be liable for any resulting losses that have incurred.
Q. Miscellaneous.
Unless proven to be wrong, our records shall be used as evidence of your dealings with us in connection with the margin trading services described in this Agreement. You agree to use our records as evidence in any such legal or regulatory proceedings and you agree to keep your own record of your dealings with us that will help us investigate any complaints or disputes. If the records used as evidence of your dealings with us are not originals, are in the form of diagrams or charts, or are system generated content, you will not object to the use of such records as evidence. The Binary website is protected by certain copyrights. The materials comprising the website (including without limitation all articles, text, images, logos, compilation, systems, code and design) are Copyright 1999-2017 Binary Group of companies. كل الحقوق محفوظة. Such materials may be copied and distributed on a limited basis for noncommercial purposes only, provided that any material copied remain intact and that all copies include the following notice in a clearly visible position: "Copyright 1999-2017 Binary Ltd. All rights reserved." These materials may not be copied or redistributed for commercial purposes or for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from a member of the Binary Group. Binary and the bull/bear logo are registered trademarks. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by a court or regulatory body of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. In connection with this Agreement and all Transactions contemplated by this Agreement, you agree to execute and deliver such additional documents and instruments, and to perform such additional acts as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate, carry out, and perform all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of this Agreement. You shall cooperate fully with any investigation by any regulatory authority and promptly provide the regulatory authority with such information and records as may be requested in compliance with any law, ordinance, charter, by-law, or rule applicable to you or the jurisdiction in which you are resident.
R. Interpretation of Terms.
Account Balance — Your account balance represents: net of fund transfers between your Binary Options Account and your Real Account; net of realised profits credited to your Real Account and realised losses debited from your Real Account; net of any other money credited to your Real Account and debited from your Real Account. Your account balance includes Margin Requirement. The amount of your account balance in excess of Margin Requirement is available for your withdrawal. The amount set aside for Margin Requirement is not available for your withdrawal. Account Equity — Your Account Equity refers to the sum of your Account Balance and the net of unrealised profit and loss. Account Free Margin — Your Account Equity minus your Total Margin. Binary Options Real Account — Your real money account opened with Binary which you use to trade binary options with Binary. Event — Event examples include circumstances whereby the type of Transaction to which your Order is related to ceased to be offered, or a Corporate Event or the insolvency of a Company whose shares represent are related to the subject matter of the Order, and others. Limit/Limit Price — The price specified in your Limit Order. Limit Order — An instruction to open or close a transaction if and when a price quote becomes more favourable to you when compared against the current price. Margin — The amount set aside by us from your Account Balance in order to open and maintain a Transaction, to cover our exposure as a counterparty to your contract. Margin Level — Ratio of Account Equity to Total Margin, expressed as a percentage. Next Available Price — Earliest price reasonably available and quoted by Binary when our Price quotation reaches or goes beyond the level of your Stop Order. Open Position — The position in a market made by reference to an Underlying Instrument created by opening a Transaction as a result of placing an Order to the extent that such position has not been closed in whole or in part under this Agreement. Order — An execution instruction given by you to us in relation to a Market Order, Stop Order, Limit Order, and etc. Price/Prices — Bid and Offer Price/Prices. Real Account — Your real money account opened with Binary's MT5 Trading Platform licensed from MetaQuotes Software Corporation. Roll-over — In the event that the Company does not receive Orders from you to close an Open Position by the close of a Business Day, the Company will roll-over the said Open Position to the following day being a Business Day. Roll-over Credit/Debit — Accounts with Open Positions concerned by the Roll-over shall be credited or debited with an amount referred to as the Roll-over Credit/Debit which is determined by the Company at its sole discretion. Stop Order/Stop Loss Order — An instruction to execute a Transaction to close an Open Position when the Price reaches your specified Price. Stop Out Level — The Margin Level at, or below, which your Open Positions may be forcefully closed with or without your prior consent. Total Margin — The aggregate of all Margin Requirements in your Real Account. Transaction — A contract entered into by you pursuant to this Agreement.
Information about the data feeds used by our company, and how the data is processed before being fed into the system.
Filtering Stray Ticks.
Depending on the quality of the data feeds received from our feed providers, our servers might apply a tick filtering algorithm. The purpose of this filtering algorithm is to strip the feed of stray ticks. Stray ticks are ticks that manifestly fall outside of the current trading range of the market; such ticks are often due to communication delays with the exchanges or banks that provide quotes, human error, or database problems at any point between the originator of the quote and our servers.
The filtering algorithm may for example be similar to the "Bollinger Bands" volatility system - i. e., short-term volatility bands are determined around the present market value, and ticks that are manifestly outside of such bands are removed.
Smoothing out random noise.
Depending on the quality of the feeds received from our feed providers, our servers might also apply a very short-term smoothing algorithm to the data feed. This smoothing algorithm removes a little of the "random noise" surrounding the data feed, and ensures that clients who buy path-dependent contracts (such as the one-touch or barrier-range contracts) will not have their contracts knocked-in or knocked-out by random short-term market noise that does not reflect the true market price.
Differences with other data feeds.
Our data feed may at times differ slightly from other data feeds found on the internet (who may themselves differ between each other). Reasons for differences in feed providers include:
For forex: The forex market is an OTC (over the counter) market, where banks and other major financial institutions trade currencies amongst themselves without there being any central clearing house. Accordingly, there is no 'official' price source for forex quotes. Different data feeds will contain quotes from a different sub-set of international banks. Accordingly prices may differ between providers, depending on which bank(s) they obtain prices from. The smoothing and filtering algorithms described above. Market-closing times: Please refer to Trading Times page for the exact time of settlement for all contracts. Other websites may adopt a different convention (for example some websites choose 4 o'clock NY time, or 5 o'clock London time). As a result, the open, high, low and closing prices displayed on our website may differ to those on other websites, due to the market-closing time convention. Use of bid/ask prices: when the market is illiquid, the data feed may contain many bid and ask prices, without there actually being any traded price for quite a while. By taking an average of the bid/ask price (i. e. bid + ask, divided by 2), a market quote is generated that reflects the current market, without it actually being a traded price. Our system will generate prices from these bid and ask prices, whereas other websites might not. As a result, our website might display ticks that do not appear in the data feeds of other websites.
Our data feed is designed to be one of the best and most robust available for a trading environment.
Weekend quotes.
Please note that weekend quotes are ignored for the purpose of contract settlement. During weekends, the forex markets may occasionally generate prices, however these prices are often artificial (traders sometimes take advantage of the illiquidity of the markets during weekends to push up or down prices). To avoid settling prices based on such artificial prices, it is Binary's policy not to count weekend prices towards contract settlement values (except for the volatility indices, which are open during weekends).
Privacy & الأمان.
We recognize the importance of protecting your personal and financial information.
The personal information that we obtain about you assists us in servicing your account. We know you may be concerned about what we do with this information, and with financial information about your account. The following outlines our privacy practices.
Use of Information.
The Data Protection laws and regulations place obligations on users of personal data and lay down principles for fair and lawful processing of this information. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We only use your personal information to help us service your account, to improve our services to you, and to provide you with products you have requested. We do not sell your personal information to third parties, but we may provide your personal information to payment providers to facilitate transactions on your account.
Your personal information is used primarily as a way of authenticating you as the proper owner of your account and as the person to whom withdrawal payments may be made, and to process trades. We collect personal data relating to you directly from you when you fill in the account opening form. In the event of any doubt as to the authenticity of your account details or of any withdrawal request, the company reserves the right to request further authentication information as may be deemed appropriate under the circumstances.
The above personal data that we collect will be held by us and processed for any purpose as may be allowed by law or required by any law. We may also transfer such personal data to any company within the Binary Group of companies, any of our business associates or payment providers, whether in or outside of the EEA including in countries which might not offer an equivalent level of protection of personal data.
Please note that our website generates log files that record the IP addresses of accesses to your account. This information is gathered with the sole purpose of assisting in the unlikely event of a need to investigate accesses to your account by unauthorised users. Additionally we may verify certain of the information you supply in the account opening form, or otherwise, with third-party information providers.
Please note that you may update your personal information at any time by logging into the "Settings" section of your account. It is your responsibility to ensure that Binary is promptly and continually informed of any change in your personal information.
By using or interacting with the website, you are consenting to the use of the Google Analytics User ID Feature, which allows Google to capture your Binary login ID (for e. g., VRTC1234, CR1234, MF1234, etc.). No other personally identifiable information other than your Binary login ID, or other data which can be linked to such information by Google, is shared with or disclosed to Google by enabling the Google Analytics User ID Feature.
We also collect basic tax residence information for the purposes of CRS/FATCA compliance. The tax information you provide may only be disclosed to the authorities legally charged with collecting this information for the purposes of CRS/FATCA reporting and only to the extent to which BIEL is legally obliged to collect and disclose it. This information shall not be used, disclosed or processed in any other way at any time.
Access to Personal Data.
Access to your personal data is strictly prohibited with the exception of key personnel of the Company and only as needed in the performance of their duties.
If the Company is legally required to disclose your personal or financial information by law, regulation or pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction or a governmental agency, the Company shall, unless legally prohibited, promptly notify you to that effect, in order to give you the opportunity to seek such protection for the information as it deems appropriate. Such required disclosure shall not be construed as a breach of this Terms and Conditions Agreement.
Security Statement.
We are committed to making sure your personal data and transactions are secure:
Your password and login ID are unique and passwords are hashed so that not even Binary staff can read them. This is the reason why we cannot retrieve your password and have to issue you with a new one to your email address if you cannot recall it. We maintain customer balances in cash or cash equivalent. We ensure that 100% of each customer's balance is available for immediate withdrawal, subject to verification. All credit card details are submitted directly to the Visa/Mastercard network using the latest SSL encryption technology, in accordance with bank policies. Our information security policies are based on industry best practices in access control and business continuity. We use identity verification services and real-time fraud detection measures to help protect you from unauthorised access to your account. We also monitor account activity for signs of unusual activity that might indicate fraud and work with collection agencies and law-enforcement agencies to address fraud issues.
This website does not collect personally identifying information about you except when you specifically and knowingly provide it. There is a technology called "cookies" which can be used to provide tailored information from a website. A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. If you do not accept the cookie, then you will need to input your loginID and password again at every form required to enter into the system. You are advised to choose this option if you have concerns about the security of your personal browser or PC.
This website contains links to other websites and may contain banner or icon advertisements related to third-party websites. These websites and the advertisements thereof may submit cookies onto your web browser and as such are beyond our control. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of these websites, because their practices may differ from ours.
إشعار بالتغييرات.
Any changes in our privacy policy or security statement will be posted onto this website. In the event of material changes that directly affect the economic use of your personal information, we will request your prior authorisation in writing before effecting such change on your account.
You also have the right to request from us to inform you about the personal data that we process about you and to request its correction where necessary. This request must be made in writing to us and signed by you as the data subject.
The Binary website is protected by certain copyrights.
The materials comprising the Binary website (including without limitation all articles, text, images, logos, compilation, systems, code and design) are Copyright 1999- Binary Group of companies. كل الحقوق محفوظة.
Such materials may be copied and distributed on a limited basis for noncommercial purposes only, provided that any material copied remains intact and that all copies include the following notice in a clearly visible position: “Copyright 1999- Binary Ltd. All rights reserved.”
These materials may not be copied or redistributed for commercial purposes or for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from a Binary Group company.
Binary and the bull/bear logo are registered trademarks.
تنويه المخاطر.
This notice provides you with information about the risks associated with investment contracts, which you may invest in through services provided to you through Binary. Binary Group provides a wide range of products including Binary Options relating to foreign exchange, indices, stocks and other investment products ("Investment Products") and binary bets such as those relating to the Volatility Indices ("Gambling Products").
Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, Binary (Europe) Ltd, Binary (IOM) Ltd, Binary (CR) SA and all other Binary Group members are sometimes referred to collectively as "Binary", "us" or "we".
This notice does not explain all of the risks involved in investments or similar products or how such risks relate to your personal circumstances. It is important that you fully understand the risks involved before making a decision to enter into or sell an investment product or gambling product with us. If you are in any doubt about the risks involved with Investment Products or Gambling Products, you should seek professional advice.
If you choose to enter into a Contract with us, it is important that you remain aware of the risks involved, that you have adequate investment resources to bear such risks and that you monitor your positions carefully.
General Risks.
Our services are provided on an execution only basis. We do not provide investment advice in relation to our products or services. We sometimes provide factual information or research recommendations about a market, information about transaction procedures and information about the potential risks involved and how those risks may be minimised. However, any decision to use our products or services is made by you.
You are responsible for managing your tax and legal affairs including making any regulatory filings and payments and complying with applicable laws and regulations. We do not provide any regulatory, tax or legal advice. If you are in any doubt as to the tax treatment or liabilities of Investment Products or Gambling Products available through Binary, you may wish to seek independent advice.
Investment Products to EEA Residents are provided by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd ("BIEL") which is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority under the Malta Investment Services Act to deal on own account in Investment Products.
Before we open an account for you to trade or invest in Investment Products with BIEL, we are required to make an assessment of whether the Investment Products or services you have chosen are appropriate for you, and to warn you if, on the basis of the information you provide to us, any such product or service is not appropriate. Any decision to open an account and to use our products or services is yours. It is your responsibility to understand the risks involved with our products or services.
During our application process, we may ask you for information about your background, experience as well your investment assets and earnings. We do not monitor on your behalf whether the amount of money you have sent to us or your profits or losses are consistent with that information. It is up to you to assess whether your investment resources are adequate for your investment activity with us and your risk appetite in the products and services you use.
Need to Monitor Positions.
It is important that you monitor all of your positions closely. It is your responsibility to monitor your positions and during the period that you have any open Contracts, you should always have the ability to access your Accounts.
In the unlikely event of BIEL suffering an investment default and not being able to meet its obligations, BIEL is a member of the Malta Investor Compensation Scheme which covers the first €20,000 of any claim. Whether you are able to claim depends on the type of business and your personal circumstances.
Contract Risks.
You should not trade or invest in Binary Options unless you know and understand the features risks involved and you may lose all the money invested.
"Binary" or "digital" options are options that pay a pre-determined, fixed amount, depending on whether or not an event occurs at the time the Binary Option expires. Binary Options can have only one of two possible outcomes and allow you to take a simple "Yes or No" مقاربة. Like traditional options, Binary Options are based on an underlying asset such as currencies, commodities, indexes or stocks, however one of the most significant differences from traditional options, among others, is that there can be only two outcomes for the option, either the client is paid the return upon the occurrence of the event, or the client loses the investment amount as determined in each option.
Trading in Binary Options is speculative and involves a high degree of risk that can result in the loss of your entire investment. Therefore, trading in Binary Options is appropriate only for persons that understand and are willing to assume the economic, legal and other risks involved in such transactions. You should be satisfied that Binary Options trading is suitable for you in light of your investment circumstances and attitude towards risk before trading. You should not engage in speculative Binary Options trading unless you understand the basic aspects of such trading and its risks. If you are in any doubt as to whether Binary Option trading is appropriate and suitable for you, please seek independent advice from a investment consulting professional. Binary does not provide such advice. It is your responsibility, taking into account your personal circumstances and investment resources, to take particular care and make careful considerations independently, both prior to applying to engage in Binary Options with Binary, as well as prior to making any individual order. Where you do not understand the risks involved in applying for a trading account with Binary or in making any individual order, you should seek advice and consultation from an independent investment advisor. If you continue to not understand the risks involved in trading in Binary Options, you should not trade at all.
You are advised that the Binary Options offered by Binary are not traded under the rules of any recognised, designated or regulated exchange. Consequently, engaging in Binary Options trading may expose you to substantially greater risks than investments which are so traded.
You are warned of the following additional risks:
Derivative investment instruments such as Binary Options and related markets can be highly volatile. The prices of the underlying instrument which a Binary Options refers to may fluctuate rapidly and over wide ranges and may reflect unforeseeable events or changes in conditions, none of which can be controlled by you or Binary. Binary makes efforts that the quoted prices of each underlying asset that a Binary Option refers to will be reasonably related to the actual prices of such asset available in the market. Binary makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that the quoted prices represent prevailing market prices. Binary may have access to information that is not available to you, may have acquired trading positions at prices that are not available to you, and may have interests different from your interests. Binary does not undertake any obligation to provide you with market or other information we possess, nor to alter or refrain from our own trading. Information of the previous performance of any underlying instrument or asset does not guarantee its current and/or future performance. الأداء السابق ليس مؤشرا موثوقا للنتائج المستقبلية.
Risks of Investment Products.
Investing or trading in Contracts exposes you to the performance of the underlying or reference instrument or asset to which the Binary Contract refers including foreign exchange, indices, stocks and commodities each of which have their own features and risks.
Exchange Rate Risk : Exchange rates between foreign currencies can change rapidly due to a wide range of economic, political and other conditions, exposing you to risk of exchange rate losses in addition to the inherent risk of loss from trading the underlying investment product. If you deposit funds in a currency to trade Contracts denominated in a different currency, your gains or losses on the underlying investment therefore may be affected by changes in the exchange rate between the currencies.
Other Risks : There are other risks that relate to trading investment products and trading foreign currencies that cannot be described in detail in this document. Generally, however, securities, options and currency transactions involve exposure to a combination of the following risk factors: market risk, credit risk, settlement risk, liquidity risk, operational risk and legal risk. For example, there can be serious market disruptions if economic or political or other unforeseen events locally or overseas affect the market. In addition to these types of risk there may be other factors such as accounting and tax treatment issues that you should consider.
Market Opinions.
All opinions, news, research, analysis, prices or other information contained on this website are provided as general market commentary and do not constitute investment advice. Binary will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including but without limitation to, any loss of profit that may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.
Internet Trading Risks.
There are risks associated with utilizing an Internet-based deal execution trading system, including but not limited to the failure of hardware, software and Internet connection. Since Binary does not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading via the Internet.
Accuracy of Information.
The content on this website is subject to change at any time without notice and is provided for the sole purpose of assisting traders in making independent investment decisions. Binary has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on the website, however, we do not guarantee its accuracy and will not accept liability for any loss or damage which may arise directly or indirectly from the content or your inability to access the website, for any delay in or failure of the transmission or the receipt of any instruction or notification sent through this website.
Costs and Charges.
Our costs and charges for depositing and withdrawing money are set out here. Please be aware of all costs and charges that apply to you because they will affect your profitability.
بيان الإفصاح عن المخاطر.
This Risk Disclosure Statement is not exhaustive and is not intended to constitute a comprehensive statement of all the risks to which you might be exposed to and does not describe all risks inherent to forex and contracts for differences that exist now or which may arise in the future. Its objective is rather to provide you with information for you to reasonably understand the risks associated with forex and contracts for differences offered by Binary in our interest to provide you with the best possible trading experience.
Forex and contracts for differences are high risk and speculative.
Forex and contract for differences transactions involve a high degree of risk and are speculative because they allow you to speculate on the short term movements of the price of the underlying financial instruments. You should not enter into forex and/or contracts for differences transactions unless you are able to sustain losses that exceed your deposited funds. It is important for you to understand that in order to realise any value from your open positions, you would have to enter into a corresponding transaction to close your open positions and you may find it difficult or impossible to do so under certain market conditions.
Execution model and counterparty risk.
Binary offers forex and contracts for differences via the hybrid model, i. e., both dealing on own account (dealing desk) and partially hedging client orders with our liquidity providers (no-dealing desk). Client orders are typically hedged when the total transaction volume exceeds a predefined threshold of risk tolerance level. For both execution models, Binary acts as the contractual counterparty to the transactions that you enter into with us, as opposed to entering into a contractual counterparty with a central clearing house as would be the case with exchange traded financial instruments. As such, counterparty risk exists. Counterparty risk refers to the risk of loss for clients resulting from the fact that the counterparty to the forex and/or contracts for differences transaction that you entered into may default on its obligations prior to the final settlement of the transaction's cash flow.
Leverage, in the context of margin trading, refers to the use of margin to increase/amplify the value of a trade. Leverage is expressed as a ratio. A 50:1 leverage, for example, means that you would be able to enter into a trade position that is of 50 times higher than your margin. When you invest in a leveraged product, your profit or loss is based on the leveraged position, i. e., the increased/amplified value of your trade determined based on the leverage ratio you set for your account.
Leverage can be used to generate returns that are of multiple times higher than the amount set aside from your account balance to open and maintain a transaction (your margin). However, investments that have the potential to deliver greater investment returns carry higher levels of risk. This means that if the price movement is against your favour, you will suffer losses that are of multiple times higher than the amount set aside from your account balance to open and maintain a transaction (your margin).
Relationship between Margin and Leverage.
The leverage ratio refers to the number of times your margin (the amount set aside from your account balance to open and maintain a transaction) can be "leveraged" to enter into a Transaction. The denominator of the leverage ratio is always 1. A 50:1 leverage is equivalent to a 2% margin requirement (1 divided by 50 = 2%). The leverage ratio that we/you establish will determine the amount of margin required. As leverage is inversely proportional to margin, the lower the leverage you set for your Account, the higher the margin required to be set aside from your account balance (your margin requirement).
Risk of Stop Order.
The system fills orders on a first-in-first out basis, i. e. based on the sequence of the order received, and this is beyond our control. As a result, you may find it difficult or impossible to close a position at the intended price stipulated in your Stop Order during certain market conditions. The placement of Stop Order by you, though useful as a risk management tool, will not necessarily limit your losses to your intended amounts, in the event of highly volatile trading conditions, since market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders and there is uncertainty about your possible exit price. In short, a Stop Order is not guaranteed because it cannot operate whatever the market circumstances are.
Regular monitoring of open positions.
Trading forex and contracts for differences carries a high level of risk and Binary does not monitor the open positions of your account on your behalf. It is your responsibility to monitor your Open Positions and understand the exposure of your Open Positions whilst ensuring that your exposure commensurate with your risk appetite. Due to the cost associated with overnight open positions, you should consider investing in the market of the instrument in which you ordinarily transact in instead of investing in a CFD.
Risk of slippage.
Whilst we endeavour to open or close the Transaction to which your orders relate at the requested price, acting in accordance with our duty of best execution, there are times when, due to an increase in volatility or volume, orders may be subject to slippage. The difference between the order price and execution price when orders are filled is known as slippage. This means that your order is not filled at the exact intended quoted price when you placed your order. Slippage is usually seen during periods of extremely high or low volatility and generally occurs during fundamental news releases or periods of limited liquidity. Slippages can result in either a positive slippage (more favourable to you) or a negative slippage (less favourable to you).
External forces.
Your forex and contracts for differences transactions with Binary are linked to an underlying financial instrument and you will be exposed to price, currency exchange, interest rate or other volatility of the market to which your financial instrument is related to, especially if the market is of a jurisdiction that is foreign to you. Forex and contracts for differences trading over the internet via an electronic trading platform is subject to data latency risk which may result in delays in order execution.
Summary Order Execution Policy.
We have a general duty to conduct our business with you honestly, fairly, and professionally and to act in your best interests when opening and closing Binary Options trades with you.
More specifically, when we enter into a Binary Option trade with you (each, a "Contract"), we have a duty to provide you with 'best execution'. Best execution means that we must take reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for you when executing an order with you. This document provides a summary of our best execution policy.
You should note that our duty to provide you with best execution does not apply to any gambling products that you place with us, where there is no underlying financial market.
When we enter into Contracts with you, we will take all reasonable steps to achieve the best possible result for you by executing those Contracts according to our order execution policy and subject to any specific instructions received from you. Our order execution policy comprises a set of procedures that are designed to obtain the best possible execution result for you subject to and taking into account: (a) the nature of your Contracts, (b) the priorities you have identified to us in relation to entering into those Contracts, and (c) the practices relating to the market in question, with the aim of producing a result which provides, in our view, the best balance across a range of sometimes conflicting factors. Our policy cannot provide a guarantee, however, that when entering into Contracts with you, the price will always be better than one which is or might have been available elsewhere.
Best Execution Factors.
In relation to Contracts that you enter into with us, we act as principal and not as agent on your behalf and we therefore act as the sole execution venue for the execution of your Contracts.
We are required to take a number of factors into account when considering how to give you best execution. We have rated price as the most important followed by: (a) costs; (b) size, (c) liquidity of the underlying market, (d) speed and (e) likelihood of execution and settlement. The main way in which we will ensure that you obtain best execution is by ensuring that in our calculation of our bid/offer prices, we pay due consideration to the market price for the underlying reference product to which your Contract relates. We have access to a number of different data sources in order to ascertain the market price, which is our objective view of the bids and offers available to arms' length traders.
In relation to some Contracts, at the time at which you give us an order there may be no functioning or open market or exchange on which the reference product is traded. In such cases, we set out to determine a fair underlying price based on a number of factors such as price movements on associated markets and other market influences and information about our clients' own orders.
Specific Instructions.
Where you give us specific instructions, including for example (a) specifying the price of a Contract with us or (b) specifying the price at which a Contract is to be closed, then those instructions take precedence over other aspects of our policy.
No fiduciary duty.
Our commitment to provide you with 'best execution' does not mean that we owe you any fiduciary responsibilities over and above the specific regulatory obligations placed upon us or as may be otherwise contracted between us.
Monitoring and review of this Policy.
We will monitor the effectiveness of our order execution arrangements and order execution policy. We will assess from time to time whether the venues relied upon by us in pricing our Contracts on your behalf allow us to achieve best execution on a consistent basis or whether we need to make changes to our execution arrangements. We will also review our order execution arrangements and order execution policy in respect of material changes either in respect of one of our chosen pricing venues or that otherwise affect our ability to continue to achieve best execution. Should there be any material changes to our order execution arrangements or order execution policy, we will notify you.
سياسة تنفيذ الأوامر.
A. Introduction.
Our Order Execution Policy (the "Policy") sets out the overview and approach of how Binary executes orders on behalf of our clients.
The Policy is supplemented by Appendix A which provide further details to our considerations as they are related to differing asset classes. The accompanying Appendix A should be read in conjunction with this Policy.
This Policy applies to retail and professional clients of Binary dealing in financial products offered by Binary.
C. Definition of Best Execution.
Best execution is the requirement to take all sufficient steps to obtain, when executing orders, the best possible result for you taking into account price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size, nature or any other consideration relevant (hereinafter referred to as the "execution factors") to the execution of the order.
D. Client Instructions.
When we accept an order from you to open or close a transaction, or any other specific instructions in relation to your order, we will endeavour to follow your instructions as far as reasonably possible, acting in accordance with our duty of best execution in accordance with your instructions. These specific instructions include, but are not limited to:
a) The venue at which your order will be executed; b) The price at which your order will be executed; c) The time at which your order will be executed; and d) The timeframe or duration of the contract as defined by your order execution.
Where a particular venue has been specified in your instructions with respect to the execution of an order, we will not be responsible for the venue selection.
Where a particular time or timeframe has been specified in a client's instructions with respect to the execution of an order, regardless of the price available, we will endeavour to execute the order at the specified time or over the specified timeframe in the best possible manner after taking all sufficient steps. However, we will not be responsible for any consequences related to pricing that resulted from the time or timeframe of the execution.
Aspects of a client order not affected by specific instructions are subject to the application of Binary's Order Execution Policy. In the absence of specific instructions from our clients, we will exercise our own discretion in determining the factors that are required to be taken into account for the purpose of providing you with best execution, having regard to the execution criteria listed below:
the characteristics of the client; the characteristics of the order; the characteristics of financial instruments that are the subject of that order; and the characteristics of the execution venues to which that order can be directed.
E. Best Execution Obligation.
Binary owes you a duty of best execution when executing orders on your behalf, i. e., when you are placing a legitimate reliance on us to safeguard your interest in relation to the execution of your order.
In executing orders on your behalf, Binary takes into consideration the following to achieve the best possible result for you:
Price - the price at which the transaction in relation to your order is executed at. Costs - the costs of executing your order comprised predominantly of spread, i. e., the difference between our bid and our offer price. Speed - the speed at which your order can be executed. Likelihood of execution and settlement - the depth of liquidity of the market in which your order is related to. Size - the size of your order determined by the volume (number of lots). Any other consideration relevant to the execution of the transaction.
The factor listed above are not listed in order of priority. Ordinarily, price will merit a high relative importance in obtaining the best possible result for you. However, the relative importance of the listed factors above may change in accordance with:
the specific instructions that we receive from you; the market conditions of the financial instruments that your orders are related to, which includes the need for timely execution, availability of price improvement, liquidity of the market, size of your order, and the potential impact on total consideration.
Our determination of the relative importance of the execution factors may differ from yours during certain circumstances, acting in your interest in accordance with our obligation of best execution.
F. Execution Venues.
Binary offers forex and contracts for differences via the hybrid model, i. e., both dealing on own account (dealing desk) and partially hedging client orders with our liquidity providers (no-dealing desk).
When we deal on own account (dealing desk), we act as principal and not as an agent on your behalf and we therefore act as the execution venue.
Whilst we act as principal in respect of your orders, we also assess the execution venues that we use and upon which we place significant reliance to provide the best possible result for the execution of your orders. These venues typically consist of third party investment firms, brokers, and/or liquidity providers.
Binary assesses the choice of external execution venues regularly (at least once a year) with the intention of achieving a better result for you based on our best execution obligation.
G. Order Handling.
All client orders are processed on a first in first out basis without any manual intervention. When executing your order, Binary will seek to fill your order transaction as promptly as possible, at the instructed price (or at a better price, if available). Exposure limits are established based on internal governance arrangements and risk management framework which commensurate with the size, nature, complexity, and risk profile of our activities. These exposure limits are used as benchmarks to distinguish orders that are auto-accepted and orders that will be worked in the market with fill level passed on to the client.
H. Monitoring and Review.
We will monitor the effectiveness of our order execution arrangements and order execution policy. We will assess from time to time whether the venues relied upon by us in pricing our Contracts on your behalf allow us to achieve best execution on a consistent basis or whether we need to make changes to our execution arrangements. We will also review our order execution arrangements and order execution policy in respect of material changes either in respect of one of our chosen pricing venues or that otherwise affect our ability to continue to achieve best execution. Should there be any material changes to our order execution arrangements or order execution policy, we will notify you.
Appendix - Product Specific Policies.
For features and trading illustration of Spot FX offered by Binary, refer to the Product Disclosure Statement. This policy is an appendix to the overarching Binary Order Execution Policy and should be read in conjunction with the overarching Binary Order Execution Policy.
Binary provides you best execution by utilising a smart aggregation method when managing incoming orders. The smart aggregation method works by:
consolidating liquidity from several providers into a single stream of blended feed; and intelligently routing incoming orders to different types of execution modes based on configurations and algorithms established using best execution factors.
By default, the intelligent order routing system ensures that the top of the book is always comprised of the best bid and offer rates quoted by the competing liquidity providers. However, during times of market illiquidity, this may change with likelihood of execution being the primary execution factor.
Depending on the level of risk that we are exposed to acting as your counterparty, we largely act in a principal capacity of your trades. As such, the execution venue will usually be Binary. However, we may transmit your order to third party liquidity providers, in which case we will determine the execution venue ourselves on the basis described above.
The execution venues are assessed, on a regular basis, whether the they provide for the best possible result for our clients.
Payment Agents Terms and Conditions.
A. Scope of Agreement.
This Agreement is between Binary (C. R) S. A. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company” or “Binary”, “we”, “us”, “our”, “ours”, “it”, “its”) and Payment Agent (hereinafter referred to as “the Agent”, “he”, “his”, “him”, “himself”, “it”, “its”, “itself”), both of whom agree to be bound by this Agreement. The Company and Agent (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”) desire to enter into this Agreement whereby the Company will offer to its Clients local payment processing services through the Agent within a territory as specified in Section D of this Agreement.
This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties and no earlier representation or arrangement or agreement written or oral relating to any matter dealt with in this Agreement between the Parties shall have any force or effect before the Commencement Date. This Agreement is supplied to the Agent in English. In the event that there is a difference between the English version and any translated versions of this document, the English version shall prevail. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by an error, inaccuracy or misspelling and as a result by misunderstanding or misinterpretation of any of the terms and/or conditions and/or clauses and/or provisions of any translated versions of this Agreement. Each Party shall do anything reasonably required by the other Party to give effect to the provisions and/or terms and/or clauses of this Agreement. If any provision and/or term and/or clause of this Agreement be held invalid or void or unenforceable whatsoever by any court or Arbitration or regulatory body or competent authority or any other authority or law whatsoever in any jurisdiction in which the Agent provide its services, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
C. Commencement Date.
It is agreed and understood that the Commencement date of this Agreement means the date on which the Agent account is approved by the Company.
D. Provision of Services.
The Agent may provide its services to Clients of the Company who desire to deposit and/or withdraw money using the Agent. Especially, the Agent may provide its services to Clients who intend to use e-cash or e-payment methods other than those used by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “e-payments”) and/or local currencies other than those accepted by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “local currencies”) and/or local bank wire transfers (hereinafter referred to as the “bank wire transfers”). It is agreed that any deposits through the Agent shall be made as follows: The Client using e-payments and bank wire transfers may make a deposit to the Agent. The Agent, receiving the deposit, shall thereinafter make a deposit to his Binary Account (hereinafter referred to as the “Binary Agent Account”). The sum received in the Binary Agent Account shall be transferred by the Agent to the Binary Client Account. It is agreed that any Withdrawals through the Agent shall be made as follows: When the Client requests a withdrawal from his Binary Account, such request shall be automatically proceeded and as a result the requested sum shall be transferred from the Binary Client Account to Binary Agent Account. However, it is noted that where the Client reaches its withdrawal limits, a withdrawal request shall not automatically be proceeded before the required authentication process is conducted. The Agent thereinafter, shall transfer the requested sum to the Client. It is noted that these transactions fall out of the scope of this Agreement and as result the Company shall not be liable against the Agent and/or Client and/or any other person, under contract or tort law or any other applicable law, for any conflicts or potential conflicts arising out of or in connection with such transactions. The Agent shall not be authorized to offer its services, under this Agreement, to Clients who reside in restricted countries outlined in our terms and conditions (as amended from time to time), which are published on our website, binary.
E. Agent's Obligations.
The Agent shall upon demand provide the Company with all requested information and/or documentation in regards with its operations and competence including but not limited to its registration and/or incorporation, memberships, authorisations, knowledge, expertise and experience. Where the Agent ceases to be competent and/or capable and/or adequate and/or qualified to effectively perform all its duties and/or obligations undertaken and agreed, under this Agreement, for any reason including but not limited to lack of knowledge, expertise, experience, skills and time shall immediately and/or without any delay notify the Company.
In providing its services, the Agent shall:
use its best endeavours and diligence to transfer funds deposited to Binary Agent Account to Binary Client Account; provide the Company with all and any information whatsoever that it may become aware of that may be harmful and/or adverse and/or detrimental for the Company and its reputation; follow and/or implement and/or comply with all business-related directions and/or policies and/or procedures of the Company as amended and/or re-enacted and/or replaced from time to time; fairly and accurately describe its services to the Clients; perform its services and other obligations hereunder at its own cost and risk. Where the Agent owns, or operates website/s, shall: receive the approval of the Company to include any information in relation to the Company; include a disclaimer and/or notice that any intellectual property rights including any Trademark or slogan whatsoever belong to the Company and any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. It is agreed that the Company shall not be responsible or liable for any matter arising out of or in relation to the use and/or operation whatsoever of any website owned or used whatsoever by the Agent. It is understood that the Agent shall indemnify the Company for all and any losses that the Company may suffer arising out of, or in relation to the use or operations of any website used or owned by the Agent. It is further agreed and understood that the Agent shall not use any domain name that includes the name, Binary and/or any derivation or variation of this name, able to give the impression to the average and/or reasonable Client that the Company and the Agent is the same Person. The Agent shall not: represent itself as a representative of the Company or as an authorised Person by the Company in its advertising activities; use the Company’s name and/or Trademark in its advertising activities without a written authorisation to be given by the Company; misrepresent its services provided to the Clients; engage in misleading or illusory or deceptive conduct; engage in misleading or illusory or deceptive advertising; prepare and publish any material or place any advertisements which refer to the Company and/or to its relationship with Company without an authorisation to be given by the Company; abusively or fraudulently whatsoever use the Application Programme Interface (API) of Binary.
F. Company's Obligations.
Where the Company ascertains any mistakes or flaws related to deposits, or withdrawals from or to Binary Agent Account or Binary Client Account, shall, within a reasonable time, take all corrective measures to rectify such mistakes or flaws.
G. Representations and Warranties.
It is agreed that on the Commencement Date of this Agreement and on the date of each transaction as per Section B, the Agent represents and warrants that:
where the Agent is an individual, he has reached the age of 18 years or over and has full capacity to enter into this Agreement; he has all necessary authority and/or powers and/or consents and/or licences and/or authorisations and has taken all necessary actions to enable himself to lawfully enter into and perform this Agreement; this Agreement as well as any and all obligations and/or rights derive from this Agreement are binding and enforceable against him; the terms and/or conditions and/or clauses and/or provisions of this Agreement, Orders whatsoever, the applicable law or any other law will not be breached or violated; any information which he provides or has provided to the Company in relation to his financial position, domicile or other matters whatsoever is accurate and not misleading. he takes all measures required to obtain and maintain in full force and effect, all authority and/or powers and/or consents and/or licences and/or authorities to enter into and perform this Agreement; he takes all reasonable steps to comply with the law or Rules whatsoever applicable to the jurisdiction in which he resides; upon our request, he provides the Company with any and all information reasonably required to dully satisfy any and all demands or requests or Orders or the requirements whatsoever of any government or any other authority;
H. Anti-Money Laundering policy.
The Agent shall provide any and all information and documentation, required in the context of the due diligence that the Company shall conduct, from time to time. The Company, complying with the law and providing its services under this Agreement, shall be entitled, at any time, to request from the Agent to provide all and any due diligence information and documentation related to itself and any other person connected and/or associated with it for the purposes of this Agreement. The Agent represents and warrants that it is currently and it will be in compliance with all laws related to Anti-Money Laundering as well as any financial or economic sanction programmes in a Jurisdiction in which he operates. Where the Agent omits or fails or refuse whatsoever to provide the Company with evidence of his identity or any other evidence as required by the law in relation to Anti-Money Laundering within a reasonable time, the Company reserve the right to cease to deal with him.
I. On-boarding Policy.
The Agent shall submit an application including the following information: name, email address and contact number; URL website (where applicable); a list of payment methods accepted; the commission to be charged on deposits and withdrawals; any other information as requested by the Company. Information outlined in Paragraph 1 of this Section shall be submitted to affiliates@binary. The application shall be reviewed and assessed by our compliance and marketing departments. It is noted that our compliance department following and implementing the Anti-Money Laundering Policy and conducting due diligence in accordance with the law and Regulations shall request and collect all required information and documentation as per Section H. The Company, exercising its absolute discretion, may accept or reject Agent’s Application. Where Agent’s Application is accepted, we shall include all relevant information including but not limited to name, address, website (if available), email address, telephone number, commission rates and payment methods used by such Agent in the Payment Agent list which is disclosed on our website, binary.
J. Events of Default.
Each of the following event constitutes an “Event of Default”: In case of Agent’s death, incapacity or where the Agent becomes of unsound mind; Where the Agent becomes incapable to pay his debts as they fall due, or is bankrupt or insolvent, as defined under any and all applicable bankruptcy or insolvency law, where the Agent is an individual; Where the Agent acts in breach of any warranty or representation or promise made under this Agreement, and/or if any information provided to us in connection with this Agreement is, or becomes, untrue or misleading; Where the Agent fails to comply with its obligations and/or fails to perform any of its duties or other provisions under this Agreement and such failure continues for at least one business day after the receipt of the non-performance notice given by the Company. Where any procedure is involuntarily initiated against the Agent seeking or proposing liquidation, reorganisation, restructuring, an arrangement or composition, a freeze or moratorium, whatsoever in relation to itself or its debts in accordance with the law. Where any law-suit, action or other legal or administrative proceedings whatsoever in connection to this Agreement are initiated for any execution, any attachment or garnishment, or distress against the Agent or where an encumbrance takes possession of, the entire or any part of the Agent’s property, undertakings or assets including tangible and intangible. Where the Agent is dissolved, or deregistered from any records of a formal register whatsoever. Furthermore, where any procedure is initiated, seeking or intending or proposing the Agent’s dissolution or deregistration from any records of a formal register. capable to have a material adverse effect on the Agent’s ability to perform any of its duties and/or obligations in accordance with this Agreement. It is agreed and understood that the Company may unilaterally terminate this Agreement if any of the events mentioned in the paragraphs above occurs.
K. Indemnification.
Subject to the law and the terms and/or conditions and/or provisions and/or clauses of this Agreement, the Company shall not be liable, to the Agent for any matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement. The Company shall not be responsible or liable to the Client for any fraudulent acts or omissions and/or any type of negligence and/or misconduct and/or wilful default made by the Agent. Likewise, the Company shall not be responsible and/or liable to the Client if any terms and/or conditions and/or provisions of this Agreement are breached by the Agent. The Agent agrees to indemnify the Company for all and any losses that the Company may suffer arising out of, or in connection with its fraudulent acts or omissions and/or any type of negligence and/or misconduct and/or wilful default and/or breach of this Agreement. The Company shall not be responsible or liable for any advice on financial services provided by the Agent to any Client. The Company shall not perform any supervisory function in regards with any financial services whatsoever provided by the Agent. Subject to the law, neither the Company nor any of its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents shall be liable to the Agent or Client for any loss, damage or debt whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with this Agreement. The Agent agrees to indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents from, and against, any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses including all and any legal fees incurred arising out of his failure to comply with any and all of his obligations set forth in this Agreement.
L. Modification/Amendment.
No modification or amendment of any or all clauses or provisions of this Agreement shall be valid unless the clear and unequivocal acceptance of such amendments by both Parties.
M. Intellectual Property Rights.
The Company is the sole owner of all rights or titles or interests whatsoever in and to all Binary electronic systems including but not limited to any and all software, e-mail and email management software, including any modifications. It is further noted that the Company shall be the sole owner of all rights or titles or interests whatsoever of data and/or other information generated and/or produced and/or distributed by or through Binary electronic systems and other electronic systems used by Binary, including any modifications. All Binary registered or unregistered proprietary rights including but not limited to patents, trademarks, trade secrets, domain names, URL, pricing information and/or other proprietary rights materials, ideas, concepts, formats, suggestions, developments, arrangements, programs, techniques, methodologies, knowhow, equipment, processes, procedures whatsoever shall solely remain with the Company.
N. Force Majeure Event.
No Party shall be deemed liable for a partial or complete failure to meet its obligations, under this Agreement, in case of force majeure events including but not limited to civil war, unrest, insurrection, international intervention, any governmental actions, exchange controls, nationalizations, devaluations, forfeitures, natural disasters, act of God and other inevitable and/or unforeseeable and/or unanticipated and/or unpredicted events, not depending on the will of the Parties. The Party which is not able to meet its obligations, under this Agreement due to force majeure events shall, within 5 business days after such event has occurred, inform, in writing, the other Party. The Party shall deprive of the right to released form any responsibility, under this Agreement where it fails to duly notify the other Party on time. Force majeure events must be confirmed by an authority and/or government authority of the Party’s residence. If force majeure events last for more than 30 business days, the Party not suffering force majeure events may terminate this Agreement immediately.
O. Confidentiality.
The Agent shall treat all information related to the Company and Client including but not limited to Client identity, financial status, trading or transaction performance, as well as Company’s business plans, price points, ideas, concepts, formats, suggestions, developments, arrangements, programs, techniques, methodologies, knowhow, equipment, whatsoever as confidential (hereinafter referred to as the “Confidential Information”). The Agent shall not produce any copies of any Confidential Information and/or any content based on the concepts contained within the Confidential Information for personal use and/or for distribution, without the Company’s request. It is agreed that Confidential Information shall be considered as confidential even after the termination of the business relationship established under this Agreement or any other agreement or arrangement between the Parties. It is noted that immediately upon termination of the relationship between the Company and the Agent, the Agent shall return to the Company any documents pertaining to the Company’s business whatsoever which are in the Agent’s possession.
P. Termination.
Subject to the provisions of Sections J and N of this Agreement, it is agreed and understood that any of the Parties may terminate this Agreement by giving 7 days written notice to the other Party.
الخدمات المصرفية.
شريك معنا.
يتم تسويق هذا الموقع في المملكة المتحدة وجزيرة مان من قبل ثنائي (المنظمة الدولية للهجرة) المحدودة، الطابق الأول، بيت الألفية، طريق فيكتوريا، دوغلاس، IM2 4RW، جزيرة مان، الجزر البريطانية، مرخصة ومنظمة من قبل (1) اللجنة في جزيرة مان، الجزر البريطانية، رخصة المقامرة عبر الإنترنت الحالية الصادرة في 31 أغسطس 2018، وبالنسبة لعملاء المملكة المتحدة من قبل (2) لجنة المقامرة في المملكة المتحدة - عرض الترخيص. يتم تسويق هذا الموقع في بقية الاتحاد الأوروبي، للمنتجات الاستثمارية من قبل بيناري للاستثمارات (أوروبا) المحدودة، مبنى مومبالاو، جناح 2، برج الطريق، مسيدا MSD1825، مالطا، مرخصة ومنظمة كمقدم 3 خدمات الاستثمار مزود من قبل مالطا هيئة الخدمات المالية (ترخيص رقم إس / 70156)، ومنتجات الرهان من قبل شركة بيناري (أوروبا) المحدودة، مبنى مومبالاو، سويت 2، تاور رود، مسيدا MSD1825، مالطا، مرخصة ومنظمة من قبل (1) مالطا، ترخيص لا مغا / CL2 / 118/2000، 26 مايو 2018 وبالنسبة للعملاء في المملكة المتحدة من قبل (2) لجنة المقامرة في المملكة المتحدة - عرض الترخيص، وللزبائن الايرلنديين من قبل (3) مفوضي الإيرادات في أيرلندا، الحالي مراهنات عن بعد & # x27 ؛ الترخيص الصادر في 1 يوليو 2017 (ترخيص رقم 1010285). لا تتوفر خدمات موقع الويب هذه في بلدان معينة مثل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أو كوستاريكا أو هونغ كونغ أو للأشخاص الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عاما.
التداول الخيارات الثنائية قد لا تكون مناسبة للجميع، لذا يرجى التأكد من أنك تفهم تماما المخاطر التي ينطوي عليها. يمكن أن تتجاوز خسائرك الإيداع الأولي ولا تملك أي مصلحة في الأصل الأساسي أو تكون لديك أي مصلحة فيها. وفيما يتعلق بالخيارات الثنائية التي هي منتجات القمار، تذكر أن القمار يمكن أن يكون الادمان - يرجى اللعب بمسؤولية. اقرأ عن التداول المسؤول.
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